**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Bethesda are really going all out to upset the community it seems :rolleyes: 1M Community Scorchbeast kills to get some lame cosmetic & 1600 Atoms to buy 2 player requested features (Refrigerator to stop food & drink spoiling & your own scavenger bot) :(
[regarding the removal of the atomic shop access points from train stations) I guess it didnt drive any more sales or traffic to the Atomic Shop or something else maybe?

It generated a lot of complaints. My guess is that it didn't bring any more profit to Bethesda, so removing it in response to complaints is way of showing that they're listening to players. Or maybe I'm just cynical. Maybe a company that actively defrauded its own customers has somehow grown a conscience. But I doubt it.

So the Collectron is another addition to the workshop which is not cosmetics and has ingame effects / benefits?

Yes. Bethesda was, of course, lying when they said they wouldn't do that. However, it's a one-off purchase and the ingame benefits are irrelevant. The collectron slowly gathers extremely small amounts of common scrap or junk. I think it's worth buying with free atom points for the amusing dialogue and because it's something different.

2 more plans to buy as well from Watoga or Whitesprings Vendor Bots (I have all plans except for those 2 which I will buy shortly!). Travelling to events is now free as well no more wasted Caps.

Are you sure you've learned all the mods for all the things? I thought I had learned all of them for everything apart from power armour. I'm buying the PA plans, but even with grape mentats and hard bargain 3 it's a long haul with a limit of 1400 caps per day. However, now that it's possible to check I've found dozens of plans I don't know for weapons and armour. Some are prime receivers, but many aren't. For example, I'm on 63/66 for pipe pistols and and 49/53 for pipe revolvers. I've scrapped hundreds of those and thought I'd learned all the plans. Then there's the stuff I never used, like hatchets. 0/1 for hatchets, so later on I'm going to be crafting and scrapping lots of hatchets.
Bethesda are really going all out to upset the community it seems :rolleyes: 1M Community Scorchbeast kills to get some lame cosmetic & 1600 Atoms to buy 2 player requested features (Refrigerator to stop food & drink spoiling & your own scavenger bot) :(

More of the same sort of thing later:

Community Challenge – Take out the Trash (October 1 – October 14)
  • Take down 8,000,000 Scorched with the community
  • Reward: Legendary Vendor Sale at 25% off (October 17 – October 21)
8 million scorched is just the base goal. There are 3 "stretch goals" to it, which are presumably even larger numbers.

The super epic top stretch goal rewards are a repeat of meat week and a week long discount at the Purveyor's shop. Almost useless and completely useless. Woo! I can't wait!
Bah...it seems that skins that can be bought from the atom shop count as mods. That makes the known/available mods numbers far less useful.
I haven’t played this game in like 4 months or more, hows the game playing now is it still riddled with bugs?
Used to play with a mate but it became a 40 minute chore each time to get an actual server together without being ejected or crash blah blah.
Anywho I bloody miss it but I’m too stubborn to play it especially if it’s still weak at the knees, how’s it holding up??
Bah...it seems that skins that can be bought from the atom shop count as mods. That makes the known/available mods numbers far less useful.

I may have been wrong about that. I checked a weapon, was 1 mod short and there was 1 unlockable mod that was a paid for skin from the shop. So I thought that was the missing one. Later, I checked an excavator PA piece. I was on 2/5 mods learned, but there were 4 unlockable mods that were paid for skins from the shop. So now I think they don't count.


Stretch goals what a laugh that is I wonder if a stable base game & or features players can actually use will ever make it as the ultimate reward :rolleyes:;)

Probably never, but either there are more people playing than I thought or Bethesda is lying. The Fallout site shows 121,060 scorchbeasts killed so far since the "event" began. So at least the first stretch goal will be reached. Another silly icon, woo!

I haven’t played this game in like 4 months or more, hows the game playing now is it still riddled with bugs?
Used to play with a mate but it became a 40 minute chore each time to get an actual server together without being ejected or crash blah blah.
Anywho I bloody miss it but I’m too stubborn to play it especially if it’s still weak at the knees, how’s it holding up??

It's now about as riddled with bugs as meat that's been rotting for a week, rather than meat that's been rotting for a month. So it's improved a lot. I'd rate it as being in beta now. I think the server stability has improved quite a bit, especially for the first few days each week after weekly maintainence. I often play entire sessions without being kicked from the server even once and if you stop and wait a few seconds before exiting power armour the game probably won't crash. So...yay, I suppose. The game still crashes quite a lot in the inventory, though. It's still very buggy, but that's a significant improvement over how it was. After 13 major patches, it's in beta. Maybe it will reach genuine release stability after another half a dozen patches.

Probably worth having another go. It's definitely less bad than it was and there have been some quality of life improvements to the game. A few trivial snippets of new content, but all of them added together don't add up to half a fairly decent mod for previous Fallout games. Meat Week is mildly entertaining for Grahm, really. He has some amusing dialogue for it. "I not murder you if you not murder me". Words of wisdom :)
i thought they were fixing daily events, boomer event still wont start and as far as i know this is the only possible location to obtain the tattered field jacket of which im looking for
out of curiosity what player levels are you. im currently at 251 and still playing, they seriously need to do something with the build limit as all these atom shop items and we have to scrap other things to be able to use them.
anyway im looking for the tattered field jacket and will pay 15k in caps for it and throw in a hunters long coat.
Only level 397 here LOL :p bought all vendor plans months ago (500K plus caps worth LOL) and have almost every single learnable plan as well apart from the unobtainable glitched ones or 1 in 500 drops plans & items which are so ultra rare they are now considered unobtainium due to how lazy Bethe$da are about fixing the 1 in 500 drop rate.

This 1 in 500 drop rate is 0.003% but in reality its way worse as that 0.003% is only if the drop rates are consistent & as they are far from that so its more like a 1 in 50000 drop rate for rare plans & items or 1 in 500,000 drop rate for certain event rewards :rolleyes:
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i thought they were fixing daily events, boomer event still wont start and as far as i know this is the only possible location to obtain the tattered field jacket of which im looking for

They've done some degree of fixing. I did the boomer event the day after the patch, along with a few other daily events that haven't been working for months if ever. Queen of the Hunt, Miss Chloe, maybe some others.

out of curiosity what player levels are you. im currently at 251 and still playing, they seriously need to do something with the build limit as all these atom shop items and we have to scrap other things to be able to use them.
anyway im looking for the tattered field jacket and will pay 15k in caps for it and throw in a hunters long coat.

The build limit is deliberately useless and will never change significantly. Bethesda must know that building was a big part of the appeal of FO4, but it's deliberately extremely bad in FO76. I spent many hours wrestling with it to build a barely acceptable camp (I posted some screenshots of it in this thread a while back - Soloman's Shed) within the ludicrous budget and with the crappy and buggy building Bethesda vomited into FO76. Then I binned it and built a simple one storey shed to house workbenches and vending machines, with a water purifier and 2 of every plantable plant and put it near Flatwoods as a service to newbies. I don't even go there much - I do all my crafting and repairing at Artisan's Corner in the Whitespring.

I have a sort of advantage in that I don't care about artificially rare items of clothing that I can't wear anyway because I use power armour. I've got a couple I noticed and no doubt some more I didn't notice and just sold to vendors for a few caps.

I'm not sure what level I am. It doesn't matter once you've got all the perks you want. I think I'm somewhere in the 190s. The only time I pay any attention to levelling is to get the 10 atoms points daily levelling challenge when it's possible for me to easily get all 3 objectives in one level. I'm going to keep popping on to do some scavving, keep my vending machines fully stocked with plans and recipes at 50 caps each as a service, craft and scrap stuff to learn any remaining plans I can, buy the others, finish all the unbugged "challenges", get some more possum badges from daily events so I can buy the few remaining things with them and then probably keep farming the scorchbeast queen for jollies and to get prime receiver plans since those can't be bought. Until Wastelanders comes out, of course. Then I'll be all over that because it's more like a proper Fallout game. I hope it's less bad than I expect it to be.

And for some odd reason I still can't catch Swamp Itch. It's the last disease I need for the "catch all 22 diseases" "challenge". That one's bugging me, along with not finding a hostile mothman to get the wing for the last possum badge "challenge" and not finding plasma grenade plans for the last tadpole badge "challenge". Oh, and the old bug which caused Forbidden Knowledge to never trigger for me. I plat Fallout games as exploration games, so I ended up triggering the BoS quests out of order and completed Belly of the Beast before completing Recruitment Blues. So I don't have a government ID and I don't have the Forbidden Knowledge repeatable quest. I even tried going to the DMV - I can get a number, but the bot is stuck on the "wait for your number" dialogue even when my number is called. I have about 120 technical documents now.
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I think that the mod count is (how surprising!) bugged. I'd found an armour piece, looked at it on a workbench and it listed 11/11 mods. Scrapped it...and learned another mod. That's the second time it's happened.
A really stupid unintended consequence of the double XP weekend (which ends soon today) is that not only do you get double XP but food, water, thirst, hunger, diseases etc etc ALL get doubled (or is it halved!) as Bethesda have not even bothered to allow for that & implemented a 1 size fits all doubling effect :rolleyes: this means you need double the usual food, drink, aid & medicine :(
A really stupid unintended consequence of the double XP weekend (which ends soon today) is that not only do you get double XP but food, water, thirst, hunger, diseases etc etc ALL get doubled (or is it halved!) as Bethesda have not even bothered to allow for that & implemented a 1 size fits all doubling effect :rolleyes: this means you need double the usual food, drink, aid & medicine :(

I hadn't even noticed. The "survival" mechanics are so slack that they're just a constant minor inconvenience. Even when doing Project Paradise and Scorched Earth repeatedly, the only noticeable difference for me was ammo usage. I used ~5000 50 cal rounds doing Scorched Earth repeatedly and that's a lot of lead. I ran out and had to switch to my gatling gun.

As I'm back to "craft and scrap" to learn more mods, I've run out of screws too. Used ~800 of those in minutes.

And, surprise surprise, the daily scout quests still don't give badges despite that being "fixed" in patch 13.
Something else I noticed months ago if you look very closely most of the enemies do not even drop the same weapon model they are carrying when you kill them as in if they are carrying a laser model they drop a machine gun or assault rifle instead of the laser model they are holding :eek: such basic coding errors but no sign of it ever being fixed :rolleyes:
Something else I noticed months ago if you look very closely most of the enemies do not even drop the same weapon model they are carrying when you kill them as in if they are carrying a laser model they drop a machine gun or assault rifle instead of the laser model they are holding :eek: such basic coding errors but no sign of it ever being fixed :rolleyes:

Yeah, I noticed that very early on. It's very sloppy work, but it doesn't bother me.

On a better note, today's hotfix claims to have fixed two more annoying issues:

  • Controls: Addressed an issue that could cause the game controls to become unresponsive when exiting a set of Power Armor.
  • Stability: Addressed an issue that could cause a server crash.
Yay, I finally caught swamp itch to complete the set. I found a video entitled "I caught swamp itch", watched it to see where and tried the same thing. A sleeping bag in a ruined trailer in Sutton. Exited PA, took off my hazmat suit, took some radaway to lower my disease resistance, slept. Worked straight away. Maybe it's specific sleeping bags/mattresses that are infected with swamp itch.
If anyone else is still playing, would you check to see if you've learned any walking cane mods? The modify item dialogue for walking cane lists 2 learnable mods, but I've crafted and scrapped a couple of hundred and I'm still on 0/2. Similarly for leather chest, stuck on 12/13.

I stumbled across a scorched yesterday that had invented anti-gravity but couldn't control it. So they were walking upside-down on the ceiling. Until I shot them, of course.


I've finished my newbie service camp, on the road between the overseer's camp and Flatwoods, just before you get to the little club with a pool and a gym room. Rather annoyingly, I had to make the sign wrong. Every letter counts as a light source and Bethesda only allows 50 light sources per camp because reasons. So I had to put "junk" when it should have been "scrap". Either that or remove an actual light source. 50c per plan or recipe except for jetpacks for higher PA sets, which are 100c. I'm managing without the extra lead as long as I stick to my gatling guns.


I was looking through another player's vending machines to see if they had any plans I hadn't already known when I heard some piano playing. So I went up and found the player on a balcony playing the piano. There were some other musical instruments, so I got out of my PA to play with them a bit.


There are good bits in this game. I've had my money's worth from it.
Two helpings of FO76 weirdness (one annoying, one amusing) and something you might not know about trapper armor.

Weirdness 1: I'd been playing a couple of hours ago with no more than the usual amount of problems for FO76. No server disconnects, just horrendous lag between client and server. I found something online and decided to pop back on to FO76 to look at it. Loaded the launcher, logged in, started FO76...and got disconnected due to modified game files. OK, I must have chosen NW instead of Adventure. Somehow. The game files aren't modified, but I am running a few quality of life mods (better inventory, better PA light, perk loadout manager, raw int for camp building, power armour clean HUD). FO76 is now endlessly doing nothing on the title screen, no menu. Kill it with task manager, try again. Definitely chose Adventure. Disconnected due to modified game files. Eh? I was playing a couple of hours ago. So I did a scan and repair. Scan took too long, then the launcher decided to download 69.60GB as a "repair". Lovely! That's 17 hours on my connection. Yes, I should get a faster one. Pure inertia on my part. Of course, it was the usual Bethesda bug they have acknowledged but not fixed, so it wasn't 69.60GB at all. It was a few hundred MB. That done, back to working fine. With the mods still in place.

Trapper Armour: The reason I went back on was because I'd been idling looking for information about trapper armour plans because I was fairly sure I've only found plans for arms. I'm missing a few armor plans. I don't want any unpowered non-legendary armor, but I want the plans because I want all the things. You know how it is with Fallout games. I found a post saying that they are found in a specific type of random event - if the random event is a burning tent, there will be a trapper armour plan in it. One random event trigger point is right next to the road between Tyler County Fairground and the lumber mill NW of it. So I teleported to the fairground and headed up that road to the mill. Sure enough, about a third of the way there's a clear patch of ground next to the road and there was a burning tent there and a trapper armour plan in it. Arms, which I already knew. So I went to what someone said was another random event spawn point, a house on the road almost exactly due east of the overseer's camp. A quick trip, worth the time.

Weirdness 2: On arriving at the overseer's camp, what looked like a very small twister spraying white objects was in the camp. I looked at it for a few seconds, thinking "eh?", and then it stopped. The objects were nuke mines. Many nuke mines. I took a photo:


Never seen that before.

Went to the house and there were 3 bee swarms there. Maybe that was the random event.

So...that's what I'll be doing tomorrow - stalking random event spawn points.

And I finally, finally, got my entomologist badge. While looking for another random even spawn point claimed to be somewhere NW of Dent and Sons, a hostle Mothman appeared (presumably that was the random event) and it left a torn wing piece when I killed it. Yay! Just the plasma grenade plans to complete every scout badge. I'm not going to look for them - thet seem extremely rare or possibly no longer attainable.
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