*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I must say I've enjoyed it so far. Only gripe is the combat feels relatively weak. I want to feel like I'm slashing a foe with dual-welding Axes.

It does look well polished which is nice, very shiny..
Reminded me of EQ1 a bit in all honesty, fairly back to basics and actually makes you have to read the text and think about the next step rather than just looking at the minimap for npcs with a ! above their heads.

Uh.... it's pretty much exactly the opposite of what you've said, it's all marked on the map/game world and you don't need to read :(
Only MMO that really did that relatively recently that I've played with Secret World.
Ive been allowed access to the beta test this weekend. After playing for about 4 hours last night I can conclude that ESO will probably flop after release.

It basically feels like a cheapened version of Skyrim. It lacks the immersion in a huge way, the animations (albeit probably in development) are clunky and poor and the general moving around and combat is sluggish and feels pretty crap.

It tries to emulate the playstyle of Skyrim but falls flat and whilst playing the game it feels like something is missing. The voiceovers for npc's are also pretty poor with some of the npc's having voices that just don't seem to fit. Im told they are placeholders but then why the hell would they record voice acting work twice for the sake of a beta?

Crafting looks somewhat interesting but overly uninspired and potentially half baked.

My main gripe however is how they have made an Elder Scrolls game which essentially is a 'do what you want' kind of game and then forced you into factions based on your race and then classes. Sure you can go a dragonknight with a staff but it simply wouldn't work, essentially making you pick the obvious.

Opening mission is a load of crap too. Its uninteresting and doesn't explain anything. I presume the game will launch with an opening trailer to explain this as it doesn't make much sense at the moment.

General NPC interaction is pretty poor also. I like how they have taken the effort to put voices on everyone but again it feels odd. Everytime you talk to an NPC it puts you into a cinematic mode almost during the conversation. This can apply for the NPC's who literally have naff all interesting to say.

There are no markers over NPC's or indeed players. As you play you just see people which is great for immersion reasons but all I see in zone chat currently is people complaining about not knowing where the quest givers are.

All in all this is the first MMO that I have beta tested and not felt any form of excitement for it. In fact this is the first MMO that I have tested that im not even going to log back on after the first day of testing.

And just if you were curious ive beta tested games from World of Warcraft to Lord of the Rings online to Star Wars the old Republic and even games like Age of Conan, APB and many others.

This is the first I can hand on heart say I won't be getting and it definately doesn't deserve a subscription.

The features ESO has to offer is done a lot better in other MMO's out there. Its a real shame but I guess thats just how it is.

Im hoping this helps some of you curios cats out there :)
6 years of development and still its not good.
combat is at best clunky, slow, bad animations and just annoying.
nice world and visuals are good feels like a world.

still feels like a solo single player game not an mmo.
Uh.... it's pretty much exactly the opposite of what you've said, it's all marked on the map/game world and you don't need to read :(

No, it's not. The story quests are but a lot(maybe all?) of the side quests are NOT marked on the big map. You have to explore to find them. When you're close enough you will see a marker on the mini map telling you that a quest giver is nearby.

I'm not getting the hate for this game at all. I think it looks really promising. Yes there are bugs but it is a beta! The combat can be fixed and also the animations. The important thing is conceptually it's promising.

It's by no means "just like every other mmo" either, as some are saying. I only know of one other game that has a similar feel to the questing and that is swtor(fully voiced quest dialogue). Which is probably the most enjoyable questing experience I've had in an MMO. There are far worse MMO's than this out there.

I expect the game will change quite a bit over the coming months. Now it's been exposed to so many more people I think the feedback will put a lot of changes in motion. Every MMO goes through massive changes over the first part of it's life cycle and they're nothing like the way they started out.
It will sell plenty on release but only because of the name, take that away and you have a very cheap 3rd rate RPG that looks dated and dull.

It really needed to stand out and at least give the player a bit of a wooow factor but there's nothing.

There are already plenty of MMo's out there that look and play better with half of them being free to play.
One negative is that I wish you had some choice in the questing. You pretty much cycle through dialogue and don't really get any say in the outcome. So by definition it's not really an RPG. Just an action/adventure MMO.
Started a nord, starting area is a prison however i cant get out of the prison, the E is greyed out when i try to get out, just trying a quick relogg now but is anyone else having the same problem?
Ha, erm... strange. I thought that at first too but I looked again and didn't talk all the way through. Is it the same for any other characters?
Look and play better and also free? What games are these, I want to play them?

Age of Conan would probably fit that match but frankly its all a matter of opinion.

It has better combat, animations and even the storyline is better and more engaging. Sure the voiced acting stops after a couple of levels but its a pretty good game for what it is. The graphics somewhat rival ESO too.
Out of the two big money MMO's that have been released (or being) recently, those being ESO and SWTOR I would say SWTOR wins every time. Everything in SWTOR that is in ESO has been done at a far higher quality and just better.

I forsee a short P2P lifespan for ESO. If they want to survive they better get figuring out how to implement a F2P model otherwise its going down the pan. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised to see it either F2P or dead in a year. Its a shame because it has HUGE potential but the game is just amateur compared to some of the others out there.
Would have been interesting if you had the same opinion if it was F2P, but i'm guessing it would have been amazing if that was the case right?
I'm not getting the hate for this game at all. I think it looks really promising. Yes there are bugs but it is a beta! The combat can be fixed and also the animations. The important thing is conceptually it's promising.

The interesting thing is however that the 'hatred' towards ESO isn't because of its bugs. People accept bugs in a beta test, its what it is. Theres the minority of idiots that think its early access and have no idea what they are doing (like the guy asking what an NDA was last night) (which yes I have just broken :p) but the main gripe towards the game is because its just poor. Bugs are pretty few and far between tbh and it looks really well polished. But they are polishing a turd tbh. You can polish it all you like but its still not enough to hold itself.

Even Warhammer Online was better than this tbh (Still the best RVR game to date imo) and we all know how that ended (closed end of last year btw :P)
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