*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Hugely active, thousands of members , split into North American / Europe / Oceanic branches. Cover all manner of FPS, MMOs and other online games. I'll take a look and see whats what with your application.

I've prodded it along a little :)

Thanks tombstone!
Brilliant that's exactly what I'm looking for when looking around the site it did seem like it was a pretty active guild and with multiple games that they play and support,are there many people looking to play ESO on there? What faction is it looking like they are gonna choose?
Thanks tombstone!
Brilliant that's exactly what I'm looking for when looking around the site it did seem like it was a pretty active guild and with multiple games that they play and support,are there many people looking to play ESO on there? What faction is it looking like they are gonna choose?

Yeah there a strong ESO faction within the guild, other games which the guild is currently in are ( Planetside 2, Rust, Titanfall, Star Citizen , EQ Landmark, Torchlight 2, DOTA 2, DCS series, Diablo 3, League of Legends, Arma series, Battlefield series, Call of Duty series, Counterstrike, DayZ, War Thunder, World of Tanks, Eve, FFXIV, Guild Wars 2, LOTR Online, Neverwinter, SWTOR, WoW) ... so you'll find a few options once you can access the sections. Currently we have around 50,000 guild members worldwide.

There is a poll for the TOG EU faction choice , its still running, currently AD is leading the vote, slightly ahead of DC :)
Just a few choices then! Hahaha I play a few of those games too so that will be quite good.
Yeah I heard that number being floated about was huge so took it with a massive pinch of salt but that's awesome that its true its what u need in such a multi game guild to be honest to make it feel active.

Looks like u have been signed up with them for awhile now.

Thanks again for giving my application a nudge very much appreciated.

Excited to get in there and see what's going on,so so excited about eso!
Just a few choices then! Hahaha I play a few of those games too so that will be quite good.
Yeah I heard that number being floated about was huge so took it with a massive pinch of salt but that's awesome that its true its what u need in such a multi game guild to be honest to make it feel active.

Looks like u have been signed up with them for awhile now.

Thanks again for giving my application a nudge very much appreciated.

Excited to get in there and see what's going on,so so excited about eso!

Yeah I've been with them for several years in one game or another, generally speaking, once a Togger, always a Togger, all members are free to come and go as they please and its often the case that a member will return to the guild for a game , after a period of time away.

There's loads of forums for you to catch up with once your access is granted, if you scroll down to the MMO section , you'll find the ESO section.
Any good at website stuffs? :) i was going to have a look tonight when in from work, i setup that guildportal one in about 2min but it will need some work prettying it up etc

I'm not but my brother is and he will be active in the game too, i'll speak to him tonight to see what we can get in motion....1st of all we need a name and we need to pick an alliance?
Yeah I've been with them for several years in one game or another, generally speaking, once a Togger, always a Togger, all members are free to come and go as they please and its often the case that a member will return to the guild for a game , after a period of time away.

There's loads of forums for you to catch up with once your access is granted, if you scroll down to the MMO section , you'll find the ESO section.

Tomb do you have a link to your guild website?

Over 30 more chilled gamer here so a steady and mature environment would be great for me!
Non instances world content us good! :D

Nothing more fun in an vanilla/tbc than smashing someone's we planned raid when the boss is almost dead :D

Also, cheers Tomb, will have a look.
Sure, www.theoldergamers.com , if you like what you see, post in The Barracks section on the forums

Tomb ive slapped an app in also, i thought about setting up an OCUK guild for TESO but i just dont think i have the time with the wife and kids and whatnot to actually run a website and guild for a game, i'd much rather be led and leave the leading to others, god knows i do another ordering around at work, i dont want to take that home with me haha
Tomb ive slapped an app in also, i thought about setting up an OCUK guild for TESO but i just dont think i have the time with the wife and kids and whatnot to actually run a website and guild for a game, i'd much rather be led and leave the leading to others, god knows i do another ordering around at work, i dont want to take that home with me haha

lol, no probs, theres a slight delay in processing the applications at the moment. New MMO influx and all that ! But the powers that be are making their way through them all :)

Be sure to follow the guidelines in the Potential Members sticky, there are often people who miss the part about setting the 3 fields to yes ;)
Just applying for TOGS myself Tombstone, thanks for bringing it to the attention on the forums, a lot of games there that I play and also looking for a mature gamers clan.
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