*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Have you tried the method i posted a while a go?

What problem are you getting exactly?

Not sure what problem he is having, but my problem is as follows :

Got mine working now, but missus copy does the following, launcher starts up, set on EU , play button showing, she has an ESO EU folder. Theres a pause for a couple of seconds after the launcher starts up , then it comes up with a window which says "already downloading". Clicking play causes nothing to happen, game doesnt launch. Have repaired twice now, nothing changed.
its not coming up with the mitagate thing anymore its just trying to relinstall the game ive checked server location in options and it is eu
I have 2 files one eu and one none eu but ive already done the name change thing so the full files is the eu one but its trying to install game fully again into the other one.

Just checked agaihn by removing the none eu file and once again its put it back in and trying to reinstall a none eu copy.
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Not sure what problem he is having, but my problem is as follows :

Got mine working now, but missus copy does the following, launcher starts up, set on EU , play button showing, she has an ESO EU folder. Theres a pause for a couple of seconds after the launcher starts up , then it comes up with a window which says "already downloading". Clicking play causes nothing to happen, game doesnt launch. Have repaired twice now, nothing changed.

Have you tried skipping the launcher all together and loading the game with the .exe?
I have 2 files one eu and one none eu but ive already done the name change thing so the full files is the eu one but its trying to install game fully again into the other one

Open the launcher and click the cog wheel in the top right hand corner and make sure its set to European Megaserver.

Sounds like your downloading the American client and your set to the American servers.
looks like my copy is totaly borked bit the bullet and doing reinstall and the speed its going might get in just before the close the beta monday.
Who is everyone so keen for the EU server just for a couple of day test?

Mainly because my guild is doing a test run of forming the guild in this beta, so I kind of want to be with them for the test run. On top of that, I would rather get any issues regarding connecting to EU servers out of the way now, than encounter them on day one. (or as much as possible anyway)
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