**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Not on PC, but I'm playing Fallout 4 (GOTY edition) on the PS5, having never gotten into Fallout before, and only having played Fallout 4 upon release for a quick spell, I simply didn't click on it.

Well... Turns out I'm obsessed! Obviously no mods, but I had no idea the scale of the game and just how 'open' it is in terms of approach and playstyle. I will very likely stick to the PS5 for the couch gaming aspect, but I will for sure do a playthrough on my PC with mods.

I've just finished the Glowing Sea quest in the main quest line and all I've done is the main quests until this point with some light exploration and detours here and there. Earlier today I was exploring Diamond City and came across the huge wooden ship and kicked off that side quest (so cool blowing up raiders with the ships cannons!). At this point I'm going to step away from the main quest line as I want to focus on side quests and gearing up.

My playstyle is essentially Rick from Rick and Morty, focused around the Nerd Rage perk which is great fun and combined with my characters drinking habits and chem addiction, it suits perfectly! :D

The reason for the post is I have some questions, but I'll start with the biggest bug bear... Sanctuary and settlements, I've got the quest to build some beds in Sanctuary however I absolutely hate base building in games. I see with the Local Leader perk I can build supply lines? How does that work and is it worth it as I'm struggling with ammo but have no idea how to craft more ammo.

Also, any suggestions on areas to visit without spoiling it? I'm hooked just wondering around at this point with the dog as my companion.
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The Supply lines just mean that any resources/materials at linked settlements are available to all of them. E.g. if you drop off a load of timber in Sanctuary, you can then access it at the Castle, if you have established a supply line between them.

There are some mods available (on PC at least) that automate the settlement building for you but I have found them to be quite flaky personally. YMMV.

I think there only a few initial building quests to complete in Sanctuary and then you can pretty much ignore them. A few more later in the game too but they are a part of the main quests and not too arduous IMO.
I should also point out that there's no need to do any of the building at Sanctuary as it has no effect on any quest lines, except maybe if you join the Minute Men - and I don't it affects that either. All it does is drop the happiness score.
Ahhhh, so is happiness something I care for in the game? If I'm considering my RP style, I very much doubt my character would give a single **** :D

And thank you for the supply line clarification, I will 100% be going for local leader at around Lv20 then as I'm hoarding so much stuff, it's becoming a nightmare to manage any form of workshop activity (chems, weapons etc).
I give the settlement and happiness a good go on my playthrough but I got sick of the "settlement is being attacked, go and help" whilst in the middle of a quest so let most of them go. I'm sure I could have built more defenses etc but ithat wasn't the game i wanted to play.
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Kinda opposite for me. I surprised myself, using lots of mods, I happily got stuck into the settlements, development, etc to the point of largely ignoring the MQ.
Recruitment of settlers, assigning jobs, using robots for caravans etc etc....... Just fun.
Same - I only play the game to build huge settlements. I recommend the "scrap everything" mod as not only can you get rid of all the debris on the floor, you accumulate tones of concrete, which is otherwise the hardest building material to find. But concrete builds are best. If you really want to, you actually scrap everything: Sanctuary Hills ends up as a featureless plain with just the settlement building workshop. It's fun to leave the Concorde refugees there looking lost...
Same - I only play the game to build huge settlements. I recommend the "scrap everything" mod as not only can you get rid of all the debris on the floor, you accumulate tones of concrete, which is otherwise the hardest building material to find. But concrete builds are best. If you really want to, you actually scrap everything: Sanctuary Hills ends up as a featureless plain with just the settlement building workshop. It's fun to leave the Concorde refugees there looking lost...

not the best of lists, but here is mine.....

205 mods loaded with the Old Gen version, build 163, of the game.
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