*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

800kbps = around 9 hours, if going at full speed! I wish I had 8mbps :p

The guy in Gamestop now seems to think the Explorers Pack will be included in the physical copy itself. I don't know :confused: As long as I get it on Friday I guess.

Still double the speed I'm getting in rural Norfolk!

On another note, what campaign have TOG and other guilds with OcUK members gone for?
Only level 9 but finding my nightblade struggling (as a caster). So I'm looking forward to making a sorcerer soon, but ofcourse that means picking a race again. High Elf (again), Breton or Imperial.

Was reading some interesting posts on tamrielfoundry.com about vampire abilties.
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Slightly disappointed with PvP at the moment. Both allies and enemies aren't showing meaning I'll run into an empty field and suddenly die. Reloading the ui solves it briefly but I shouldn't have to be doing that every 20-30 seconds
Went DK and enjoying it a lot more, only 5 but onwards and upwards :)

Makes such a difference when you find a class/play style that suits you:D

Well I finally finished the starter area 'Khenarthi’s Roost'. Took my time, explored everywhere, got the hidden treasures, skyshards all that good stuff. Left there level 8 with about 1500G. Crafting with woodworking and leather. Selling everything else. Certainly don't get rich quick in this, that horse purchase seems a long way off.

Only advice so far is go get the hidden treasure (pre-order maps) first. Some good gear in them.

Really enjoying it so far except for one thing. It really does feel very single player so far but that's about it. Love how good it looks maxed out.

Still double the speed I'm getting in rural Norfolk!

On another note, what campaign have TOG and other guilds with OcUK members gone for?

TOG is going with Scourge, though we are monitoring the campaign populations to see how they go. I'm guessing we wont really see how the campaign populations pan out until the end of the first full weekend of ESO this weekend.
TOG is going with Scourge, though we are monitoring the campaign populations to see how they go. I'm guessing we wont really see how the campaign populations pan out until the end of the first full weekend of ESO this weekend.

Scourge is really low pop :(

Think we are going Blackthorn.
Scourge is really low pop :(

Think we are going Blackthorn.

Yeah, seems that many are just going with the campaign at the top of the list. My worry is that Bloodthorn was full at times last night, and that's without the people yet who have 3 day headstarts and the people who have no headstart joining. I suspect once they are in Bloodthorn will be full quite often meaning guildmembers cannot get in to join.

I'm going to let the 3 day'rs and the full release people get in and see how the pops are after this first full weekend. Key is to get a campaign that has a high population but not completely full. 70 people in the guild and I want them all to be able to get into the chosen campaign whenever they want, but equally want them to always have people to fight against of course.
Level 17 now. Weapon swap is amazing.

On a more novel note, I think I'm the highest level provisioner on the EU server at 45. :D

When do you start getting Imperial flour and honeycomb Latex? I've got a blue sweetroll recipe that is begging to be used but not come across the ingredients yet (I've not got to Camlorn yet so you can tell where I am).
Scourge is really low pop :(

Think we are going Blackthorn.

Yeah, seems that many are just going with the campaign at the top of the list. My worry is that Bloodthorn was full at times last night, and that's without the people yet who have 3 day headstarts and the people who have no headstart joining. I suspect once they are in Bloodthorn will be full quite often meaning guildmembers cannot get in to join.

I'm going to let the 3 day'rs and the full release people get in and see how the pops are after this first full weekend. Key is to get a campaign that has a high population but not completely full. 70 people in the guild and I want them all to be able to get into the chosen campaign whenever they want, but equally want them to always have people to fight against of course.

My guild has gone for Auriel's bow and when I went in at around half 7 there was already a queue. I suspect we'll be moving soon as it will very much limit our ability to play as a guild.
My guild has gone for Auriel's bow and when I went in at around half 7 there was already a queue. I suspect we'll be moving soon as it will very much limit our ability to play as a guild.

Yeah and that's the worry I have at this point, once our remaining members (the ones with the 3 day HS and no HS) are in, we'll have over 100 members and I want to be sure as many of them as possible can get into the campaign whenever they want. I'm suspecting that once the 3day'rs and normal release people get in, Auriels and Bloodthorn (and maybe even the 3rd server on the list) will be queued each evening. So just keeping an eye on things at the moment. Could be that we end up going for the 4th server down (or 3rd, or 5th, depending how pops go)
When do you start getting Imperial flour and honeycomb Latex? I've got a blue sweetroll recipe that is begging to be used but not come across the ingredients yet (I've not got to Camlorn yet so you can tell where I am).

Well there is 5 guys in our guild who are 30 and they are spamming me with ingredients. So I don't actually know the answer!
Did a pug of banished cells yesterday and it was bloody good fun. Surprised we completed it with only a level 10 as tank! We died a few times but once we got our tactics right we managed it, but it was tough.

Really enjoying being a healer (templar- heavy armour- 2 handed- restoring light). Most of my time was on the sidelines but entered the fray in order build up my ultimate but only against minions in order to make sure I stayed alive. Felt positively squishy in comparison to solo where I can take on 3 Man mobs 3 levels ahead of me.

Think I'm going to go bow as my second weapon at level 15 so I can build up ultimate away from the action when grouping.
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