*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

I have to be honest I am still a bit undecided. I quite like the game it's a nice change from the general 3rd person MMO. That said the "bugs" in the weekend build still well bugged me :p I know there are the changes in the closed beta build but I really hope they do another weekend with the newer build as it would put my mind at ease a bit.

But I can't help thinking... if this was F2P or P2P I would buy it in an instant no questions. But as a subscription based game for me personally I do not feel it is currently worth £8.99 a month (after the "free" 30 days).

It has some really nice ideas and once you are off those starter islands you really do get that sense of Elder Scrolls. I think I need another weekend or some play time with the newer build before I purchase.

Edit: oh and the Music is stupidly good as I would expect I really hope they release an OST to purchase :D

This is pretty much exactly where I am at now too, I could use some time with the changes, just to push me over the finish line on purchasing
The game is awful - for an MMO it's even worse. There phasing is absolutely out of whack and the fact that they punish you for going off their rails and doing your own thing is also awful. Here's the biggest issue I have. If you follow their fixed quest lines, everything is fine, but try and go off on your own exploring - you end up finding ghost towns and whole ghost areas where you are out of phase because you haven't started the quest yet. There is literally nothing there. Until you initiate the quest line for that area it remains blank. It's like being in a theme park - you can see all the rides, but until you talk to the attendant you can't go on. I don't want to be told how to play their game. Worst kind of game play for an MMO period.

The game forces you to do its quest lines just so NPC's & mobs show up - that's some crazy right there. So I end up going back to town and trundling through the quests, following everyone else doing the exact same thing.

And they want me to pay a box price and a sub for this ...f2p within this year I reckon.
I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.

i played a few more hours. Got a bit frustrated with one of the quests to the point of rage quitting.

Yeah it alright, i never got to try PVP. When do the servers go down ?
BubbySoup, that's weird.
I remember 2 weeks ago some main quests were bugged so I skipped them and went to next city, it was Skywatch, and continued main questline there.
No idea why you had that problem. Which faction did you play by the way?
Because Aldmeri Dominion was mostly fine and even if quest seemed bug, you could fix it by resetting the instance, simple re-log. Sometimes had to do it more than once which made gameplay rough and less than desirable, so I understand your frustration.
Unless they fix it, and few more issues, game will face a lot of problems right from the start.
I think the whole release is to rushed.
They probably want to do this before Wildstar goes live, but from my experience rushing the release can only make some damage. That's what killed Gothic series.
Hopefully ESO devs will fix main issues before release.
I agree with people on the business model, but imagine this right. Zenimax are a huge studio, way more staff than you might think considering it's the studios first game. Also that's just it, it's the studios first and hopefully only project, so it will get 100% attention. Just look at Blizzard, they juggle so many games yet still manage to update WoW at a decent pace (still not as many updates between rip off expansions as there should be though). If this game does well, maintains a subscription income and remains Zenimax' only project, the speed of the updates would be absolutely insane. Your sub may actually buy you £8 worth of extra content each month, unlike any other sub based MMO. If WoW/Wildstar are worth a sub then this is.

As people have pointed out, this isn't an MMO for number crunchers, if you're looking for a robotic (not necessarily a bad thing) min/max MMO then Wildstar is your best bet. However I believe ESO will (hopefully) carve out a casual market within the hardcore genre, as the entire game just feels like the kind of thing you can just relax with a few mates and beverages, mess about and still get stuff done. Not everybody is going to like that, but I think it doesn't appeal to hardcore MMO players on purpose, it's a casual affair that you can turn your brain off with, just like the single player games. It really does feel the closest to EQ as there has been, the first true sandbox MMO of the last 10 years.

With every other MMO, you either raid or pvp, there is nothing else to do. I think TESO is going to try and be an MMO where you truly can do anything you feel like and not fall behind or feel punished, why isn't there room for that in the genre? The fact it's releasing on consoles aswell is very promising because hopefully if the PC community don't rally around it, they will. At least that way it would maintain it's subscription and not turn into another 3 updates per year f2p mess.
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It's weird you saying that Omaeka, about it being casual. I know exactly where you're coming from (the slow, relaxed attitude to the exploration and lack of hubs) but there is a definite glass ceiling that you won't get past unless you put some effort into your character.

For instance, I did Spindleclutch yesterday which is the level 12-15 dungeon in Glenumbra. I was healing (I was 15 so I could swap between 2 handed dps spec and heal spec on my Temp) and was in there with 3 melee characters. I was healing, they were dropping down the Alter of Blood from the Fighters Guild on every fight and we still died a few times. The sheer number of adds and the way the game makes you look after your own aggro is going to trip a lot of people up if they think they'll be rolling up for free loot. I can't wait to see what the later dungeons are like! :D

I've never encountered the problem with the empty villages either. I went to both the mill and two of the villages accosted by the Red Rooks or whatever they're called without quests and saw plenty of things to kill (and traps in the RR place) but obviously didn't get any sort of credit for it. I'm wondering if BubbySoup had the problem due to the sheer amount of stress they were putting on the server? I've read lot of reports of people getting all sorts of issues due to the phasing, which is what Zenimax wanted. That is why a lot of quests seem bugged because they were trying to kill the server and mess up as many quests as they could. I'm hopeful as this was such an old build of the game, the one we should be getting for the last test (if there is one) will be the most recent and everything will be polished to a shine.
It's weird you saying that Omaeka, about it being casual. I know exactly where you're coming from (the slow, relaxed attitude to the exploration and lack of hubs) but there is a definite glass ceiling that you won't get past unless you put some effort into your character.

For instance, I did Spindleclutch yesterday which is the level 12-15 dungeon in Glenumbra. I was healing (I was 15 so I could swap between 2 handed dps spec and heal spec on my Temp) and was in there with 3 melee characters. I was healing, they were dropping down the Alter of Blood from the Fighters Guild on every fight and we still died a few times. The sheer number of adds and the way the game makes you look after your own aggro is going to trip a lot of people up if they think they'll be rolling up for free loot. I can't wait to see what the later dungeons are like! :D

Ah, well I haven't tried a dungeon yet, but I've done a lot of world questing up to level 15 I think, but tbh I spent most of my time running around chasing ore and slaughtering mudcraps for their leather scraps. :p

The crafting is sublime, is the beta still on? May jump into a dungeon! Nice to hear that there may be something there for the hardcore players though, but I hope they don't squander the opportunity to appeal to casual players too, because that is what the series is built on and is the reason for it's success.

I've never encountered the problem with the empty villages either. I went to both the mill and two of the villages accosted by the Red Rooks or whatever they're called without quests and saw plenty of things to kill (and traps in the RR place) but obviously didn't get any sort of credit for it. I'm wondering if BubbySoup had the problem due to the sheer amount of stress they were putting on the server? I've read lot of reports of people getting all sorts of issues due to the phasing, which is what Zenimax wanted. That is why a lot of quests seem bugged because they were trying to kill the server and mess up as many quests as they could. I'm hopeful as this was such an old build of the game, the one we should be getting for the last test (if there is one) will be the most recent and everything will be polished to a shine.

Aye, I had a ghost town bug in the first city you go to as an Orc (Grommash gro-Hellskrim, I'm so proud of that LOL! :D)
and from the last beta I know that the first desert island town is heavily populated.
Random book i found








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Just found out that the game is generating a variety of guilds.

For example one is a Khajiit only trading caravan type guild, where the players move from city to city selling there stuff.

Another is the Merchantile Guild, which is a guild purely for crafting and generating profit.

Another guild without a name yet is based around only mages who summon Daedra.

Quite like the diversity.
Quick tip:

You can buy the Imperial Edition from http://www.nuuvem.com.br/produto/1680-the-elder-scrolls-online-imperial-edition

For £40!!! Which is cheaper then the standard edition from the UK

Just install Hola! for your browser and when you browse the site, set the proxy to Brazil and bingo.

Works pefect, people have redeemed their keys and got there access.

I'm quite tempted to do this,has anyone else bought from this site? Is it a steam key or?
Don't fancy losing my steam account through the use of VPN codes.
Does the imperial version seem worth the extra over the standard edition?
I put this on the projector last night, started a new character and didn't put it down for about 6 hours - not many games have done that lately.

Some of the battles, the large (random?) sky anchor battle was a surprise and fun, but I was left with a few broken quests which stopped me progressing in level to the PVP parts.

I'm tempted to buy this now but I'm not a KB/M player. If they put in a good xbox controller support it's going to may be tip it.
I'm quite tempted to do this,has anyone else bought from this site? Is it a steam key or?
Don't fancy losing my steam account through the use of VPN codes.
Does the imperial version seem worth the extra over the standard edition?

I've done it. It's pretty much a Brazilian GMG. You make an account, buy the game (I used Paypal) and the code gets tied to your account. You then take the code and add it to your Bethesda/Zenimax account and viola, you have a pre-order for the game in place.

Every etailer will be receiving the Imperial key a bit before headstart (I don't think Zenimax have put a date on when yet) and when you get that emailed to you, you copy that and add it to your TESO account to unlock the Imperial goodies.

As to whether you think it's worth it or not, that is entirely subjective. I thought it was a no-brainer to pay the same for the Imperial digital version, as I was going to pay Amazon for the physical standard, but of course, YMMV.
I'm quite tempted to do this,has anyone else bought from this site? Is it a steam key or?
Don't fancy losing my steam account through the use of VPN codes.
Does the imperial version seem worth the extra over the standard edition?

It's entirely up to you on whether it's worth it or not.
The Biggest thing for me was if it was a steam key as did not want to risk my steam account but I'm guessing its not and its just redeemed on the games website using there launcher instead of getting steam in the mix.

Don't get paid until Friday but think I will take the leap tbh and get the imperial edition too whilist I'm at it its not much more and a few of the extras I like.
I put this on the projector last night, started a new character and didn't put it down for about 6 hours - not many games have done that lately.

Some of the battles, the large (random?) sky anchor battle was a surprise and fun, but I was left with a few broken quests which stopped me progressing in level to the PVP parts.

I'm tempted to buy this now but I'm not a KB/M player. If they put in a good xbox controller support it's going to may be tip it.

I know that feeling. On Saturday i think i sunk 14 hours into the game, such a great game.

The Sky Anchors are like Rifts rifts, expect a little smaller in scale, they are aimed for groups and raids.

You also have Sky Rifts (I think they are called), which are aimed at smaller amounts of players.

Both of them are dynamic and i think the rifts (not the anchors) can spawn randomly anywhere. But don't quote me on this.
Just been reading about the controller support and nothing is definite yet.

I was thinking of buying a PS4 the end of this month so I guess I'll have to pick up the PS4 version if I want to doss on the sofa and play, which will miss out on all the mods.

I hope the next ES single player uses an engine similar to this. Going around Morrowind last night and seeing the huge mushrooms and ships at the dock give a sense of scale (on the projector) that is missing in Skyrim.
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