If you are looking for a bullet sponge then look no further than the relatively new event A Colossal Problem where you need to take down a massive Wendigo called Earle with loads of normal sized Wendigos for added annoyance. We are talking thousands of rounds of ammo to bring it down, Enjoy. Oh and you have to drop a nuke first to initiate the event.
On the Bethesda forums, someone dubbed Earle "SpongeBoss Squarepants". It's a perfect name.
Fortunately, there's no reason to do that event.
It's on offer on steam about £13, I'm a massive fallout fan but..... I've heard how terrible this is, and I'm worried it'll ruin my love of the franchise.
Is it really as bad as people make out?
Yes. But it's still a bit Fallout. The gameworld is excellent. There's plenty of little details in environmental storytelling. The game is bad, but the gameworld is excellent. The game is badly made (expect bugs and this time without fan-made patches for them) and badly designed (multiple abysmal UI and almost no scope for fan-made replacements) in multiple ways. It's an attempt to mash solo and multiplayer, PvE and PvP, an RPG and a mobile "free to play" grindfest, etc. It just doesn't work. There are rigid daily restrictions intended to pressurise people into playing daily, like a "free to play" game, but all they do is annoy people. Building is an exercise in frustration that makes vanilla settlement building in FO4 seem amazing in comparison. Essentially, FO76 a mess of incompatible games badly implemented and without any creative direction. The most important thing in the game is magic, which is just shoe-horned into the world without the slightest pretence at an explanation. The intended (very flimsy) endgame is grinding for magic items. Any idea of continuity in Fallout lore has been discarded.
But, and it's an important but, the gameworld was made by people who know what they're doing and appear to like the Fallout setting. I'm still finding little scenes in places. Some tragic, some comic, some bizarre (and probably Raider humour when off their heads on drugs). There are many of them. For example, I recently found a scene with one teddybear bent over with some stitching on the top of one of their legs and another teddybear with a nurse's hat on looking at the stitching through a magnifying glass, with a medkit and a spool of thread next to them. NPCs have some comments triggered by your actions, your clothing and your weapons and the comments fit. For example, non-hostile raiders joke (in a raider-y way) about stealing your stuff if you're carrying anything valuable. If you help non-hostile raiders or settlers, they thank you appropriately. If you repeatedly and frequently supply mirelurk meat to the trader in it (which slightly improves your faction reputation), they joke about how you must never sleep and spend all your time hunting mirelurks. The prissier settlers at their settlement comment if you're on drugs. Etc.
For £13 for a Fallout fan, I'd say it's worth it. Just don't expect a proper Fallout game, because it isn't. It's a mess of different games that don't fit together well, although they have made some steps towards making it more of a Fallout game. My headcanon is that FO76 is a fantasy RPG played by people in the Fallout world. It makes a lot more sense in that context and reduces the damage done to the franchise by reframing the game as not actually being part of the franchise.
Okay, none of that means anything to me. Will give it ago later.
They're referring to the minor extras people get for spending £100 a year on a subscription for FO76 after buying it. Those minor extras are free for a week. I think they're worth maybe 50p. Per year.