*** Official EverQuest Next Thread ***

They've already scrapped the game once as it was 'too close' to WoW and the modern mmo, I expect it will be a 1 on your list (as long as it doesn't impact on the 'game' I dont mind - i.e xp boosts, cosmetic items). Smedley has also used the sandbox term a lot, so I'm hopeful we won't have "!" questing (GW2 is the future of questing imo).

I *think* more GW2 with Neverwinter style user generated content than WoW personally.
Been playing on and off since 99, actually have a Subbed Acc on EQ1 atm and a silver box account, still loving the game today, 85 SK with almost 2K AA, another 1000 or so and i'll push on to 95 :)

Cant wait for EQN though, aslong as they get it even remotely like EQ1 and less like EQ2 its sure to be a winner.

Some things i would like to see from both

1. EQ's Lore
2. Openworld Dungeons
3. Gigantic raids
4. Class Armour
5. Class Epics
6. Dragons

Some things i dont want to see

1. EQ2's stupid mob system the up and down arrows were retarded
2. Mercs, not for a while atleast, they aid groups but people tend to use them over players
3. Text driven questing, having to constantly type **** to scroll thru walls of text was bad

my 2cp


Epic quests. Really epic, at least 6 months to complete. Raid force required a few times at least.

Next to no instancing. A little bit is okay, maybe for group content. But raiding wise I want the servers guilds to sort raid rotation out between themselves. It just promotes a better community all round, and because of that it means raid location will vary. Raiding ICC for a year was soul destroying.

If it's anything like EQ1 I'll be all over it anyway.

Epic quests. Really epic, at least 6 months to complete. Raid force required a few times at least.

Next to no instancing. A little bit is okay, maybe for group content. But raiding wise I want the servers guilds to sort raid rotation out between themselves. It just promotes a better community all round, and because of that it means raid location will vary. Raiding ICC for a year was soul destroying.

If it's anything like EQ1 I'll be all over it anyway.

Camped Phinny solid for around 4 weeks until that damn blue crystal staff dropped. Used to set my alarm for his spawn time in the morning, kill him, goto work and just have enough time to do r/l things (like eating..) before going at him again.

I loved doing my epic but the lifestyle would clash so hard with my now being a responsible parent...

This is where I'm conflicted - I loved the awsome and stupidly tough nature of the game, but these days I just couldn't commit that kind of time to it.
no way, EQ1 was pretty hardcore, xp loss, level loss, gear loss, naked corpse runs, no maps, no quest markers (barely any quests tbh!) WoW was the first carebear game that brought about the Noddy'isation of eveything else. UO was indeed the daddy of them all, but you cant slight EQ1, that was a good game. The fact you can get mmo's for consoles now just shows how lightweight theyve become :(

I loved the revamped Kithcor, as a Cleric it was the only zone i could actually have fun in on my own :)

EQ1 was relatively hardcore but IMO you need a balanced mixture these days - i.e. permadeath only really appeals to a niche of players and many players just don't have the time/lifestyle to commit to that playstyle any more.

Its one of the things I hate about many games today there isn't the mixture of risk and reward games are either extremely unforgiving even at the basic level and generally die off very quickly due to the small numner that appeals to or full on carebear even at the higher levels.
Camped Phinny solid for around 4 weeks until that damn blue crystal staff dropped. Used to set my alarm for his spawn time in the morning, kill him, goto work and just have enough time to do r/l things (like eating..) before going at him again.

I loved doing my epic but the lifestyle would clash so hard with my now being a responsible parent...

This is where I'm conflicted - I loved the awsome and stupidly tough nature of the game, but these days I just couldn't commit that kind of time to it.

Haha, camping too! I want camping involved! :D

I know what you mean though. Ideally I'd just rewind back to '99 :p
This pretty much sums up my perspective of EQ1 (not my article/blog) http://blog.weflyspitfires.com/2009/09/30/i-miss-the-trains/ I pretty much never left qeynos hills, having played the **** out of black burrows with a group of people it was the most interesting thing I found in the game and once I'd done that enough to be bored of it never found anything else even close to the same level of engaging content anywhere else in the game and stopped playing... but I do miss those trains heh.
I hope it goes back hardcore , also as efour says "it must have ratongas" or its not worth it.

currently on splitpaw server char name "hammy"

I remember efour like to use the ingame emote to great effect :)
Well Smedley has been talking up how much he likes EVE and sandbox over the past year or so, would be nice to have something like that but with SOE you never know. Will be watching it with interest anyway :)

Epic quests. Really epic, at least 6 months to complete. Raid force required a few times at least.

Disagree with this bit, Group requirements for an Epic quest, hell yeah. Raid required, hell no.

Compromise, maybe have a raid to upgrade an epic, slay Raid boss 101, dip weapon into it's blood for +1 additional damage or something. I really hope they do away with gear inflation that is so prevalent in modern MMO's too.

Anyway, stroll on August 2nd!
Disagree with this bit, Group requirements for an Epic quest, hell yeah. Raid required, hell no.

Compromise, maybe have a raid to upgrade an epic, slay Raid boss 101, dip weapon into it's blood for +1 additional damage or something. I really hope they do away with gear inflation that is so prevalent in modern MMO's too.

Anyway, stroll on August 2nd!

raid required hell yeah :D
don't want everyone running around with their epics, granted if i was going to play again i wouldn't have time to raid but still would like to see raiders getting rewarded. but yes gear inflation needs to be sorted out they should bring back the good old times like Robe of Al'Kabor :cool:
Robe of Al'Kabor :cool:

Items with "clickies " need to be brought back from the grave (JBoots!!!), items that gave you an illusion when clicked, summoned a pet etc etc.

**** it, just give us EQ with updated gfx, some casual friendly improvements to the gameplay, instanced dungeons and non instanced dungeons a more defined questing path and I will be happy (it wont be though :()
Well Smedley has been talking up how much he likes EVE and sandbox over the past year or so

Which would be great if he hadn't of butchered SWG: one of the greatest sandbox games ever made with the best crafting system ever invented.

I'll never forgive the fat **** for that. :mad:
Which would be great if he hadn't of butchered SWG: one of the greatest sandbox games ever made with the best crafting system ever invented.

I'll never forgive the fat **** for that. :mad:

Hate to break it to you, but SoE couldn't have done **** to SWG unless LucasArts and ol George wanted it. I know it was the done thing to hate on everything SoE did with MMO''s for a while but the hatred is misplaced in this instance.
Items with "clickies " need to be brought back from the grave (JBoots!!!), items that gave you an illusion when clicked, summoned a pet etc etc.

**** it, just give us EQ with updated gfx, some casual friendly improvements to the gameplay, instanced dungeons and non instanced dungeons a more defined questing path and I will be happy (it wont be though :()

That's pretty much what EQ is today. The game has changed a lot in 14 years!
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