*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Sigh, one of the few who appear to be having issues. Keep getting kicked every 5-15 mins with unknown error occurred. Been happening since launch. At least I'm not the only one.


Further to this, I've found a temporary fix until this gets resolved long term, download wtfast here and connect via vpn. Worked fine for 2.5 hours straight just now with no disconnections, which is a massive improvement over the 15 minutes i use to get.

30 day trial http://www.wtfast.com/

The fact it's working fine over vpn would imply an isp issue, any chance BT are identifying it as p2p transfer as I know they throttle that back? Would be odd considering I had no issues in beta though...Anyone else on BT infinity who is having/not having issues?
Going out for an expensive free meal and beers on work tonight and all I keep thinking is pretend sick to sack it off so I can play again. :p

Probably going Templar after a days thought :p
I've put some into armour and lots into the Earth knock down one and fire weapons. Also using spike armour that I cast before every fight.

Was kinda going for big damage/armour guy (lol).

:D That's exactly what I am looking to do!!

I decided to stick mainly to one line of skills for the moment from the class section. I am going to concentrate on Draconic power and see how that goes.

This is my build so far


When I get to know the game better I will branch out more.
Has anyone tried moving this game yet?

I'm guessing it's just the launcher folder and main game folder that need moving? I was going to pop it onto my ssd and see if I notice any improvements.

yes this works fine done a few times :D
I just had the oddest bug. I summoned an Earth Guardian (DC quest) and it appeared and started speaking in a German voice over. I was worried that the game had opened up my continental educational films by accident! :o
I pre-ordered this a while ago, received the explorer pack key which I assume is a 3 day head start , for those who have the explorer key is it tomorrow we can start playing this?

My 1st character name is Asendaric, so I am @Asendaric then????

Level 4 Nightblade :)

No, the @Blahblah is your account name not your first characters name. Mine for example is @MattyB1

From Gamestop. I'm not too bothered about early access, I am buying physical as downloading 30gb on an 8mb connection won't be much fun!
They did take my mobile number though and I've noticed on the receipt they got the number wrong. Maybe it was sent to that? :confused: I will drop by them later and see what's up.

30gb on a 8mb/s connection? That'll take like an hour! :confused:
Hey guys, just wondering, I got the 3 days early access version, so I cant log on yet ofc, but iv read I can do tomorrow at 12:00... is this 12 tomorrow dinner time or mid night tonight?

Thanks :)
No, the @blahblah is your account name not your first characters name. Mine for example is @MattyB1

30gb on a 8mb/s connection? That'll take like an hour! :confused:

800kbps = around 9 hours, if going at full speed! I wish I had 8mbps :p

The guy in Gamestop now seems to think the Explorers Pack will be included in the physical copy itself. I don't know :confused: As long as I get it on Friday I guess.
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