*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I find with games latley I am playing a warlock/necromancer build. Is there a calculator kind of thing we could use to try out different builds?

I'm the same, by the look of it you need to decide what aspects of a necro/warlock you want to focus on.
Summoning = Sorcerer
however life stealing abilities etc come under a Nightblade's Siphon tree.
Just read this, i think its a very good post by someone on the official forums.

it's great but I'm a casual gamer how do I fit into his post. He seems to spend every waking minute of his families life on the game.

5 minutes to get back to a fight. 30 mins to find someone to fight sounds like it's not at all built for the casual player.

I've pre-ordered but when will my 30 days start when I first log in? If they aim for before easter start I won't be able to play until end of April.
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So how does the end game go? I tried their main site but it doesnt give much away or am I looking in the wrong place? and before I get flamed I know its not all about the end game. I will go exploring and that
So how does the end game go? I tried their main site but it doesnt give much away or am I looking in the wrong place? and before I get flamed I know its not all about the end game. I will go exploring and that

You hit 50 and finish off your factions content. Then the other factions content is opened up to you, so you choose a faction and do there content, once you've finished that, you then do the last factions content and then you've finished the 'leveling' aspect.

After you hit 50 you gain veteran ranks just like XP, they can be earned through the 50+ and 50++ content, raids, groups and pvp content.

Once you have finished all the factions zones, you then have craglorn which is a group specific zone, with tons of group and raid content, both instanced and non instanced.

You also have the world pvp zone, which has 5 daily questing hubs (Think there daily) and pve group instanced content (not sure about raid content)
it's great but I'm a casual gamer how do I fit into his post. He seems to spend every waking minute of his families life on the game.

5 minutes to get back to a fight. 30 mins to find someone to fight sounds like it's not at all built for the casual player.

I've pre-ordered but when will my 30 days start when I first log in? If they aim for before easter start I won't be able to play until end of April.

Sorry mate but i dont buy what your saying, i have a wife and kids, i play mmos pretty much only, and in the evenings once the kids are in bed and ive given the wife some time, say on average 2hrs per night, thats plenty of time to go PVP and if i was doing a dungeon run that takes longer then i play a bit longer.

Best part about RVR PVP like this is its always happening, even at odd hours of the day and night, you can jump in and solo if you want or follow the herd on a keep raid, or just find a group and roll with them.

Sure it takes a few minutes if you die to get back on your feet but that just makes you learn to be more cautious and pick your fights, not just run in blindly dieing every few minutes.

This type of play promotes getting to know your character, learning your strengths and weaknesses, even remembering players names that kicked your butt previously etc, learning or trying to learn classes by tell tale signs although this bits going to be extremely hard with the way the games classes and skills work.

If your used to the lame excuse for PVP that is WoW where you just rush in button mashing and expecting your healer to keep you alive while you wtfpwn your insta casts in a battle that lasts about 30seconds followed by 5min wait for the next, this probably not the PVP for you in all honesty.

This pvp is based around the RVR from DAOC, there are many ways to play it, you can follow the zerg or players rushing around the map, leeching your kills that way, you can solo / duo etc or you can run in a small group or even a guild in groups, you can attack keeps, hang around choke points, attack quest hubs etc.

You can guarantee there will be PVP action for you within a few minutes of logging in
This is my warlock type build, played this at the weekend, its very powerful.


Top bar is for PvE group/raid content and the bottom bar is more for PvP and PvE solo.

There is 2 skills that are not on the bars which you can switch in and out depending as their for AoE.

This build doesn't have any of the professions in.

thanks latex looks like that could be a pretty fun build.
are u just using a destruction staff with that build or?
thanks latex looks like that could be a pretty fun build.
are u just using a destruction staff with that build or?

That build is mainly for levelling and end game pve. Fire staff only. There is no reason why you couldn't use other staffs, just i built it around the fire staff.

I have a AoE build that is a little different:

The bottom bar is meant to be used with an Ice Staff ideally, more risky with a fire staff but just as effective.

Sorry i missed part of your question.

Its mainly for the staff, because of things like Destructive Clench for the knockback and the Unstable Wall of Elements.

You could adapt it to play with any weapon really, but a lot of the abilities are ranged ones, so the synergy would be weird, but hey, this is what the game is about.
Im hoping to run the game max using 3770k 4.7ghz 2x r9 290 watercooled crossfire 1240gpu 1500 memory. running on a 4k 28 inch monitor. just sold my eyefinity and run sweet on that.
I always like playing casters, and had decided that picking a sorcerer was the obvious way to go, but now I'm thinking that a nightblade with siphoning will actually make a much stronger caster and be less of a glass canon.
Floaty combat they said, it feels like your swinging at nothing they said

Amazing video.

Hahaha, you can select "Arrow to the knee" scar option

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Looks solid to me, cant wait to get stuck in with my DK Sneaky Bow and 2H user going to suprise a lot of people when i ping arrows into them then charge in with a ruddy great 2h and smash their heads in haha
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