it's great but I'm a casual gamer how do I fit into his post. He seems to spend every waking minute of his families life on the game.
5 minutes to get back to a fight. 30 mins to find someone to fight sounds like it's not at all built for the casual player.
I've pre-ordered but when will my 30 days start when I first log in? If they aim for before easter start I won't be able to play until end of April.
Sorry mate but i dont buy what your saying, i have a wife and kids, i play mmos pretty much only, and in the evenings once the kids are in bed and ive given the wife some time, say on average 2hrs per night, thats plenty of time to go PVP and if i was doing a dungeon run that takes longer then i play a bit longer.
Best part about RVR PVP like this is its always happening, even at odd hours of the day and night, you can jump in and solo if you want or follow the herd on a keep raid, or just find a group and roll with them.
Sure it takes a few minutes if you die to get back on your feet but that just makes you learn to be more cautious and pick your fights, not just run in blindly dieing every few minutes.
This type of play promotes getting to know your character, learning your strengths and weaknesses, even remembering players names that kicked your butt previously etc, learning or trying to learn classes by tell tale signs although this bits going to be extremely hard with the way the games classes and skills work.
If your used to the lame excuse for PVP that is WoW where you just rush in button mashing and expecting your healer to keep you alive while you wtfpwn your insta casts in a battle that lasts about 30seconds followed by 5min wait for the next, this probably not the PVP for you in all honesty.
This pvp is based around the RVR from DAOC, there are many ways to play it, you can follow the zerg or players rushing around the map, leeching your kills that way, you can solo / duo etc or you can run in a small group or even a guild in groups, you can attack keeps, hang around choke points, attack quest hubs etc.
You can guarantee there will be PVP action for you within a few minutes of logging in