*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Valve have sent me 7 more copies of this to give out, if you would like one please respond here and add me from my sig below so I can give it direct though steam.

Had Gyro down as the hero with the most first bloods 2 out of 3 so far :)

Surprised to see Slark in two games so far, looking forward to the rest of the games.
Had Gyro down as the hero with the most first bloods 2 out of 3 so far :)

Surprised to see Slark in two games so far, looking forward to the rest of the games.

I went Naix, was so close in game one with second kill :D

Gone magnus most picked and most banned, not looking too good so far though :(

1 rapier down :D
I went for Wisp as the most banned, was either that or Bat for me :p

Went for Rubick as the most picked, should have stuck with my original choice Furion I think though. He seems to be making a come back and isn't as ban worthy as other heroes in the first stage at least.
I went wisp most banned dark seer most picked and rubick most dead, the others though are hard to guess went for 30-35 unpicked heros.
Guys try this 'dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games 65005' in console, will reconnect constantly for you and hopefully you get in.
GD studio? Surely the best studio :P Bruno/2GD are by a mile the funniest of the lot but the play and colour guys are fairly OK. Tobi's doing it as well isn't he? I could pick his stream ingame to listen to earlier.

5 rapiers will be easy btw ;) . A lot of my friends picked similar to you chaps (bat most banned, naix most picked) but I'm impressed with the suggestion of gyro for fb, that's a good shot there. While I do love to watch slarks play I get the suspicion it was a pick based on the opponent being poor to counter him a bit. That Omni got wrecked though, holy crap that game was horrific for him :(

There was a comment earlier that valve would try to fix the spec system, I think they might have underestimated even the quals viewership.
Ok, now I feel silly! Not watched much of Bruno and 2GD, but they style just felt so awkward, though the stats were pretty cool. But now I've found a tobi stream I am happy. Didn't think to look because I assumed that the one big stream would be it XD
Recently got in to this, really enjoying it.

Quite brutal early game but learning where I can.

Anyone willing to join me for some games tonight? Could do with someone willing to advise :)
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