**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Awesome # 4 has not been in the game for at least 6 months or longer so you must have got it way back then. That is the last mag I need now. Cba to recollect them all for a display in my camp I would have to downsize for just to display them :rolleyes:

The Outer Worlds you can buy right now on Windows Store @ £49.99 (MS bought the developer so its not likely to ever come to Win 7 now) if you do not want to buy from Epic but its Win 10 only I think. Easiest path for you to Win 10 is buy another HD buy a cheap Win 10 key (around £11-12 now online) have a dual boot system with Win 10 on the other partition.

I have 8 drives already, I think. Mostly HDDs I removed in my quest to silence my PC. I got so picky that the minor noise of a HDD was the last audible noise in my PC, so I bought a couple of SSDs and kept a HDD in only for odd bulky things I rarely use and overspill for older games where the drive speed was irrelevant. I only remembered I had 3 drives installed a few days ago - an SSD had been sitting in my PC completely empty for well over a year until I decided to split my Steam library and remembered the drive was there :) I might buy another SSD - I notice they're a lot cheaper than they were a couple of years ago.

The easiest path to Win 10 for me would be to buy a key from MS and do an upgrade installation after a drive image. The issue isn't how easy it is or isn't. It's that I don't want Win 10. At any price. Even if MS paid me. Which they should, like all makers of spyware.

Dual boot wouldn't suit me. If I am going to split my hardware off into a Win10 games console PC and something else, I'll build a low-powered silent box and run Linux on it for everything other than gaming. The faff then would be a switch for the keyboard, mouse and display.

Also...what are you buying when you buy Outer Worlds from Windows Store? A key to use with Epic? Or is it completely seperate from Epic?

Nuke Code mission always get the code BEFORE attempting it (they expire on Tuesday's I think mid afternoon UK time).

I found out later what the problem was. I'd looked at a page showing codes for this time last year :) Silly me. I've bookmarked NukaCrypt's codes page now, which seems to be up to date. Where do you get the up to date codes from?

Its easy really just perk up have weapons which melt robots (or hack them to fight each other is even easier!) & it only takes about 10-15 mins to run through the bunker & launch the nuke.

As I said, "it's not difficult, just extremely tedious". The robots are a minor distraction for me, nothing more. The time is in me getting lost, looking around for this room and that room and multiple sections of the mainframe and a tinkerer's bench and waiting while the robots very slowly amble to their stations with the bloody annoying alarm sounding all the while.
The issue isn't how easy it is or isn't. It's that I don't want Win 10. At any price. Even if MS paid me. Which they should, like all makers of spyware.

Also...what are you buying when you buy Outer Worlds from Windows Store? A key to use with Epic? Or is it completely seperate from Epic?
What will you do when Win 10 is the ONLY way to buy games you do want though?

If you buy The Outer Worlds from Windows Store its only to use on Windows Store which means its also PC Xbox Live integration for achievements & cloud saves. MS own the developer now so the game is not their IP but as they own the developer its unlikely to turn up outside of Windows Store anytime soon.
What will you do when Win 10 is the ONLY way to buy games you do want though?

That's the problem. My choices are limited:

1) Move to Windows 10 and take the hit. Lose privacy, security, reliability and impartiality. Help close the system.
2) Drop PC gaming entirely, use my PC as a hilariously over-powered general purpose PC and buy a games console for gaming only. Not an option because I can't use a controller without harming myself. The inherently bad design of a controller was OK when I was 20, but not now that I'm 50.
3) Have 2 PCs, one running Win10 solely as a games machine and one running Linux as a general purpose PC. More appealing, but I'd either need a second desk, second monitor, second mouse and second keyboard or a way of switching monitor, mouse and keyboard between the two PCs. I'm looking at a Pi 4 for the second PC, but I don't know enough about the kit required for switching. There are such switches, but I'd need to know more about them and support for different standards (e.g. I'm using DisplayPort, the Pi uses HDMI).

If you buy The Outer Worlds from Windows Store its only to use on Windows Store which means its also PC Xbox Live integration for achievements & cloud saves. MS own the developer now so the game is not their IP but as they own the developer its unlikely to turn up outside of Windows Store anytime soon.

Another closed system. No surprises there. It's harder to manipulate, control and gouge profit from an open system while farming the marks for data that can be used for more profit and to manipulate them.

Maybe I'll just play games I can buy from GOG or Steam.
I tried again to trigger the scorchbeast queen...this time the game crashed partway through the silo.

So I browsed on Youtube with Borderland 3 in mind and ended up watching The Spiffing Brit abusing exploits in Borderland 3 to be immortal, have infinite money and kill everything with a L1 starter pistol. Amusing channel - I'll watch some more of their stuff. Or I'll go scavving for screws and lead as they're the things I'm running short off. Crafting and scrapping to learn the last few mods uses thousands of screws and full auto weapons use tonnes of lead.
Fastest way to grab lead is Lucky Hole Mine near Fort Defiance, should reap you around 500 Lead Ore. I go there every other play through as I melt through lead with a 50. cal and Minigun.
Dont forget to go down the secret / hidden tunnels in there as well, there is lead ore down those.
Fastest way to grab lead is Lucky Hole Mine near Fort Defiance, should reap you around 500 Lead Ore. I go there every other play through as I melt through lead with a 50. cal and Minigun.
Dont forget to go down the secret / hidden tunnels in there as well, there is lead ore down those.

I go there sometimes, but I only pick up about 40 lead ore. Which is still a lot. 500 lead ore would be 2500 lead scraps. About 60,000 50 cal rounds with Super Duper and Ammo Smith on! Is there really that much lead in that mine? I thought I was missing some just from not spotting it, but that much?

I also trawl a few gyms for the weights, particularly when I'm low on acid for smelting, and do the breach and clear event when I see it (a couple of dozen lead ore from that).

EDIT: I went through the lucky hole mine more carefully and realised that you can mine a vein more than once. I really should have known that already. I came out with 132 lead ore, which is 660 lead scraps at least, probably more with Super Duper on. So now I'm out of acid and steel :)
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Well, I finally triggered the scorched earth quest...and only 3 people turned up, none of whom were over L70 and none of whom had very high end weapons. We failed. So I went to Lucky Hole mine to get more lead...and the game crashed. Typical FO76 :)
If anyone is (like me) seeking to learn all the plans, here's a very useful resource I found. Someone gathered all the information available on what mods exist for what items and whether or not they can be learned from scrapping. So I found out that I was indeed wasting time when I crafted and scrapped ~200 walking canes because there is no chance of learning either of the 2 walking cane mods that way :)

I go there sometimes, but I only pick up about 40 lead ore. Which is still a lot. 500 lead ore would be 2500 lead scraps. About 60,000 50 cal rounds with Super Duper and Ammo Smith on! Is there really that much lead in that mine? I thought I was missing some just from not spotting it, but that much?

I also trawl a few gyms for the weights, particularly when I'm low on acid for smelting, and do the breach and clear event when I see it (a couple of dozen lead ore from that).

EDIT: I went through the lucky hole mine more carefully and realised that you can mine a vein more than once. I really should have known that already. I came out with 132 lead ore, which is 660 lead scraps at least, probably more with Super Duper on. So now I'm out of acid and steel :)

Typo was supposed to say 50
Just in case anyone here is going to be doing the next special hourly event thing (Mischief Week or whatever it's called), uses power armour and is annoyed by the massive penalty in the event for not doing it in costume, a Bethesda customer service rep wrote on Reddit in response to that concern "It should still be possible to wear a costume in the nuke zone and have it count for the event by replacing your Power Armor Helmet with a costume hat." Since the event is in the Whitespring, that should be viable unless the place is nuked. Assuming that the Bethesda customer service rep was right, which might or might not be the case.

The event has some appeal to me as part of it is blowing up vehicles in the Whitespring, which I routinely do anyway. It attracts ghouls from nearby buildings, so they all come running out to attack you. If you can handle them a dozen or more at a time, it's the quickest way to clear the area.
Bethesda are so lame & cheapskate this new event is quite literally full of the existing content repositioned over to Whitesprings! They are not opening any new buildings in Whitesprings (despite there being so many locked doors). The original intention was to open the doors gradually but they have not bothered doing this at all in almost a year. I think the team on 76 are now smaller than ever it gets so few updates they even appear to have almost given up on the Atomic Shop (which was just about the only thing driving recent interest in it).

Last few times I played player numbers seemed really low as it kept reusing the same servers which is always a sign player numbers are low as Bethesda are too cheap to allow the servers to ramp up they always wait until they are totally full before allowing another virtual server to host the game to keep costs down to a minimum. This means you rarely get players outside the UK or EU if you want to see what players in the US are up to then you have to join a friend based there & more often than not the mixture of players & their bases is way different to EU servers with way more rare items for sale in their player shops.
Wastelanders has unsurprisingly been pushed back to 2020 the rest is just PR drivel about stuff which should be ingame already but I doubt the games player numbers are going to last into 2020 especially as they announced charges for private servers :rolleyes:

Gotta laugh - the only 2 things players really wanted. 1 is delayed by an unspecified amount of time and the other is is missing the most important part (mods) and is going to cost extra money. Extra money. From FO76. Are they nuts?

They are nuts, aren't they? They've finally succeeded in killing mods and topping the infamous horse armour without the derison they got when they tried it the first time and it's addled their minds.

EDIT: I see they're promising to add lots more non-cosmetic items to the atom shop...but they super-duper-double honest promise to absolutely definitely not make it at all pay to win when people pay them extra cash for items with "real utility". Which is, obviously, the definition of pay to win.
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@Angilion 76 is still so broken & buggy (this week's weekly challenge for silo codes has been bugged for months basic QA team obviously does not exist @ Bethesda !!) that they want to now charge players for private servers is so staggering even for the people managing this game for Bethesda :rolleyes:
The pay to win atomic store items I knew would come there is so much money in it & Bethesda say the repair kits & health kits are the most popular items sold so to their logic & statement they are going to do even more similar items now :eek:

76 will struggle to maintain player numbers its already heading downhill fast server hopping is now more tedious than ever you have a 1 in 3 chance of landing back on the same server as they do not scale until full up & player numbers are very low. So many players have just decided enough is enough!
@Angilion 76 is still so broken & buggy (this week's weekly challenge for silo codes has been bugged for months basic QA team obviously does not exist @ Bethesda !!) that they want to now charge players for private servers is so staggering even for the people managing this game for Bethesda :rolleyes:

The problem is that what is staggering greed and misuse one year is the norm a few years later. 10 years ago, who would have imagined that gambling with real money for ingame items would be a normal part of gaming? Who would have imagined that it would become normal to pay full price for an unfinished game and then pay more for the rest of the game and then pay more to remove inconveniences deliberately written into the game solely for the purpose of selling their removal and then pay more to avoid being derided for not having whatever costumes are fashionable in the game?

Bethesda is a good illustration of the deterioration because of the famous horse armour. Bethesda was a bit ahead of the greed and misuse curve when they released decorative ingame horse armour for $5 of real money and they got a huge amount of negative customer feedback and negative media attention for it, enough to make them back down on the greed and misuse for a while. A few years later and Bethesda was able to get away with doing much worse in FO4, including releasing the horse armour again to take the **** out of their own customers. A few more years and Bethesda was able to get away with killing off modding for their games, removing game content and then selling it later, selling ingame-only fashion clothing for real world money, artificially limiting supply (of items that aren't even real!) to inflate prices and manipulate customers, defrauding their most devoted customers (which is stupid even for people controlled entirely by greed) and lying about selling an ingame advantage for real world money. What will they think of next? The greed and misuse curve has no end.

The pay to win atomic store items I knew would come there is so much money in it & Bethesda say the repair kits & health kits are the most popular items sold so to their logic & statement they are going to do even more similar items now :eek:

I recently found that I had acquired 51 improved repair kits from playing the game. Presumably the Scorched Earth event. I dropped them and they were destroyed. Those 51 improved repair kits were just 5.1 units of useless weight. The usefulness of them is so marginal that I suspect that it's deliberate. Bethesda are riding the greed and misuse curve as hard as they can, but not everyone calling the shots is completely deluded and so they understand that at some times it's more efficient to ramp up the greed and misuse incrementally. Jumping straight to overt and extreme pay to win probably wouldn't be the most efficient way to extract money from their marks. Hence the progression - first the useless fashion items and hope for peer pressure to coerce marks into giving Bethesda free money (that works extremely well in Fortnite, for example, but has clearly failed in FO76 due to the tiny player base, more mature players and the fact that it's essentially a single-player game), then one item that costs real-world money and has extremely marginal use in the game (so it can be claimed to be merely a convenience), then some more of those, then some that have a bit more use in the game, then a bit more use, then a bit more, each time pausing for the change to become the new normal. Acclimatisation by slow change is often the most efficient approach and especially so when the intention is malign and manipulative.

I have two questions that I know will never be answered:

1) Are Bethesda lying about their next step on the pay to win trail being the most popular items sold? We know they would lie without hesitation and we know there's no way of checking their statement.

2) How many of those items were sold for real world money and how many were sold for points made ingame? Assuming any were sold at all, of course, since we only have Bethesda's word for that and Bethesda's word is worthless. But assuming any such items were sold, the source of the points used to buy them is key. There's a world of difference between "I will spend real world money on buying a tiny advantage in convenience in this game" and "I have acquired lots of points ingame that I'm not using because I don't buy fashion clothing with them. Those points have no value outside the game, so I may as well use them for this tiny advantage in convenience".

Take me, for example. I bought the collectron in the atom shop, which is one of the items that Bethesda is referring to. They were referring to any item in the atom points shop that has any effect ingame, not just to the "repair kits & health kits" you refer to). Did I pay $7 of real world money for it? Of course not! It's not worth any real-world money. I bought it using the otherwise useless points I've accumulated from playing the game. I teleport around player camps very often because I'm searching for any plans I don't already have. A sizable proportion of players have collectrons in their camp, so it's clearly a very popular item "sold" in the atom shop. But I'd be willing to bet that at most extremely few people paid real world money for it.

76 will struggle to maintain player numbers its already heading downhill fast server hopping is now more tedious than ever you have a 1 in 3 chance of landing back on the same server as they do not scale until full up & player numbers are very low. So many players have just decided enough is enough!

My guess is that if I buy RDR2 for PC when it comes out (which I probably will) or get interested in any of the games I've already bought and never played, that will be the end of me playing FO76. I still play it so far, but a fair bit of that is habit and a liking for the game world more than the game itself. I generally pop on, scav and sell the daily limit of 1400 caps worth of stuff (usually mostly a Whitespring circuit), do a couple of daily and weekly challenges if I think they're not too grindy and bugged, maybe do a couple of events if they're really quick ones or I happen to catch a non-trivial public event, scrap any legendaries I happened to pick up, buy some more useless legendaries if I've reach 1000 scrip, maybe teleport around player vendor camps on the tiny chance anyone is selling a plan I don't already have, maybe dig up any treasure mound I've acquired at least 5 maps for, leave.
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