*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Can we add friends/join friends? I have no idea.

When the servers are back up add me!

Username: ThaReaperGuy
Ingamename: Umbriell (someone took Umbriel, Sul & Vuhon and I was ******)
I have to say I normally go with NDA's by the line but as im not planning on playing ESO at all from this point on I don't see why not.

The apparent budget for ESO is purely speculative as I presume was the SWTOR budget but they are both definitely very expensive projects.

Also in my defence I have stated on a few of my posts that what I have posted is indeed MY opinion. There are others who will have a completely different opinion and to claim that I am trying to manipulate people into not buying ESO is ridiculous. I have nothing to gain and frankly I don't care what people waste their cash on but I figured someone here might find me pointing out my opinion as somewhat useful, if it wasn't then they can ignore it.

Claiming that I have given no reason either as to why the game isn't entirely great (again in my opinion) is ignorant of what ive been saying all along. I have outlined reasons and even given examples of other games at similar stages, I don't see how that isn't giving an example.

Again I appreciate people are enjoying the game but this is the very first MMO I have beta tested out of a list of at least 10 that people in /regional/zonal or whatever chat have not been saying 'this is awesome', 'im loving this' or anything like that. All im seeing so far is 'where is this' and 'this doesn't feel quite right'. Perhaps I caught a bad batch of people but since coming here also and seeing the number of others saying similar it seems like there are more people vocally dissatisfied than there are satisfied.

I hope ESO does well because its a shame seeing a company waste so much money otherwise but I honestly can't see much of a future for it. In my opinion SWTOR at beta and launch was a far better game than ESO and still is yet that had to go F2P. By that fact alone im guessing ESO will make a sharp decline after half a year.

Again im not a EA rep or something trying to discolour Bethesda's name but you can't go through life claiming everything is awesome and then when its not give a cheap excuse for it. These guys are looking for ways to get our hard earned cash off us and im not seeing any reason to part with it.

Just play Skyrim and forget all about this silly thing.

Oh I will say one thing ESO has done really well. The Khajit look pretty cool which is something Skyrim did a botched job of. They look awesome and they even have decent moving tails. However that fact alone could not get me hooked on ESO im afraid.
Well i personally love the game,

it has the Elder scrolls theme to it and i dont think it is that bad for a MMO. I dont think it fair how people are comparing it to the SINGLE player game as MMO's has some constrictions, for example the starting bit it skyrm. it will have a better opeing scene as single player games have more room for creativity.

For people who saying this is a grind but if you look at all MMO's you have to grind to get the gear and learn ablities. GW2 has it (and i hated it) SWTOR has it and WOW.

This is one of the smoothest BETA tests i have done in a long time and i hope the lauch will run just as smoothly with a bit of polish in areas that are needed.
ToR however, as much as I love Bioware was stale as absolute hell? The gameplay/combat is an absolute WoW clone to the fullest, it did nothing different at all besides the IP, the combat is as boring as so is the interaction you have with the world.

I enjoyed the hell out the class story, and thought the cover mechanic was newish(I cant think of any prior that had it? maybe I'm mistaken though) in a MMO setting, regardless it still didnt feel as old as this does. If ToR had launched with a fully fleshed out end game and ship on ship combat we wouldn't be talking about it being the biggest MMO failure ever (well until this launches anyway ;))

I honestly cant think of anything that could be added to ESO that would make it good, not without a complete rewrite of set in stone features..
I don't think Blizzard has anything to worry about really from the feeling I got playing this for about 5hours last night.

I would agree about what other posters have said about the animations and combat lacking weight and impact, hopefully these are just work in progress.

The graphics are nice and hopefully they can squeeze a bit more out of them, so it can be close to skyrim with the HD texture pack.

Crafting looks fairly interesting and it was nice that NPC had voice overs although I'm not sure I like cutting to the cinematic view upon interacting with them.

I'll probably buy it at release as 5.4 WOW is getting a little boring now and at least this is something new for a month but honestly I don't think it will retain a p2p model for very long.
I enjoyed the hell out the class story, and thought the cover mechanic was newish(I cant think of any prior that had it? maybe I'm mistaken though) in a MMO setting, regardless it still didnt feel as old as this does. If ToR had launched with a fully fleshed out end game and ship on ship combat we wouldn't be talking about it being the biggest MMO failure ever (well until this launches anyway ;))

I honestly cant think of anything that could be added to ESO that would make it good, not without a complete rewrite of set in stone features..

Opinions I guess bro, but I hate the kind of lock on combat that most MMOs have, the only good one that uses it is The Secret World. To me WoW, RIFT, TOR, LOTRO etc are awful. There may be stuff in there worth experiencing story & world wise but the journey to them is abysmal. If it wasn't for The Secret World having a 3rd person shooter free aim style option mechanic I wouldn't bother with it. I'd much rather swing my sword/axe and have to manually line up the blows, or have to actually aim ranged attacks, but that's just me.

While TERA is a little better than this, I don't like it's lore half as much and the community annoys the hell out of me with it's hentai obsessed fanbase. Not to say they aren't alright people but I aint playing alongside somebody whos rolling as a small huge eyed anime child LOL. In TESO everybody I've met has been awesome and helpful, and I've helped a few people out myself. That isn't something I've experienced in an MMO, so that's probably swining me towards it's favor.

Secret World has lore/setting that is as interesting imo, but the gameplay is nowhere near as good, so naturally I prefer this already as the setting/lore beats TERA whilst the gameplay beats TSW, which are the two MMOS I've ever actually thoroughly enjoyed.

Don't think I've stated anything in my posts that you can't see from a gameplay preview have I? Don't want to be removed from the beta. :D
Can we add friends/join friends? I have no idea.

When the servers are back up add me!

Username: ThaReaperGuy
Ingamename: Umbriell (someone took Umbriel, Sul & Vuhon and I was ******)

Yeah you can, but not until you get out until the Bleakrock area, afaik. I was teleporting to my friend who I was in a group with last night and it just kept sending me back to some shrine place. Not sure if it's bugged.
Yeah you can, but not until you get out until the Bleakrock area, afaik. I was teleporting to my friend who I was in a group with last night and it just kept sending me back to some shrine place. Not sure if it's bugged.

Ah good, need to find a group to play with then! :D

Still struggling to get online, puts me in the 'fake' queue and then error message.
For all those that don't like it, citing issues with questing, combat etc, what would you do to improve it or take the MMO genre further?

For the MMO industry, it probably feels like they can't win.
For all those that don't like it, citing issues with questing, combat etc, what would you do to improve it or take the MMO genre further?

Probably to stop recycling age old ideas and go with something new, just making sure that the new idea is not worse than what you're trying to move away from.
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