*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

My first impressions were that it feels like a less flashy version of Neverwinter in terms of combat effects and overall just feels like an mmo-lite, not one thats to have a subscription only model.

The watermarks all over the screen are actually kind of distracting from the game, maybe they should spend more dev time on the game instead of a heavy handed NDA four months before launch.
My first impressions were that it feels like a less flashy version of Neverwinter.

So true! It's very similar to Neverwinter. Had some time with it, and it's just a generic mmo, not really impressed at all - Meh! Hope with feedback they can turn it around.
Loved every minute of it personally, until I saw the time. :eek:

Only real issue is the combat, doesn't feel responsive or weighty. Granted Skyrim had awful combat but this is just floaty. Now the stone fist ability from the DragonKnight Earthen skillset on the other hand is amazing, feels incredible nailing somebody with it, kinda like punching a hole in somebodies chest with an AS50 on ARMA, if only the rest of the combat felt like that...
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Wow tough crowd.

I thought it was pretty good, combat is ok, much better then the action bar mmo's.

Animations where pretty bad, graphics very good, crafting is interesting.

Still going to give it more time today.
By the sounds of it everyone is wanting something new to a mmo which looking from past games just isn't working. I played for about 6hrs and since I like the generic style of mmo I really enjoyed it and can't wait to get back on. I just think other people are bored of mmos if ya don't like it don't play it. The crafting took me a while to get used to but other than that I had plenty of people to interact with, grouped with my brother and didn't realise the time and could have kept playing for a lot longer I think I got him to level 9 or summit
I rolled a Nord 2h axe wielder, saw TONS of people in actual Skryim. The no minimap is fantastic, adds to the immersion and experience.

Going back in for a bit.
Well after spending some time on it, it just feels generic and bland. It's like someone took the Elder Scrolls universe, the Skyrim UI style and slapped on some MMO features. Combat feels stale and boring, there is zero skill in healing since it's all AoE based, the story seems pretty good and I liked the amount of speech. Hated the crafting in Skyrim and still hate it in this. Character creation was excellent.

It's probably enough for some people as the basic MMO style with the Elder Scrolls setting is going to appeal to lots of people, but personally whilst I do love both of those I'm not seeing anything to justify a £10 p/m subscription.

Going to give it more time, it's not bad but it's not impressive either and history shows games like that in the MMO field just don't last long... or if they do they are F2P within 6 months and the sub base drops under 100k.
I like it.

The graphics were good. The sound was good. It is still quite buggy. The combat as a caster was alittle odd. The dodge tap a key twice didn't seem to work very well.
If the people who hated the game actually gave feedback, instead of just "free demo lol", the game might actually improve for them?

It's out soon and we'll be filling in regular surveys on the survey app. I've tried a bit more and gotten to a city and stuff but daaaaamn we aren't bored of mmos at all it's just this doesn't even feel like an mmo it's just single player morrowind with twitchy npcs and glidey walking. I'm a healer and they got healing wrong lol - did something where a group had to take down a mob and we just stood on one spot and I spammed an aoe heal the whole time.
Reminded me of EQ1 a bit in all honesty, fairly back to basics and actually makes you have to read the text and think about the next step rather than just looking at the minimap for npcs with a ! above their heads.

Graphically it looks good, i have it on full max settings, it was silky smooth too, played a mage type, spell animations were fairly decent and the spells feel like they hit for differing amounts, effects were good.

Crafting is like SKyrim from what i saw, i liked Skyrim crafting so this suits me, i only played it basically upto where you escape and then done the first quest after that. Liked what i saw, will definitely go back for more today when my bro logs in.

The world seems fairly huge too from what i saw initially, like i say reminded me a lot of EQ1 in respect to size of world and not too much handholding other than the initial tutorial stuff.

Would like to see the PVP, knowing its roots are in DAOC kinda excites me as i spent a few years playing DAOC and loved it.

On its current form i will be paying £10 a month to play it, atleast til max level and then to PVP if the pvp is up to atleast DAOC standards.
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