*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Me too :p

Though I'm still convinced my healing abilities are akin to lobbing boxes of plasters at people. Running around furiously trying to combat prayer everyone is pretty amusing. I threw the staff into the guild bank fyi, not sure if you wanted it. I still think Radox is right that it won't buff healing spells.
Oh I forgot all about the staff, I have a couple of those but no good traits. I will check it out, thanks for putting it in the guild bank.
That video hahaha, too true. Mel don't you worry, I expect you becoming guild healer will take us through vet DSA with ease this time! We have faith in you!!!!
That video hahaha, too true. Mel don't you worry, I expect you becoming guild healer will take us through vet DSA with ease this time! We have faith in you!!!!

I can't handle the pressure from all this expectation!!

I decided to give this a go again, any chance of an invite to the guild? :)

e: username same as here bayo000

Will add you today if someone hasn't already done it.
So I finally got around to getting a new mouse and it was delivered today.

For anyone that has done some questing with my on ESO, they might have heard me complain about my mouse a lot!! Actually both of my old mouses(mice?) are broken, one broke in the middle of a dungeon run, the left button just snapped off :D And the other one was a really old Deathadder, the side button, which is my weapon bar switch, sometimes sticks and won't press and other times it will stay clicked so it keeps swapping weapons constantly.

My new mouse is my first wireless mouse, The Corsair Ironclaw RGB.

Really nice mouse, comfortable and there was no break in time for me. Would recommend it for anyone looking to change up their mouse in the near future.

I am also surprised by how well the wireless works. No lag or delay at all.
I couldn't decide who to aim this video at, Radox or Jon :p

For any new players thinking of joining the guild, this is exactly what we expect from you guys!!

I couldn't decide who to aim this video at, Radox or Jon :p

For any new players thinking of joining the guild, this is exactly what we expect from you guys!!

dammmm right, it’s a big deal, not just a game. Need to keep molag bal at bay. We are the pinnacle of ESO guilds! Serious always. We go where no other team goes (off cliffs / into lava) :o
dammmm right, it’s a big deal, not just a game. Need to keep molag bal at bay. We are the pinnacle of ESO guilds! Serious always. We go where no other team goes (off cliffs / into lava) :o

And on no account are players to drink alcohol before playing. It will give you delusions of seeing your team mates die during dungeon runs.

Haha so your trying to say that’s me and Rad prepping you for a DLC vet?

I liked when Grov entered at about 1min 10.
It should definitely be something you log on to chill out and enjoy some part of, I admit I only PVP for the daily bonus as getting absolutely smashed / stunned constantly drives me bonkers.

Is the Cyrodiil campaign more enjoyable with more people taking part / bigger groups, if you do enjoy PVP maybe joining a second guild PVP focused might help getting proper PVP groups / runs which I would assume are far more enjoyable than with randoms.
It should definitely be something you log on to chill out and enjoy some part of, I admit I only PVP for the daily bonus as getting absolutely smashed / stunned constantly drives me bonkers.

Is the Cyrodiil campaign more enjoyable with more people taking part / bigger groups, if you do enjoy PVP maybe joining a second guild PVP focused might help getting proper PVP groups / runs which I would assume are far more enjoyable than with randoms.

Iv'e not done a greal to be fair, but from what ive seen no. Its 99% travelling to a huge group, getting killed and either waiting for a rez or reswpaning and travelling 10 mins again. Certainly sucks to be melee. And it can be laggy.
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Game is getting a bit too much i feel. The grind and the PVP is getting me down, i think im gonna quit.

If the game is becoming a grind and you aren't enjoying it then you should stop. Or change the way you play.

Maybe take a break? A game shouldn't feel like a job.
If the game is becoming a grind and you aren't enjoying it then you should stop. Or change the way you play.

Maybe take a break? A game shouldn't feel like a job.

Same reason I sporadically play MMOs, I find I fall in a pattern of do x,y,z realise I'm just doing that and then stop. I was doing the theives guild quest line but found I needed to do the missions/heists to level up the Thieves skill line to unlock the next mission. So i was logging in to do the dailys then stop, coupled with the fact a friend has asked me to play GW2 on their gaming night I'm having a short break. Might go back onto my solo character and do some questing when I come back on.
I usually sub in the winter months and then let it lapse in the summer as I'm on holiday etc. However, due to covid and being at home more I've subbed longer and now I'm getting fed up of playing. Even the Skyrim release did nothing for me, I'm down to doing dailies, the odd dungeon and mount training for 2 alts I've set up. My sub runs out in a couple of days and not sure if I'll renew just yet.

I've not played WoW for years so I might go and have a month or so playing that, might have to wait till the new expansion comes out though but not sure when that is. I've also got loads of games on steam to play as well as on the PS4.
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