*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Count yourself lucky. Trying to download a 22gb game at 400 kb/s is soul crushing!

Am I the only one who doesn't like the idea of some people being able to play any race in any alliance? Surely that kind of ruins the "us and them" feel that a faction should have about the opposing factions?

I agree with you on this, one of the real strengths of Daoc was the us and them feel (in fact , I dont think any MMO since has quite captured the us and them feel in the way that Daoc managed). When you saw a Lurikeen, you knew it was them hibbies, when you saw a kobold you knew it was them middies. Wouldnt have been the same if you could chop and change. Its a pity they've decided to do this with ESO.
I know where you guys are coming from, the atmosphere in daoc was great between the realms because they were so unique. I guess it sort of fits the elder scrolls lore more to have a few traitors in each alliance though, perhaps you should gain more alliance points if you kill a traitor!?

Hopefully they will just keep for preorder people and not available to all in the future.
Hopefully they will just keep for preorder people and not available to all in the future.

This is pretty much what i'm thinking too.

Entice people with the any race any alliance for pre order and lock the races after full launch. But only time will tell.

Super excited, not long left!!
Count yourself lucky. Trying to download a 22gb game at 400 kb/s is soul crushing!

Am I the only one who doesn't like the idea of some people being able to play any race in any alliance? Surely that kind of ruins the "us and them" feel that a faction should have about the opposing factions?

Hmmm, thing is, in pretty much every elder scrolls game there was always a few folks from other races dotted about. (e.g always some kajit traders, a few dark elf refugees etc). So long as it's kept to just a few, I think it could add a nice bit of flavour.
As long as all classes are available to either side/they have the same abilities etc. A big problem with Warhammer Online was that the opposite class was sometimes grossly overpowered.

Either way, not sure about this game. Looked fantastic but didn't have that MMO feel.
It could be a decent PvP title if they focus their resources there. fix the bottling, fix the loopholes in the script and fix the lag in cryodil. So msny people get to lvl 10 and jump to PvP as the the pve is horrifically dull. Don't hold out to much it will be done prior to launch though. The recent thread about botting started by the devs in the beta descended into a flame fest (quite funny reading some if it though)
Latest PTS build has the new add on limitation, FTC or foundery tactical combat add on is disabled as they have closed off their API. Seems to be quite a divide at the moment, big thread about whether or not this was a good choice. Patch is coming in at 7gb, mostly voice overs in the data.

Updates to the world PvP zone, just minor fixes and tweaks. Apparently their was a 300v300 battle for emperor the other night, no lag and smooth performance for all. The emperor was crowned for 30mins, then died! There is apparently a video somewhere, trying to find it.

Estimates on pre order purchases are around a million copies sold. Again that's rumour at the moment.
Hmmm, thing is, in pretty much every elder scrolls game there was always a few folks from other races dotted about. (e.g always some kajit traders, a few dark elf refugees etc). So long as it's kept to just a few, I think it could add a nice bit of flavour.

I haven't played any of the elder scrolls series(I know, I've let myself and my family down) so can't comment on there being a few folks of other races dotted round however I don't see how they're going to be able to keep it to a few. Both digital editions include the ability to play any race in any alliance. And considering that the digital editions give you two days more early access than the other editions, I bet quite a substantial amount of pre-orders are of the digital edition which means you could be surrounded by people playing races that aren't typically part of your alliance.
Yeah, it's a pity that. DaoC gave a real them-and-us vibe with the different races, whereas in GW2 you were just fighting a load of people for the sake of it.

I'd have preferred if they'd picked something else to distinguish the pre-order, but from their point of view I bet it's been a real money-spinner.
It is a shame. It makes sense if it would be allowed in very limited numbers (you'll always get mercenaries, sell outs and conscientious deserters) but to have large scale Altmer in Daggerfall, or Bosmer rocking it in Nord country is a bit silly. I'd imagine it has been something dreamed up by the marketing bods who obviously don't give a fig about the lore of the game, and not something the devs have much, if any, control over.
Yeah, it's a pity that. DaoC gave a real them-and-us vibe with the different races, whereas in GW2 you were just fighting a load of people for the sake of it.

I'd have preferred if they'd picked something else to distinguish the pre-order, but from their point of view I bet it's been a real money-spinner.

This is what bothers me. I never really got a sense for it in GW2 at all. DAoC has to date, been the pinnacle of that feeling. Early WoW had it somewhat if you played on a PvP server, but with only 2 factions it was never going to be the same, and they then proceeded to destroy any feeling of them and us after the first expansion, lumping everyone together. Today it's just a pathetic mishmash.

The danger is if there is demand for it after launch. The pressure to put it in the cash shop will be tempting no doubt, maybe not to the developers but definitely to the people holding their purse strings.
The one that will inevitably arrive. There isn't a single mainstream MMO without one - I don't see why ESO would be any different in this respect. As much as I hate them, it's a sign of the times.
The danger is if there is demand for it after launch. The pressure to put it in the cash shop will be tempting no doubt, maybe not to the developers but definitely to the people holding their purse strings.

You would hope that its just account services in the cash shop but as they essentially have a race behind a paywall, it wouldnt suprise me to see it down the line but it should jsut stay as a CE 'benefit'.

Edit: Re Post above - They have already confirmed there will be a cash shop, just not whats available officially. I got called a troll for asking if they had confirmed mind you.
The one that will inevitably arrive. There isn't a single mainstream MMO without one - I don't see why ESO would be any different in this respect. As much as I hate them, it's a sign of the times.

WoW doesn't have a cash shop, EVE iirc doesn't and TSW to name a few.

I think your confusing what a cash shop is. Its a shop where you exchange cash for items. Like boosts, pots and potions and special items not available in game through normal means.

ESO at the moment only has account services. Nothing else has been discussed or talked about.

7th of September Paul Sage confirmed that there is no cash shop planned and only account services. :)
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WoW doesn't have a cash shop, EVE iirc doesn't and TSW to name a few.

I think your confusing what a cash shop is. Its a shop where you exchange cash for items. Like boosts, pots and potions and special items not available in game through normal means.

ESO at the moment only has account services. Nothing else has been discussed or talked about.

WoW doesn't have a cash shop? What on earth are you taking about?


TSW also has an item store, EVE I will give you, but it's a bit of an anomaly in the MMO world.
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