*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

It's hard to judge the PvP populations until later in the game. Remember it's only day 2 and even a large amount of people are still <10 and the vast majority is probably still < 15

Personally I'm not too worried about going PvPing properly until i get up to 20-30 in order to access the skills i want to use.
Well I can start playing as of today, however I have coursework to do which is due tomorrow and work this evening. :(. Although it will give me more time to choose a race/class combo as I am still torn.
Level 17 now. Weapon swap is amazing.

On a more novel note, I think I'm the highest level provisioner on the EU server at 45. :D

Nice work latex you must be playing non stop to be that high! I've been playing loads about 10 hours Sunday and about 11 on monday ! I've taken provisioning too, only level 11 though any tips? I'm doing clothing level 6,enchanting level 5 and provisioning and my house mate is doing blacksmithing,wood work and alchemy so we have covered all crafting between us and sharing resources

Yeah I've played quite a bit too, even though Mrs Vlad and I absolutely SWORE that we wouldn't go overboard on this MMO and that we wouldn't let it take over our lives in the way that past MMOs have done.

Yet, here I go again, played something like 15 hours on sunday, another 7 hours last night after work. Even more for Mrs Vlad as she had yesterday booked off from work, so she did 15 hours on sunday and something like 15 hours yesterday , so shes played probably 30 hours out of the last 48 hours !
We've got to be careful or we will become sucked in and everything around us will collapse and go to pot whilst we stare at our monitors lol.

Mind you, shes back at work today, probably unable to concentrate as she thinks of Khajiit and Tamriel all day ! And annoyingly, I'm at work too and I cant take any time off for ages either :( (lucky mare that she is, she has all of next week off too !)

Finish work at 3 today though, but got a few errands to run after work so will probably have to wait til around 5pm to get on tonight (and then will no doubt blast another 6 hours on it tonight lol )
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Nice work latex you must be playing non stop to be that high! I've been playing loads about 10 hours Sunday and about 11 on monday ! I've taken provisioning too, only level 11 though any tips? I'm doing clothing level 6,enchanting level 5 and provisioning and my house mate is doing blacksmithing,wood work and alchemy so we have covered all crafting between us and sharing resources

Auto loot turned on and loot every crate, barrel, sack and so on. Dump them in your bank and carry on. Then do mass cooking, cook everything regardless of how Mich you net in xp.

Get guild mates to send you mats and recipes to help too.

Played non stop on launch day and then from 3pm Monday to Thursday. So not as much as some
I swear oriental films have better dub/lipsync than this game.

Not played too much, I'm not sold by it so far which I a shame as I really wanted to play this.
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Yeah I've played quite a bit too, even though Mrs Vlad and I absolutely SWORE that we wouldn't go overboard on this MMO and that we wouldn't let it take over our lives in the way that past MMOs have done.

Yet, here I go again, played something like 15 hours on sunday, another 7 hours last night after work. Even more for Mrs Vlad as she had yesterday booked off from work, so she did 15 hours on sunday and something like 15 hours yesterday , so shes played probably 30 hours out of the last 48 hours !
We've got to be careful or we will become sucked in and everything around us will collapse and go to pot whilst we stare at our monitors lol.

Mind you, shes back at work today, probably unable to concentrate as she thinks of Khajiit and Tamriel all day ! And annoyingly, I'm at work too and I cant take any time off for ages either :( (lucky mare that she is, she has all of next week off too !)

Finish work at 3 today though, but got a few errands to run after work so will probably have to wait til around 5pm to get on tonight (and then will no doubt blast another 6 hours on it tonight lol )

I'm finding myself drawn in far beyond what I expected.

Made my Orc DK and he's huge, with an eye patch :D I've left the barbarian-esque strapped leather chest on for the look too :p

My one feeling, that someone else mentioned, is that it does feel a little solo play at the moment barring guild chat. A few more quests forcing people together would be good but to be fair it's only KR so it will open up.

It's just the breadth of it I find most impressive. You can get lost finding random things and exploring and seeing the world and you get rewarded for it which drags you out into the world even more.

I think overall the game will struggle to attract the WoW player base as that's WS trick. I just hope there is enough interest from the rest of the gaming community to keep it successful and keep it going as it would be a crying shame if this game didn't take off.
I'm finding myself drawn in far beyond what I expected.

Made my Orc DK and he's huge, with an eye patch :D I've left the barbarian-esque strapped leather chest on for the look too :p

My one feeling, that someone else mentioned, is that it does feel a little solo play at the moment barring guild chat. A few more quests forcing people together would be good but to be fair it's only KR so it will open up.

It's just the breadth of it I find most impressive. You can get lost finding random things and exploring and seeing the world and you get rewarded for it which drags you out into the world even more.

I think overall the game will struggle to attract the WoW player base as that's WS trick. I just hope there is enough interest from the rest of the gaming community to keep it successful and keep it going as it would be a crying shame if this game didn't take off.

hehe, I made my orc look almost exactly like whats his name...the guy from Machete? Danny something..

Is a bit solo at first it seems, good active guild with plenty of chat and voicechat helps with that though and hoping that later on things become groupy too.

I agree, I suspect wildstar is more targeted at the WoW base. Populations are very healthy at the moment for ESO but as always with MMOs, the trick is not to capture the subs but to retain them.
Day 2 of Cyrodil, crashing constantly. I can actually see people today which is better than yesterday however the game will crash every 20 minutes or so and then generally crash once or twice again when I try logging back in. Am I the only one suffering this?
Day 2 of Cyrodil, crashing constantly. I can actually see people today which is better than yesterday however the game will crash every 20 minutes or so and then generally crash once or twice again when I try logging back in. Am I the only one suffering this?

Most bizarre, I ran in Cyrodiil all through beta, with literally hundreds of people onscreen and never suffered any problems. I haven't been in Cyrodiil yet though since launch so cant say whether I would now experience issues.
Day 2 of Cyrodil, crashing constantly. I can actually see people today which is better than yesterday however the game will crash every 20 minutes or so and then generally crash once or twice again when I try logging back in. Am I the only one suffering this?

I was in Cyrodil last night and things ran fine with everything maxed. Oddly, the only lag I experienced occurred for a moment when someone joined or left my group.




Well just got home from work, and was able to quickly create my main, Templar :)

My name is @Mauness if anyone fancys adding me etc.

Off to hospital now (boo) but have all day off tomorrow, so im sure i can fill the time ;)
Only managed about an hour last night.

I started trying to use woodworking, I can never find wood to chop though! I've spent a skill point on making it glow but still nothing. Any tips?

(I know you can dismantle weapons etc which I have already done).
Just a quick tip to anyone starting out

Search every urn/crate in the starting area

I found almost 50 lock picks, along with a load of other ingredients just from the prison starting area alone.
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