*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Unless you have an agenda like the WS trio. ;)

And is quickly rebutted by:


Sage confirms that Matt Firor simply picked his words poorly when he mentioned there would be a cash shop on top of the subscription fee. Sage says that Firor was talking about things like name changes – things you cannot normally do in the course of your gameplay. He even states that to his knowledge there is no cash shop.


Seriously, you hate this game, why are you still trying to cause trouble and spread false information?

I really think we need to see this again, just for the comedy value. It's unfortunate that the huge hysterical yellow font didn't copy across, but you can't have everything.

Just to throw my own two cents in, it's presence doesn't bother me in the slightest, but the fact that it makes Latex look so ridiculous is quite pleasing :)
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Who gives a monkeys really? i mean come on, what does it matter if you can buy a mount? do you use them in pvp? or in raids? dungeons? they are a little quality of life improvement for travelling around, and maybe a small epeen extension for some odd folks.

But in reality it matters little

Yeah, that's my view really. However, people are getting rather excited about it, but then that's no surprise, MMO fans love whinging!
I really think we need to see this again, just for the comedy value. It's unfortunate that the huge hysterical yellow font didn't copy across, but you can't have everything.

Just to throw my own two cents in, it's presence doesn't bother me in the slightest, but the fact that it makes Latex look so ridiculous is quite pleasing :)

Your one of us though (it doesn't matter that you've bought imperial edition). No cash shop though that's just something we spread cos we hate
I haven't actually got a whole lot of interest in Wildstar at this stage, I'm not quite sure where he picked that up. It would be funny if it wasn't also vaguely scary :(
What's in the cash shop is not the problem, the biggest problem in my mind is that the shop is a direct response to people whinging. This is exactly what ruined Rift - the "fans" constantly moaned about stuff until Trion changed things.

When they finished, Rift was WoW - everything became soloable, hard stuff turned into easy stuff and you could join queues for pretty much everything, to play in silence with people you didn't even know.

I don't want this to happen to ESO to be honest :(
Evil Sleepery quite likes the idea of making a guild called "The Wildstar Trio" and following Latex around in-game at every opportunity, talking in loud voices about how much better Wildstar is going to be than ESO.

But honestly, I would really just like to try this out without being harassed at every turn. From what I've read I suspect I'll quite like it.
Thing is with the decline of DAOC many moons ago, tons of die-hard DAOC pvpers have been waiting for the 2nd coming, WAR was promised to be it, it wasnt, GW2 was rumored to be it, it wasnt, TESO is probably the closest to it so far though, so regardless of cash shops and pve etc, if the PVP is up to scratch this game will get a healthy playerbase, as long as they keep buffbots out which they seem to have done, and dont bend to player whining with regards to PVP which they never really did with DAOC, it should be a winner

It does have some very good ideas and game mechanics. It's just not been implemented very well. But that's the end of that as discussion is outlawed in here. I hope u enjoy it though dude
When you load the launcher, it will detect that you should be playing on the EU megaserver and do you want to migrate to that now.

CLICK DECLINE and DECLINE again, otherwise you will download the entire game again.

After you have clicked decline, go to "x:\xxxx\Zenimax Online" (xxx is where you personally installed it) and check you have the folder called "The Elder Scrolls Online" and its 30gb in size.

Then just copy and paste it to the same location. You will get 2 folders then "The Elder Scrolls Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy". Now all you need to do is rename "The Elder Scrolls Online - Copy" to "The Elder Scrolls Online EU" and reload the launcher.

If it asks you to migrate DECLINE it again, it'll download a small patch and then your done.

To check your game is working OK, click the cog wheel in the top right, make sure it says your on the European Megaserver. Apply and click play.

Enter in your personal details and it should say it can't find any servers. This tells you your client is fine.

If your concerned you can run the repair tool to check your installation too. The above process i followed and mine is working fine.

Also BTW its running a really up to date client. I think they are throwing everything at us this beta.

Thanks for this lateX'dog I did it and it worked fine(had to change the server in the setting to Europe after I had done it though but all working fine.
Should I delete the old (non EU) game folder now (the one I copied and pasted from)?

This beta I'm purely going to try out various builds to decide what I want to start the game with on release trying not to play through the game very much (only got to level 6 overall) does anyone know any good sites for builds people have theory crafted or played? I'm thinking of building a necromancer/damage over time through evil means type build or a good sorcerer build/battle mage.

Is there going to be a ocuk guild for this game? If not does anyone know any guilds/clan that would welcome a new member who are going to be playing this?
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This game needs speech bubbles desperately. MMO's are supposed to be a social experience, and currently it's difficult to work out who's saying what and to whom. Half the time you completely miss anything said in /say, as do those you try to talk to.

Optional speech bubbles are a must!
Evil Sleepery quite likes the idea of making a guild called "The Wildstar Trio" and following Latex around in-game at every opportunity, talking in loud voices about how much better Wildstar is going to be than ESO.

You've given me a reason to buy it now :D
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