*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Same reason I sporadically play MMOs, I find I fall in a pattern of do x,y,z realise I'm just doing that and then stop. I was doing the theives guild quest line but found I needed to do the missions/heists to level up the Thieves skill line to unlock the next mission. So i was logging in to do the dailys then stop, coupled with the fact a friend has asked me to play GW2 on their gaming night I'm having a short break. Might go back onto my solo character and do some questing when I come back on.

I usually sub in the winter months and then let it lapse in the summer as I'm on holiday etc. However, due to covid and being at home more I've subbed longer and now I'm getting fed up of playing. Even the Skyrim release did nothing for me, I'm down to doing dailies, the odd dungeon and mount training for 2 alts I've set up. My sub runs out in a couple of days and not sure if I'll renew just yet.

I've not played WoW for years so I might go and have a month or so playing that, might have to wait till the new expansion comes out though but not sure when that is. I've also got loads of games on steam to play as well as on the PS4.

Yeah, I understand guys. And that's what I try to avoid, I don't fall into a pattern of doing things. I don't get involved in the Grind. I don't go looking to see what's BIS gear. I play the game for fun, I look for sets that I think I would like but I don't go doing the same thing over and over to get that gear.

I play for the social aspect of MMOs. Like I only do dungeons etc with Guild members. I make a point to try and talk to everyone. It's about having a laugh. It's impossible to that with randoms on a dungeon run. They just become mindless chores and not much fun at all.

If there is nobody online or nobody wants to talk then I do the other stuff, the quests, levelling up scrying, fishing etc. etc. Does this mean I am doing everything so slow? Hell yeah, Sometimes I spend more time staring into the wayshine in deshaan then gaming :p

The only thing I do daily is the daily writs.
If there is nobody online or nobody wants to talk then I do the other stuff, the quests, levelling up scrying, fishing etc. etc. Does this mean I am doing everything so slow? Hell yeah, Sometimes I spend more time staring into the wayshine in deshaan then gaming :p

The only thing I do daily is the daily writs.

Don't know why but that made me laugh :)
Is there a specific Wayshrine you like to stare at in Deshaan? Or do you mix it up a bit and stare at different ones :p

(tbh, in GW2 i'd just sit and watch many times)
If Mel isn't staring at a wayshrine he is franticly looking through his man bag, whatever it is he is looking for I don't know but he can spend hours rooting around in there....
Is there a specific Wayshrine you like to stare at in Deshaan? Or do you mix it up a bit and stare at different ones :p

(tbh, in GW2 i'd just sit and watch many times)

:D I just happen to be beside the one in Mournhold a lot as that's where I do my crafting and daily writs.

If Mel isn't staring at a wayshrine he is franticly looking through his man bag, whatever it is he is looking for I don't know but he can spend hours rooting around in there....

haha, I am busy cataloguing all my gear for that excel spreadsheet, it takes a lot of work!!:p

I am the one that made the joke in the first place about Jon been addicted to staring into Wayshrines!! Why has it all backfired onto me???? It was much funnier when we were laughing at Jon :p;)
Take note Mel, that is how its done.

That empty Kit-Kat wrapper which you have written the words "Need Daggers!" on and drawn a box around is not an excel spreadsheet.
Lol I did the same to be honest, did not know there was an add for ages. With 8 characters / alts before I caught on, it was a challenge..... :p
I am getting a ton of CTDs atm. I reinstalled the game yesterday & it was fine for a couple of hours but now it's totally up the swanny again. Anyone else having the same problem?
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