Cheers Kamwah, i think i have your Skype so i'll message you for a game sometime soon.
Just playing co-op vs bots but enjoying lion, decent stun, a big DD and lolfrog although the mana leach is a little pointless.
I love this game lol.
8 hours played over the weekend sprinkled with some Borderlands 2.
Just watched the N'avi V IG final on Youtube. think it was this years, not sure. very enjoyable though!
Awesome isn't it. I played a bit of HoN in the past so thought i'd give this a go. Sat down sunday to play a game or two, turns out I spent around 7 hours playing
Haha, its so easy to get lost in time whilst playing this. Especially considering each game lasts between 30min to 1 hour!
Might start playing random pick now, just to get an idea on each character.
One thing that Im a bit confused with still is the shop. Such a range of items to pick from that I usually just go for the suggested ones, however when I read guides on builds for different characters they suggest completely different items so I'm not sure which ones I should be working towards.
If you don't understand why item x is suggested feel free to ask here. The shop "suggested" items are just to get you going really, think of it as training items that will do well whatever your build is but going offtrack to counter a specific lineup is perfectly fine too.
A good example I guess is that force staff is virtually never in the suggested items for supports/disablers (assuming you're doing fine with buying wards) but if you're having a great game with excess gold it is godlike for positioning and a great pickup after a Mek. Likewise, a ghost scepter counters heavy melee lineups from jumping you, a Euls interupts any channel or gets rid of that pesky void when he uses chronosphere, you get the idea.
Hello, is anyone on now? is my steam id. add me let's play some games.
i use skype, mumble and ventrilo so far for coms
I got so annoyed with having no luck getting a beta key I just bought one, downloading it now, can't wait, going to be awful at it but hey ho. Watching videos whilst it downloads to help me.