**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Just been playing the new bos mission :mad: you have to server hop to your friends list players so many times just to even progress :rolleyes: it keeps getting stuck on progress. Spent almost 3 hours on it now & died so many times there are no in current mission checkpoints which means lots of backtracking :(

Nothing of note to experience either just more tedious fetch quests & combat missions along with lengthy exploration of the same old graphics locations (they have changed some but its hard to notice!). This is very weak content & time consuming because of all the bugs & glitches.

Fast travel map bug is back in a big way along with many other bugs & serious glitches :rolleyes: given up for now its soul destroying trying to get through this just to access the new bunker camp features!
Just been playing the new bos mission :mad: you have to server hop to your friends list players so many times just to even progress :rolleyes: it keeps getting stuck on progress. Spent almost 3 hours on it now & died so many times there are no in current mission checkpoints which means lots of backtracking :(

Nothing of note to experience either just more tedious fetch quests & combat missions along with lengthy exploration of the same old graphics locations (they have changed some but its hard to notice!). This is very weak content & time consuming because of all the bugs & glitches.

Fast travel map bug is back in a big way along with many other bugs & serious glitches :rolleyes: given up for now its soul destroying trying to get through this just to access the new bunker camp features!

was thinking about redownloading it at the weekend dont think ill bother
I bought Wasteland 2 Director's Cut yesterday. I'm not finding it hard to choose which to play, especially since Bethesda has confirmed its policy of killing off player trading and making new gear a worst case scenario combo of lottery and grinding (aka "The War Glaive Model").

I'll probably download the FO76 update within the next few days to have a go at the new content. Probably.

In case anyone is wondering, the War Glaive model works like this:

In order to get a plan for a new weapon or armour item categorised as rare or a new clothing item categorised as rare (or a plan for a new camp item, but they're treated differently), you must grind Daily Ops. This is the only way. The plans and items can't be traded and can't be obtained ingame in any other way.

You only get a maximum of 3 chances per day, even if you do DO more times than that. Your chance of getting an item classed as "rare" is 0.05 (for under 16 minutes), 0.10 (for under 12 minutes) and 0.80 (for under 8 minutes).

But that's only the beginning because 60% of the time when DO gives a "rare" it actually gives a "common rare", which isn't actually a rare. Good fun, eh? So if you do DO in under 8 minutes your 3 rolls at a rare are actually 0.02, 0.04 and 0.32.

But that's not the end because there are at least 13 "rare rare" DO items. So if you do DO in under 8 minutes your 3 rolls at the rare you want are actually 0.0015, 0.003 and 0.025, for a total chance of 0.0295. Once per day.

So if you do DO in under 8 minutes every day, it will probably take you about a month to get a plan for the new weapon or armour you want. Not great, not terrible.

But that's only the beginning. Magic is the core of FO76 and only enchanted weapons and armour are of any use (apart from power armour). Under the War Glaive Model, players can't craft enchanted versions of those items and can't enchant existing ones. So the only way to get an enchanted (and therefore useful) version of the item is to be given it as a quest reward (but only from a couple of quests that draw from the full pool, which almost all quests don't do) or from the Purveyor.

By far the best "full pool" chance is from Daily Ops again. Each time (at least at Elder level, i.e. under 8 minutes) there are 2 enchanted items awarded from the full pool.

There are 110 weapons, so your chance of getting an enchanted version of the weapon you want from 1 daily op is 0.0091 x 2 = 0.018
There are 23 primary enchantments for weapons, so the chance of 1 sub-8 minute DO run giving you an enchanted item of the type you want with the primary enchantment you want is 0.00078

That's just for the primary enchantment alone.

If you want a perfect match for the 3 enchantments you want on the weapon you want, the chance per daily op is as follows:

For ranged it's 0.000003933468. 0.018 (chance of getting the weapon you want) x 0.33 (chance of the weapon having 3 enchantments) x 0.043 (chance of the primary enchantment being what you want) x 0.14 (chance of secondary enchanment being what you want) x 0.11 (chance of tertiary enchantment being what you want.
For melee it's 0.00001085535. 0.018 x 0.33 x 0.043 x 0.25 x 0.17

Is it fun to do daily ops repeatedly 10,000 times to get a decent chance of getting the item you want? I think not.

It's even worse for armour, since you'll need 5 or 6 pieces for a set.

Feedback from players on the War Glaive Model has been...shall we say "not positive"? But Bethesda has pressed ahead with it. Full steam ahead, this is the new way for weapons and armour, choo-choo!

Nobody knows why, since nobody can think of any way in which this approach makes any sense to anyone. Preventing duping by the crude method of preventing trading is probably part of it, but that doesn't explain why Bethesda has chosen to combine the worst aspects of a lottery and ultra long odds grinding.
Fallout 76: Update 24 Patch notes - November 24, 2020 | Community Forums for Bethesda.net
Patch 24 removes ALL negative food & drink drainage finally! If you keep your food & drink levels high you get extra stats instead & buff items.
  • We agree with feedback from the community that our hunger and thirst mechanics could feel a little too punishing. We’ve decided to remove the negative effects when you’re hungry or thirsty, and buff up the bonuses you receive when you’re fed and hydrated.
  • Going forward, your Action Points, Health, and Disease Resists will no longer be negatively affected when you haven’t had anything to eat or drink recently.
  • Instead, you will receive buffs that increase depending on how full your hunger and thirst meters are:
    • Hunger: Gain +15 Max HP when partially fed, up to +35 Max HP, +35% Disease Resist, and +1 Strength when fully fed.
    • Thirst: Gain +15% AP Regeneration when partially hydrated, up to +35% AP Regeneration, +35% Disease Resist, and +1 Endurance when fully hydrated."

Shelters are pretty poor. The default free one is tiny & still has the 50 light limit & many other restrictions :rolleyes: I tried to build something in mine earlier & just left it empty for now as no camp budget above surface to even add the tiny little hatch :rolleyes:

Finally completed the new BOS mission its not something you would ever want to repeat again as it contains NOTHING you have not seen before & is just more of the same boring bland drivel dialog although @Angilion will appreciate the small pieces of lore & some minor referencing to Fallout 4 character(s)!
[..] Finally completed the new BOS mission its not something you would ever want to repeat again as it contains NOTHING you have not seen before & is just more of the same boring bland drivel dialog although @Angilion will appreciate the small pieces of lore & some minor referencing to Fallout 4 character(s)!

I probably will, but maybe I'll just watch a video of it on Youtube.

I went back to Fallout: New Vegas as it's been so long since I played it that I've forgotten it. A couple of graphical improvement mods and off I went. 5 hours later I realised that yes, it was as good as I recalled it being. Some aspects of the UI are clunky and worse than FO76, but overall it's just plain better.

Then I watched the beginning of a playthrough of Wasteland 3 and decided I'd probably like to play that. So I bought Wasteland 2 Director's Cut instead because (a) it was half the price of Wasteland 3 and (b) it's part of the whole story. I'll buy Wasteland 3 after I've finished Wasteland 2. Then I'll probably buy Trudograd. It's mostly finished now and the company is efficient and reliable so it will be completed, it will work and it will be completed quickly. It's the sequel to Atom RPG, which is the game that got me into isometric turn-based games again and which I considered to be so good I sent the devs extra money after buying it.

The moderation policy on Bethesda's forums (you can be banned from playing games you have paid for because you interpreted a forum rule differently to a moderator 27 years earlier and no, I am not exaggerating) and the knowledge that Bethesda was sticking to the War Glaive model was just what I needed to take a few days off FO76 and that break was just what I needed to realise it wasn't enough fun any more. With everything done, all the equipment I want and new equipment using the War Glaive Model (and thus suitable only for hopeless and desperate addicts), I would only be logging in to do chores to obtain currencies I had no use for. I was doing it out of habit.

It's not a bad game any more, but it's not really Fallout(*) and it's not a game to continue playing after you've finished it.

* My headcanon is that FO76 is a fantasy RPG played by people in the Fallout world, a game within a game. That explains why magic is such a core everyday part of FO76 despite magic not existing in the Fallout world beyond possibly existing in some fringe way behind Dunwich shenanigans. It also explains any and all lore breaks (and there are plenty).
Bethesda was sticking to the War Glaive model was just what I needed to take a few days off FO76 and that break was just what I needed to realise it wasn't enough fun any more. With everything done, all the equipment I want and new equipment using the War Glaive Model (and thus suitable only for hopeless and desperate addicts), I would only be logging in to do chores to obtain currencies I had no use for. I was doing it out of habit.
Funnily enough this is the ONLY reason why I have even played for many months now but especially since the one wastelander patch destroyed most of the fun!

This new camp shelter you get free (unless you want to buy for atoms or sub to fallout 1st :rolleyes: ) is pretty terrible. No proper floor tile placement, 50 lights max budget, tiny little underground space enough for a trophy room & little else plus just as glitchy as building above ground with all the usual placement frustrations! No wonder they just threw the PC version out a week early its just as unfinished as the rest of the game :(

Finally there are a whole bunch of new BOS plans for sale for Gold from Regs @ Vault 94 now (about 20K gold worth so more months of restricted grinding which I am not going to ever do) & to get the actual plans for these new BOS weapon & armour plans you must do the daily ops as the non tradeable or giftable BOS plans are only earnable by doing Daily Ops & getting the max reward per event then hoping the RNG is in your favour :rolleyes:

More of the same feed the desperate addicts tactics :rolleyes::( so I will just let it go as none of these new weapons & armour are much different than any already ingame so not sure why Bethesda make it such a lengthy grind for so little reward! They should fix all the bugs & issues in the main game before doing any more content but they clearly think otherwise & see 76 as a stop gap tinker around with side project until Starfield & Fallout 5 are ready.
I played the new content for a bit yesterday. What struck me is how it hasn't been integrated into the existing gameworld.

For example, the BoS has some interaction with the existing factions. Of course they do. Only they don't. The interaction with the Crater raiders isn't with Meg, as it should be as she is the definitive leader of the faction. It isn't with Raf or Ae-Ri, which might make sense as an initial cautious approach to use trade to get a better understanding of the political situation (although that's not the BoS's usual approach to anything). It isn't with Johnny Weston, who would make sense as a diplomat from Crater to the BoS. It isn't with any of the existing Crater raiders at all. It's with new Crater raiders who are completely seperate from the existing Crater raiders and who exist only in a new instanced location.

The same appears to apply to Foundation, since when I stopped playing I had just been given the mission to make contact with Foundation and it was to meet a character who didn't exist before.

It goes beyond that, as well. There are no options to do anything other than join the BoS and be treated as a powerless nobody who hasn't done anything. But in the existing gameworld most characters are already hyper-powerful demigod-like people festooned with powerful enchanted equipment who have already transformed the area physically and politically, who already have huge influence with the existing factions, who have already brokered a truce between them and who have already saved the the whole of humanity from the existential threat of the scorched plague. And who, rather relevantly, are more powerful than the BoS in the area. Which is completely ignored. It's not even commnted on by NPCs, let alone acted on.

The BoS should be bit players who are probably not entirely wanted since they're destablising the delicately brokered truce in the area. And that's with their best approach, which isn't always used. They are inherently an authoritarian faction and in some cases don't give a damn about people. In some cases, they're just disciplined and hypocritical raiders. Which is also why Paladin Rahmani is incompetent - she's assigned Knight Shin to civilian outreach and he's the worst possible person she could have assigned to that role. My main's genuine response to Shin would have been to kill him. They're used to blunt and violent solutions to problems that threaten the area and Shin is a problem that threatens the area. But that isn't an option. Join the BoS? Why the hell would I do that? We don't need them, they're a threat to the area, they're less powerful than we are, they're not even unified, we have no way (in the context of the gameworld) of knowing which way they'll go (helping people or hoarding technology, looting ("requisitioning") resources from people and condemning humanity to decline and destruction by keeping them ignorant). Why would we voluntarily make ourselves subservient to them and give them our obedience?

So yeah, I'm not impressed with the new content. It's not badly done in itself, but it's very badly integrated into the existing game. It doesn't fit.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Some good stuff in todays atomic shop update for camp shelters but the prices are so excessive its the same as buying another game for full price :rolleyes:

Buy Now Steel Dawn (bethesda.net)
The BOS stuff is also expensive for a few cosmetic items very similar to already ingame items!

You can buy Wasteland 2 Director's Cut for the same price as the BoS cosmetics for FO76. That shouldn't be a hard decision, since Wasteland 2 is a complete game that's extremely good and the BoS cosmetics for FO76 are just some marginally usable cosmetics for FO76. It's like having a choice between paying for a new steering wheel cover for your existing car or paying the same amount of money for an entire car that's at least as good as your existing car and which you can have in addition to your existing car. Actually, no, it's worse than that. Buying an extra car would impose additional ongoing costs on you (insurance, tax, servicing, etc) whereas buying an extra game doesn't.

There are many good games that can be bought for the same price (or less) than some cosmetic items for FO76 that would be of marginal purely cosmetic use in the game. It's just not a good deal.
I played the new content for a bit yesterday. What struck me is how it hasn't been integrated into the existing gameworld.

For example, the BoS has some interaction with the existing factions. Of course they do. Only they don't. The interaction with the Crater raiders isn't with Meg, as it should be as she is the definitive leader of the faction. It isn't with Raf or Ae-Ri, which might make sense as an initial cautious approach to use trade to get a better understanding of the political situation (although that's not the BoS's usual approach to anything). It isn't with Johnny Weston, who would make sense as a diplomat from Crater to the BoS. It isn't with any of the existing Crater raiders at all. It's with new Crater raiders who are completely seperate from the existing Crater raiders and who exist only in a new instanced location.

The same appears to apply to Foundation, since when I stopped playing I had just been given the mission to make contact with Foundation and it was to meet a character who didn't exist before.

It goes beyond that, as well. There are no options to do anything other than join the BoS and be treated as a powerless nobody who hasn't done anything. But in the existing gameworld most characters are already hyper-powerful demigod-like people festooned with powerful enchanted equipment who have already transformed the area physically and politically, who already have huge influence with the existing factions, who have already brokered a truce between them and who have already saved the the whole of humanity from the existential threat of the scorched plague. And who, rather relevantly, are more powerful than the BoS in the area. Which is completely ignored. It's not even commnted on by NPCs, let alone acted on.

The BoS should be bit players who are probably not entirely wanted since they're destablising the delicately brokered truce in the area. And that's with their best approach, which isn't always used. They are inherently an authoritarian faction and in some cases don't give a damn about people. In some cases, they're just disciplined and hypocritical raiders. Which is also why Paladin Rahmani is incompetent - she's assigned Knight Shin to civilian outreach and he's the worst possible person she could have assigned to that role. My main's genuine response to Shin would have been to kill him. They're used to blunt and violent solutions to problems that threaten the area and Shin is a problem that threatens the area. But that isn't an option. Join the BoS? Why the hell would I do that? We don't need them, they're a threat to the area, they're less powerful than we are, they're not even unified, we have no way (in the context of the gameworld) of knowing which way they'll go (helping people or hoarding technology, looting ("requisitioning") resources from people and condemning humanity to decline and destruction by keeping them ignorant). Why would we voluntarily make ourselves subservient to them and give them our obedience?

So yeah, I'm not impressed with the new content. It's not badly done in itself, but it's very badly integrated into the existing game. It doesn't fit.
Takes a good 5-6 hours to complete as well due to the back tracking & for me I had to server hop several times to even reach the next auto checkpoint!
You can buy Wasteland 2 Director's Cut for the same price as the BoS cosmetics for FO76. That shouldn't be a hard decision, since Wasteland 2 is a complete game that's extremely good and the BoS cosmetics for FO76 are just some marginally usable cosmetics for FO76. It's like having a choice between paying for a new steering wheel cover for your existing car or paying the same amount of money for an entire car that's at least as good as your existing car and which you can have in addition to your existing car. Actually, no, it's worse than that. Buying an extra car would impose additional ongoing costs on you (insurance, tax, servicing, etc) whereas buying an extra game doesn't.

There are many good games that can be bought for the same price (or less) than some cosmetic items for FO76 that would be of marginal purely cosmetic use in the game. It's just not a good deal.
Yeah its terrible pricing (which if I said on their forums would probably get me another warning!) I would not even use any of the new BOS atomic shop content except that massive BOS tower which could have some really good uses but camp budgets & having to spend about 3000 Atoms to get the new sidewalks & fancy ceiling lights I can live without the lot!

Got Wasteland remastered, 2 + 3 as part of game pass could not get along with any just did not appeal to me unfortunately!
Reading this page, this game sounds terrible, let it die and play rimworld, satisfactory etc until cp2077 ya'll deserve better :/

I'm playing Wasteland 2 Director's Cut. When I've finished that, I'll probably buy Wasteland 3.

FO76 is no longer terrible (after 2 years and dozens of patches), but it's not Fallout and it's a ill-conceived and badly implemented attempt at making a "freemium" game, with massive time-gating, ludicrous grind and lottery odds and "microtransactions" that are so farcically overpriced that the prefix "micro" is ridiculous. $15 for an ingame outfit, that sort of thing. All that's missing is the usual thing with that business model - pay real money to get past the imposed daily restrictions. I guess they didn't dare try that.

It's worth playing if you can get it for a tenner, probably, but you also need to have a strange combination of liking the Fallout franchise (so you can overlook the many flaws and enjoy the setting) and not liking it (because Bethesda don't pay attention to the established game lore and that annoys people who like the Fallout franchise). My headcanon is that FO76 a fantasy RPG played by people in the pre-War Fallout world, a game in a game. That way, the unexplained addition of magic as the central part of the game doesn't matter.
Would not hold your breath :rolleyes: but new areas are in the planning stage now!
Fallout 76 is planning Fallout 4-style off map expansions | Rock Paper Shotgun

Off map locations is fine with me, as long they get away from the ultra rare and non tradeable loot system they've employed for Broken Steel.
Just finished the BoS DLC and it took me 3 hrs total and was totally forgettable, would have much preferred and expansion of the Wastelanders story line, the Overseer, Responders or Blood Eagles any over what they actually did.

They could have gone 10 different ways but for some reason chose the break the lore and in uninteresting and totally predictable way.
I didn't even realise it had finished until I was suddenly aware I didn't have another quest available and there is literally zero reason to revisit Atlas now, they havent even dropped a BoS trade station there as far as I can tell.

Then there is the new equipment, a pistol and missile launcher? 99% of the community are on Big Guns or Silenced Assault Rifles builds and they introduce a Hellfire missile launcher that, nobody will ever use, is worse than the base and in virtually unobtainable in a Legendary variant. The same goes for the pistol, they may as well not exist.

Honestly they missed the mark on this DLC by a wide margin imo.
Off map locations is fine with me, as long they get away from the ultra rare and non tradeable loot system they've employed for Broken Steel.
Just finished the BoS DLC and it took me 3 hrs total and was totally forgettable, would have much preferred and expansion of the Wastelanders story line, the Overseer, Responders or Blood Eagles any over what they actually did.

They could have gone 10 different ways but for some reason chose the break the lore and in uninteresting and totally predictable way.
I didn't even realise it had finished until I was suddenly aware I didn't have another quest available and there is literally zero reason to revisit Atlas now, they havent even dropped a BoS trade station there as far as I can tell.

Then there is the new equipment, a pistol and missile launcher? 99% of the community are on Big Guns or Silenced Assault Rifles builds and they introduce a Hellfire missile launcher that, nobody will ever use, is worse than the base and in virtually unobtainable in a Legendary variant. The same goes for the pistol, they may as well not exist.

Honestly they missed the mark on this DLC by a wide margin imo.
Its obvious the entire game does not have much resource working on it anymore as it shows with how long it takes to create so little content & do not even get me started on the drop rates for the BOS weapons (you must do Daily Ops & get the highest ranking to even learn the plans they are not tradeable either anymore!). You can buy the BOS mods for Gold but all plans have to be learned & the drop rates on DO are 0.003% so they can keep the lot afaic!! Another thing which happened recently is plans are being unlearned as they changed the id # ingame of several plans without thinking about the consequences :rolleyes: which means you have to either earn, buy or find about 10 plans (and counting players are finding new missing plans everyday recently!).

Player numbers are really low right now no wonder they put in double XP & double caps for the next few days I cannot see the game lasting at this rate all the planned new content & events are nothing to look forward to either its going towards EOL methinks in the near future....
I stopped playing. The "war glaive" model for new items was the final straw for me. Not that it really matters since none of the new items are of any use anyway, but it's the idea itself that puts me off. If new items are always going to require epic grinding and then lottery odds afterwards, why bother? If you played FO76 as a full time job, doing nothing but daily ops 8 hours a day (which would require you to be utterly insane), it would probably still take weeks to get an item you want with the "war glaive" model.

And the dismissal of game lore has become too much for me, too.

I'm currently partway through Wasteland 3 after having played Wasteland 2 DC. It's reminded me of what storytelling and game lore should be like. After that, FO76 looks really bad. Really, really bad. W3 is far from perfect. I particularly dislike the contrived moral dilemmas, the ones where there's a clearly better option that the game just doesn't allow you to choose. For example, you can allow refugees to shelter in the unused locker room in your military base but that causes conflict with your recruits as they grow in number and actually need the locker room. Your allowed choices are to let the refugees stay there (which worsens the conflict and doesn't work), house the refugees in the prison on the base or evict the refugees. But there's a large hall, larger than the locker room, which is either unused or used as a trophy room (depending on your choices). I would have housed the refugees there and have them staff and run the kitchen and mess hall. They already have a leader who could be the catering manager. They would have useful work. It would improve relations between the refugees and settlers. It would allow military personnel to focus on training or missions rather than catering (and we're short of military personnel). Win all round. But it's not allowed in order to shoe-horn in a contrived moral dilemma. So W3 isn't perfect. But the Wasteland franchise has internally consistent lore, which the Fallout franchise has become progressively worse at doing. And it matters. It runs through the Wasteland series, top to bottom in all ways major and minor and even in easter eggs. For example, tonight in Wasteland 3 I encountered 4 robots having a philosophical conversation about an upturned turtle (which was dead when they found it) and what it might do if it was alive, with a whole conversation about the possibilities and consideration of why they considered it important. By itself, it was an odd and amusing scene and also relevant to the storytelling as it provided evidence regarding the nature of the machine society you had just entered. Nicely done. But it also referenced an incident in Wasteland 2, as an easter egg.

It's reminded me of what FO76 isn't. FO76 is good worldbuilding and bad game making.
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