At least it shows they listen.
Certainly, those changes look like they have improved on what people have been mentioning.
Very tempted to pre-order now.
At least it shows they listen.
I'm quite impressed they seem to be making a lot effort towards fixes and listening to there feedback let's hope that continues.
I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on pre ordering this on Friday but im trying to decide if to buy from the uk or use the site previously quoted:
As its much cheaper from here but what worries me is will this get banned due to me having to use a vpn to purcahse? Or will it be fine? Are the codes on this region specific or world wide? Just don't want to plum in a lot of hours to find my account then gets banned and the game gets taken away due to not buying a correct region key/using VPN to purchase/register
In my previous post i mentioned using Hola! addon for your browser which creates a proxy based upon the region the website is based on.
I've bought it from Nuuvem and the early access code was availible instantly. The game it self has no region lock, so with a copy from the EU you can play on American servers.
What is Feeding?
Well voice in my head, feeding is a process to keep the stages of Vampirisim down.
Ehh.. then what are the stages of Vampirisim?
((It should be noted that there may be a bug when you log in and out that drops you back down to stage 1, also when I did /stuck I had to redo the quest to get Stage 1 vampirisim back.))
Vampirisim is a debuff/buff of sorts, it has four stages. You will always have 50% more fire damage because of it, the higher in stages you go the less hp regeneration you get. However is also makes it so it costs less to cast vampire spells((At least it seems like it is suppose to, currently it does not work that way)). Think of it as being hungry and while hungry you get weaker (lower hp regen) however you also get more desperate for that snack which gives you more drive (lower vampire spell cost). Cosmetically Vampirisim gives you pale skin, red glowing eyes, and it causes the black rings around your eyes to get darker the higher in stages you go.
Here are the stages and descriptions.
The first is a 30 minute buff that can be found in your Character Window. This is the lowest Vampirisim can get.
Stage 1 Vampirisim 30 minutes -You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. -Feeding reduces you vampirisim stage, sneak up behind an enemy humanoid to feed on them.
Stage 2 Vampirisim 60 minutes -Your health regenerates 25% slower. -You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. -Your Vampirisim abilities cost 20% less health to cast. -Feeding reduces you vampirisim stage, sneak up behind an enemy humanoid to feed on them.
Stage 3 Vampirisim 90 minutes -Your health regenerates 50% slower. -You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. -Your Vampirisim abilities cost 40% less health to cast. -Feeding reduces you vampirisim stage, sneak up behind an enemy humanoid to feed on them.
Stage 4 Vampirisim no timer -Your health regenerates 75% slower. -You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. -Your Vampirisim abilities cost 60% less health to cast. -Feeding reduces you vampirisim stage, sneak up behind an enemy humanoid to feed on them.
Oh, I think I get it! But how do you do the feeding part? Well like the stages say, you need to sneak up behind an enemy to start feeding on them, during this time you and the enemy can not do anything. There are a few ways you can do this that I know of.
Crouching- After stalking around looking for your next victim you finally find a lone bandit wandering around. So you crouch down and slowly approach from the back, once you get behind them a prompt will come up that allows you to use a synergy and suck their blood. Tap that and for a few seconds you will watch blood fly like a stream into your mouth.
Nightblade Shadow skill or Invisibility Potion- You could just use your invisibility to get behind a humanoid enemy and feed on them. Honestly, the potions are super easy to make so if you are not a Nightblade you can always use them to get an easy feeding off if you are bad a sneaking up on people (which really isn't that hard). Anyway, when you are invisible just go behind people and feed of of them.
Wait a second, did you say that the vampirisim stages make you use less health instead of magicka? I thought the skills used magicka? Well aren't you a perceptive one, and you are correct they do use magicka. Assuming the next thing you ask is if that is just a typo and it is suppose to read magicka it looks like that is not the case. I just checked and in stage 1 and 2 my magicka costs remained the same, this will be brought up in my bug section.
But can you put a bowl of noodles on its head? That is the question for the ages.
Beautiful graphics. Atmosphere by the absolute bucket load. Freedom of weapons/armour/skillset. Onus on exploring these gorgeous lands and (what will probably be) the best PvP on the genre. These are just some of the selling points of the game.
This is Wildstar:
This whole post is tongue in cheek. I know Wildstar has a lot more going for it, like Warplots, 40 raids and hyper-frantic gameplay, but putting what amounts to some furry dice on a mount (I saw a mount customisation video and the narrator seemed very proud you could put a bowl of raman on a mount) is supposed to be a good thing? I'm all for customising things but not when it's done like that. The whole level up animation, the constant voice telling you you've got a double kill, triple kill ect. and the massive on screen animation to inform you you've got health back (to name but a few things) I'm sure are meant to be fun and hip, but they just come across as really childish and something that does nothing to help the perception that MMOs are just the bastion of basement dwelling, socially awkward American teenagers that many think they are.
Maybe I'm just an old git!![]()
Last time I went in this thread everyone stated it was a flop when the first beta began. But I read the last few pages and people seem to like it. Why is that then, is it because the devs are making some changes or is the game a bit more fun when you get to higher levels?
Last time I went in this thread everyone stated it was a flop when the first beta began. But I read the last few pages and people seem to like it. Why is that then, is it because the devs are making some changes or is the game a bit more fun when you get to higher levels?
Last time I went in this thread everyone stated it was a flop when the first beta began. But I read the last few pages and people seem to like it. Why is that then, is it because the devs are making some changes or is the game a bit more fun when you get to higher levels?
But can you put a bowl of noodles on its head? That is the question for the ages.
Some information about Vamparism:
And in typical ESO fashion, mounts are not straight forward mounts. There is horse customisation!?
Isn't ESO all instanced compared to wild star open world? Haven't played either just sure I read it somewhere?