*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I didn't think that this game would have an effect on me when the beta ended, but it's constantly on my mind to the point of considering to purchase the game.

The world was graphically great and most of all, relaxing which is what i look for in an MMO, so i have like a month to decide.
I didn't think that this game would have an effect on me when the beta ended, but it's constantly on my mind to the point of considering to purchase the game.

The world was graphically great and most of all, relaxing which is what i look for in an MMO, so i have like a month to decide.

There is going to be another beta weekend in roughly 1-2 weeks, this weekend one is confirmed to contain the 0.18 patch.


So at least you can have another pop at it with all the fixes.
Refined my Warlock/Blood mage build a bit.


Basically the main nuke is Funnel Health and Staff use.

Then you have 1 knock back and 1 slow. You also have have a damage shield which morphed reduces magic damage by 50%.

It has an Execute at range that does 300% extra damage on targets with low health and that will give you magicka regen on top of the passives.

Its quite PvP orientated as there is no sustained damage, more burst.

You have a lot of healing passives and on spell casts.

I think this should be pretty powerful in PvP/Single target levelling.
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I enjoyed the questing if i'm honest, its refreshing having all the quest voiced too! Makes questing far more interesting! A few of the quests have different directions you can go in too (these quests wasn't even the main quest line either.....)

Also its nice to see that the world changes for each player, returning to an area where you've completed a chain quest to see it's completely clear of enemy's is a nice rewarding aspect of the game. This is very hard to achieve in an MMO
Anybody else think the bows were garbage? Unless I was point blank an arrow wouldn't hit them!

Can't say I had that issue,maybe due to lag/stress on the server.

For me there are two issues:

1.all weapons and magic just seem really underwhelming(granted I was only low level but there just seems to be the sound and general feeling of power missing)

2.no symbols on the map to show you where things are and generally a very baron looking map with very little information.

I haven't been very excited about this since reading all the bad feedback and I know there are bad things about the game look above! But ever since playing it I can't get it out of my head so think I'm going to buy it and see how I get on it just feels comfortable straight off the bat and feels familiar it made me feel at home straight away.
More pics





2.no symbols on the map to show you where things are and generally a very baron looking map with very little information.

I thought this when i 1st started playing, but once i left the starter island things improved, there isn't much in the way of information on the starter island map, get to the 1st main town and the symbols are clearly marked on the map.

A nice feature that i haven't seen anyone mention is that when you're looking in your bag, your character is looking in a bag, when you're looking at your character sheet the character then starts reading a book. Its not much ..... just a nice touch!
2.no symbols on the map to show you where things are and generally a very baron looking map with very little information.

Sorry to say but that is the point. Your meant to go and find the content, not being told where to go or how to play.

The amount of time spent wondering to a quest objective, to only get side tracked by more that I stumble upon.
Bow range didn't seem too uber 40m for a couple of my abilities.
I did see a dual wielder pulling targets into him/her like marauder/white lion (WAR) which i find daunting as a archer/kiter.
Hopefully ill make it tp rvr next weekend.
Is it possible to level up purely in pvp ?
I was much more impressed this weekend, there is a lot to like about the game.

It gets so much better once you leave that terrible starting island, seriously it's the worst starting area I've seen in a MMO. It's white and grey and looks boring, it seems like you should be able to explore but there's nothing to find, it doesn't continue any sort of tutorial on from the intro but it does want to railroad you though a specific storyline.

Once I actually got into it more I liked:
You can choose varying skill builds paths really early in the game
Some interesting quests, all with voice-over
Very nice graphics in areas
Decent crafting system by the looks of it
Lots of nice details (like searching bag, reading map details mentioned above)
Decent dungeons that reminded me of classic eq/eq2 style difficulty
A lot of what I'm reading here is starting to push buttons in the 'decent mmo' part of my brain. Like the look of the skill system and graphically it looks decent. Couple of questions:

Is exploration rewarded? Are there any clickies to be found out in the wild that give rewards or quests?

Is there any kind of wardrobe facility, so you can look how you like regardless of your armour?

Is there weather, and a day/night cycle?

Can you go underwater?

Are zone walls very obvious or is the terrain open to explore?

Yes, I'm an explorer, and I like to look dapper while out exploring :D
A lot of what I'm reading here is starting to push buttons in the 'decent mmo' part of my brain. Like the look of the skill system and graphically it looks decent. Couple of questions:

Is exploration rewarded? Are there any clickies to be found out in the wild that give rewards or quests?

Exploration usually reveals quests, lore books (which level up the mages guild) or chests (to lockpick) or locations where you can craft special set bonus armour. Probably a few others bits but you won't find the Holy Flaming Sword of Impending Doom, just by turning left when everyone else is going right ;)
Is there any kind of wardrobe facility, so you can look how you like regardless of your armour?

There is, but it isn't done in the same way as other MMOs. You can acquire whole set costumes that you can wear cosmetically (usually disguises so you can get through areas without getting aggro ect) and I've read that certain achievements yield a cosmetic set to show off (like the Emperor set from Cyrodiil)
Is there weather, and a day/night cycle?

Yes, to both with the best storm sound effects I've heard in an MMO (I think FF:RR just beats TESO in the best overall storm effect category)

Can you go underwater?

No, unfortunately. I live in hope though
Are zone walls very obvious or is the terrain open to explore?

There are edges to the map, but they're usually done by impassable cliffs or getting eaten by a shoal of Slaughterfish if you venture too far out to sea :D There is plenty to explore though and the zone edges are never done clumsily (except not being able to jump over a lot of waist height walls). Over all it is very accommodating to the explorer type and very much encourages going off the beaten path.
Those pics look awesome...

Generally getting drawn in to this but not having time to play the weekend access is a pain.

Has combat improved much since the last gripes with it?

The weekend just gone, the combat was the same as previous. Personally I thought it was great, but some still didn't like it.

The current closed beta guys and the next beta weekend will contain the 0.18 patch which contains most of the combat feel changes, like animations, impact shake. NPC collision and so on.

Here is some more pic, this is more PvP oriented.

One of the highlights for me yesterday was whist on one quest I stumbled upon a partly covered chest with a treasure map in. There was a 5 part riddle/puzzle to go to different locations and eventually finding it. It wasn't marked on the map and took me a while to figure out the first location.

I wandered around the edge of the first areas and I wish there a few more random quests. They have put so much detail into all these remote areas but lack a reason to go to most of them which is a shame. Hope this was just the starter areas.

I also liked how some quests give you a disguise option which stops mobs you have already defeated many times attacking you. I don't mind killing mobs normally but I noticed in ESO killing them seemed to offer hardly any XP at all? I was about level 4 and needed something like 1000XP to level up and each mob was getting me 4XP or something.
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