*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Looks solid to me, cant wait to get stuck in with my DK Sneaky Bow and 2H user going to suprise a lot of people when i ping arrows into them then charge in with a ruddy great 2h and smash their heads in haha

This for me is one of the more exciting elements of the game.

Most mmo you know what to expect when you see someone coming over the hill, the level of flexibility in the game makes it largely impossible to guess what you are walking into which will certainly keep you on your toes :)
Yep exactly, you are going to have to weigh up every enemy and almost try and figure out what they are by what they are wearing and wielding and even then you cant be sure as they can whip out a 2nd weapon.

I fully expect a lot of people in pvp to spec a 2nd line into healing of some form, whether it be lifetapping or just straight up healing.

I was looking at builds earlier and i havent pvpd seriously in any mmo since DAOC and it made me realise how important picking skills that keep you alive are, such as snare breakers and energy regens, dmg reductions etc.
Love to 'arrow to the knee' scar option! :D

Also, that guy making that video to show the weight of combat really missed a trick by not having the two hander uppercut skill. Even before CD that had some serious impact behind it.

Can't believe still have to wait over a week and a half :(
Desperately seeking a guild with former DAOC players! having a hunt around the old forum i used to hang out on to see if theres any old DAOC players i remember heading to this! :)
id be willing to help form up a guild tbh, if we could come up with a decent name and whatnot and agree on type of guild, i cant do hardcore anymore, wife and kids come first, but can happily commit a few hours each night to running around pvp zones and pve zones with like minded individuals whooping butt and having fun :)

I think theres a few freebie websites to setup a guild on also right?
Don't forget you can be in up to five guild simultaneously Tombstone.

Not that anyone would want to play with a neo-fascist Dominion player ;)

I can just about keep up with who's who in 1 guild, let alone multiple guilds !! :D

For anyone who is after a job, I have just heard that Zenimax are hiring 250 people in Ireland for EU support. Not a bad number of personnel :)
Good to see one is getting set up for the oc crowd. I'll be in my usual guild of course but hopefully I'll bump into some of you as I run around !

I've applied for your guild actually I think (the older gamers?) Still waiting to see if I get accepted though been nearly two days lol (MrAmbrosius)
Is it a pretty active guild?
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I've applied for your guild actually I think (the older gamers?) Still waiting to see if I get accepted though been nearly two days lol (MrAmbrosius)
Is it a pretty active guild?

Hugely active, thousands of members , split into North American / Europe / Oceanic branches. Cover all manner of FPS, MMOs and other online games. I'll take a look and see whats what with your application.
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