*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

GMG if they have a working discount code or Amazon for £40.

Pretty disgraceful that the Imperial digital edition (which remember, is just a number string and doesn't invoke any sort of import tax) is £40 from Nuuvem (the well known Brazilian place) but £70 from all UK retailors :(
GMG if they have a working discount code or Amazon for £40.

Pretty disgraceful that the Imperial digital edition (which remember, is just a number string and doesn't invoke any sort of import tax) is £40 from Nuuvem (the well known Brazilian place) but £70 from all UK retailors :(

I did see a general 20% off voucher at GMG, but it doesn't seem to work for elder scrolls, or at least it came up with Unable to add this voucher, when I tried.
The weekend just gone, the combat was the same as previous. Personally I thought it was great, but some still didn't like it.

The current closed beta guys and the next beta weekend will contain the 0.18 patch which contains most of the combat feel changes, like animations, impact shake. NPC collision and so on.

Here is some more pic, this is more PvP oriented.


Thats good feedback, thanks for that - I'll see if I can find time to jump in on the open beta!

Now.. to look at pics! :D

EDIT: Awesome pics! I'm assuming the nameplates etc are taken off for screenshot aesthetics? seems difficult to see who your fighting!.. i'd just end up putting arrows in everybody :D
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Thats good feedback, thanks for that - I'll see if I can find time to jump in on the open beta!

Now.. to look at pics! :D

EDIT: Awesome pics! I'm assuming the nameplates etc are taken off for screenshot aesthetics? seems difficult to see who your fighting!.. i'd just end up putting arrows in everybody :D

Health bars are optional and so are quest indicators now too.

This is an interesting video, I think this contains the 0.18 combat feel updates (animations, collision, screen shake etc) but I THINK this video also shows off SINGLE player dungeons.

But I'm not 100% certain on this, so I'm trying to find clarification.
Yeah that's a pretty awesome video :)

I'd always roll an Archer type character too, not sure about the archer/2hander combo though, lol weird!
EDIT: Awesome pics! I'm assuming the nameplates etc are taken off for screenshot aesthetics? seems difficult to see who your fighting!.. i'd just end up putting arrows in everybody :D

There are no nameplates, something I have been begging for in an MMO for years and years and years. Used to annoy the hell out of me that as a player, I could hide behind a tree or rock etc, and the enemy could still see me because I had a whacking great line of text above my head sticking out the sides of the tree/rock
OK so there is 2 types if torch icons.

First torch icon is for single player dungeons, with a minor boss at the end with quests in them.

Then you have torch's with a + icon next to the and they are aimed for groups.
There are no nameplates, something I have been begging for in an MMO for years and years and years. Used to annoy the hell out of me that as a player, I could hide behind a tree or rock etc, and the enemy could still see me because I had a whacking great line of text above my head sticking out the sides of the tree/rock

While I agree, how does one distinguish friend from foe?.. i'm quite trigger happy! :D

Fire away ! content in the knowledge that your own people wont be hurt :)

How did you find your time in beta Tombstone? I always find your feelings of an mmo are very similar to mine, both coming from early mmos that didn't hold your hand anywhere near as much as most modern mmos.

Fire away ! content in the knowledge that your own people wont be hurt :)

Boo! I liked the fact that you could kill anybody you felt like in Skyrim!

The more videos I see though the more tempted I am!

Will watch the combat/levelling video at lunch I think
Rumours are circulating about a criminal system that is in development.

Yeah, the justice system and Dark Brotherhood have been mooted for release soon after launch for quite a while now. Interested to see where they're going with the justice system as you'd immediately think it would be in place to punish gankers in PvP, but everything is fair game in Cyrodiil so I'm wondering if it'll be tied into stealing stuff instead?

They've got so much material they can do for post launch content. really hope the game is a success so they can do justice to the universe the game is in.
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