*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Carry you need to find your farm then you need to farm it correctly meanwhile watch for ganks and if possible do some ganking yourself and you must win the game for the team makes you the most important one role.Support all you got to do is buy wards/de-ward do some ganking easy.If do the above and still lose the game you can always blame the carry :D

Where did you go last night?! CK Wisp rolled us without that initiation..
So I had my first 2 OcUK games last night. I feel bad lol. Too many deaths by me and I was on the death end of first blood both matches.

I have the say, public matches seem so different from team games/tournament games. Team games feels better, but I know I need to up my game as well as try even more heroes. I really need to get gold quicker and learn what items to buy.
lol, once you learn the ward spots which should be like 3 games max or a quick look at a guide its easy. Carries have stuns too, need to know when to stun, when not to stun because it may stack with the supports, and not to feed? everyone needs to not feed.

I'd say that was untrue. I still see games where people don't buy wards because they're building items.

Enigma is one of the hardest classes you can play in my honest opinion. you're weak as anything, and you have to spend your time jungling, making sure you don't get invis ganked. keep on top of warding, and landing those quite difficult black holes at the right time.

It's always down to the classes that you pick, counters and how good you are with that class.
Yeah but I was talking about supports like venge/cm who sit in lane with the carry, not enigma. And you mean hero, not class?:P
Was one of the more balanced matches untill we lost batrider, its ok though sneaky picked up the slack, 2 heros at once? No problem :D

I can barely play 1 hero at once :(

I thought one of the more pro players would pick up the initiator, but they left it to the noobiest player on the team.
Just had a match that ended with these items.


I landed some awesome CK relocates and got pudge out of dying with tether, overcharge (before the hearts).
Looking forward to the day I won't be described as one of the bad players.

If you were described as bad by me I apologise. It's purely in the interest of balancing the teams and the experienced vs inexperienced ratio. We had a lot of new guys on last night but managed to keep it fairly balanced.
I tell you what they do have in Kenya..

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