Why is that Sauber nearly mirrored finish? looks like it's bordering on the McLaren looks.
Yes because i photoshopped the whole shape and model of the car as well.....
Why is that Sauber nearly mirrored finish? looks like it's bordering on the McLaren looks.
Probably a mod.
Jono I will I've it a try tomorrow and see if I improved BTW what traction control setting are you one?
It's not to easy to tell from your post.
Please post times in the following format with a link to your screenshot below:
eg. 1:27.235 - T-Cam - Xbox - No Assists
Hey Jono8 could you edit your post so it looks like this ...
It just makes it so much easier for me to copy/paste into the table on post #2 cheers Stunning time by the way.
I can't even get a 1:45 let alone a 1:37 why am I so off the pace.
Using manual gears ? If not then I suggest you try and do as it adds a lot of time >1 second usually.
Try using some of the setups shown here as a guide to setting up the car http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss203/ROBISTHESTIG/1-5.png
I found that using the T-Cam gives you a better look at the corner so you can judge breaking and turning a little better which of course adds to your speed.
The rest is really just practice. Practice, practice and more practice.
Tried manual but just failed.
1:27.999 - Xbox - T-Cam - Medium TC
Do you mind sharing your setup? I'm getting low 1:29 but just can't seem to get anything more out of the Toro Rosso.