**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Yup, in the same boat. Took far too long to even get it working. Ehen it did it was great and I was looking forward to giving it serious playthrough... it just crashed far too often and here's me with a pretty good record for games that crash on other people's PCs that are fine on mine (usually).

I'm assuming there are guns as I'm finding ammo, but no guns yet. Will I get one soon? I'm at Fesco

Got a shed load of guns (nothing special) and I've just left Thameshaven.

Did get a few from a building full of hooligans not far from there.

Had to leave loads behind as well.
Updated the game, same issues to tried some mods which broke it completely, I know it's my fault but I just can't be bothered with all of this hassle to play a game.

Click a button to install, press play and erm play the game.....shouldn't need to read a manual to install it.
The FOL update broke the game for me, was working perfectly before (bar one CTD).

Won't even load now, locks the PC up.

Will have to uninstall, am going to wait a few months before trying again.

Back to replaying FO4 (again) for the Nth time.

Maybe I'll finish it this time.
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Updated the game, same issues to tried some mods which broke it completely, I know it's my fault but I just can't be bothered with all of this hassle to play a game.

Click a button to install, press play and erm play the game.....shouldn't need to read a manual to install it.
Weird as it’s the complete opposite for me, and the hotfix has sorted out the long load times as well.
I’m now running loads of mods and it’s super stable.
May be worth reinstalling FO4 and not using any mods at all then use the one button method on GOG (which has Buffout included).
Or if you’re that way inclined pop over to the FOLON discord which has all the help you’ll ever need.
I’m 3/4 through my 2nd playthrough and finding loads of side quests that I missed first time.
There is a mod that is super useful for changing settings without going into files, but I can’t remember the name (I’ll post it when I get home).
I seem to remember some of the early problems I had were with high frame rate and stuff like weapon debris being on with running it in Ultra settings (all of which are now sorted).


I found this useful..

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I finally got around to trying Fallout London.

Uninstalled FO4, deleted all the leftovers manually.
Installed FO4.
Downgrader mod didn't work, so I did it manually. One piece at a time.
Installed FOLON. The latest version, 1.01 with the first patch included.

>100GB downloading required on my low quality ADSL line. 1.8 MB/s. On a good day. Not fun times. But it worked.

Awful loading sequence, deliberately flickering and bad in every way as a design choice. Not off to a good start.

Game itself was fine and I really wanted to like it but I was defeated by 3 things;

i) 100+ second loading screens. Over and over and over and over and over again. Want to move from the safe house to the Swan and Mitre to continue the questline? Exit safehouse. 130s loading screen. Fast travel to outside S+M. 75s loading screen. Enter S+M. 65s loading screen. Talk to NPC, leave S+M. 50s loading screen.

ii) CTD, repeatedly. Unhandled exception. Over and over again.

iii) Deliberately annoying level design in which you are very often close to your destination but not allowed to go there, instead having to wind your way through a roundabout route because reasons. It reminds me of the notorious one way system in the city I live in, which was designed and implemented specifically to make it annoying for people to drive into (or anywhere near) the city centre.

A shame.
Shame. I will give this one another year or two until.it is sorted.

Why could they have made a package that you did not have to faff about so much?
Shame. I will give this one another year or two until.it is sorted.

Why could they have made a package that you did not have to faff about so much?

Apparently it's no hassle if you rebuy it on GOG. Download FO4, download FOLON, run FOLON installer. But I already had it on Steam.

Having a blast with it here.

Did you do anything to stop the frequent and apparently random CTDs with an unhandled exception?

Did you do anything to reduce the cell to cell loading times? 5 minutes 20 seconds of loading screen to go from one location to another and talk to one NPC, just to do one small step in one quest in one questline exceeds my tolerance for loading screens in game. That's not hyperbole. I timed it. Loading from one cell to another takes between 50 seconds and 2 mins 10 seconds.
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