*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I read somewhere that there are no mounts in early access. Not sure if true though.


If you visit a stable, you can pick it up for 1 gold. Also, I have Imperial Edition on my account and I have only pre-ordered the base game...Wonder if I can keep the Imperial I have made :D
Just having a little break now, thought I would see how you guys are getting on.

Im a Nord DragonKnight im currently level 7 with a full heavy armour nord and two handed sword setup thanks to mining iron like crazy :D
Ive found all the skyshards in the starter island, wasn't that hard the clues were very useful. Hoping ill get to level 10 or near that tonight so I can go pvp.
I really enjoy crafting armour and weapons (blacksmithing) and will make sure I keep it up so I can make some amazing equipment. First time in an mmo that I enjoyed crafting, I think its cause its similar style to skyrim.
Anyway think ill jump on after about 17:00 if anyone wants to add me: bakes
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So, after much debate I made a nightblade first. Going to use destruction staff and siphoning so picked high elf which I think is probably the best choice for a caster.

Had a quick look at the addons and just went for Foundry Tactical Combat. Gives you a lot of information, but it's clean looking and you can turn off what you don't want.
I bought the standard edition for £30 but temptaion just got the better of me & I grabbed one of the 5 day codes off the bay too.... !

Wont this mean you wont be able to continue the character you make today as you wont be upgrading with the required imperial key at launch
I just had a right laugh......

Installer asks me to pick where i want it to go.... I pick D:\ESO (D is my games only SSD)
I click okay, i clearly says D:\ESO on the path display, i click okay
I downloads 22gb, installs, another 6gb installs, done! it says
oh no, the craps only gone and installed it to C drive instead.........

Tried to move it but to no avail... so here I go downloading 22gb... again....
I just had a right laugh......

Installer asks me to pick where i want it to go.... I pick D:\ESO (D is my games only SSD)
I click okay, i clearly says D:\ESO on the path display, i click okay
I downloads 22gb, installs, another 6gb installs, done! it says
oh no, the craps only gone and installed it to C drive instead.........

Tried to move it but to no avail... so here I go downloading 22gb... again....

22gb then a hefty patch :)
People bought into this in the end? Not even the Elder Scrolls branding sold this one to me.

I think it is a breath of fresh air for mmo players who also happen to love Elder Scrolls games. For those who are mainly single player Elder scrolls fans who may not want the online side, it probably doesn't bring much new for them. However, lots has changed since early beta and it really shines later on down the line.
Anyone else had bugs where the current quest's objective doesn't become available? Was just playing a quest where we had to protect someone and she never appeared?!?!?!
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