Anyone else can't login? I just completed a public dungeon and it froze at the loading screen when leaving. Now I'm getting a login timeout when trying to log it.
Guys from the patch did anyone else get kicked from guilds and have their friends wiped? Happened to me
Tomb can you sort me another invite please?
No worries, you were in the overflow which is why it seemed like you werent in the guild. You're still in the guild
I did see your friend invite come in, but it wouldnt allow me to accept it for some reason and the chat was lagging so bad that I think my whisper to you probably never got through !
Here is the link to my build:
Anyone got any ideas? I've been unable to log in since the patch. Nothing has updated and my build is still 1.0.09 or something. I can get to the login screen and then get 'LOGIN TIMES OUT' or the message stating my account is not valid for that game or whatever. I've tried a reboot, repair and running as admit. This is pretty poor...
Are you able to invite me to the guild please?
Or do I have to apply on their website?
Does anyone have a good Templar leveling build? I seem to be struggling against multiple mobs atm it seems.
Surprised by this. Templar can be like the Warden class in LotRO, it's an absolute beast with the ability to take damage, dish it out and heal.
The customisation in this game is so vast, i don't understand why people would ask for other peoples builds. Explore your class, read the abilities, remember that you can mix and match armour, don't neglect putting skill points in armour, racial and weapon, and you'll figure out a build that suits you.
I've learnt to not choose skills that use stamina, as i need stamina to block, dodge and interrupt.