**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Picked this up a bit for a few weeks after playing it last year, I picked up my old character I hadn't actually finished the main quests but done all that now, about level 110.

But think I'm hitting the wall again and probably put this to rest.

In all honesty it wasn't terrible, but Fallout 4 mainly due to the moddability was much much better imo.

The online aspect of 76 gives little over all the associated issues it causes.
It did look good for the time the streaming landscapes with the ancient game engine! But Bethesda are so tight fisted they never ever developed decent additional content for it! Not once just a bunch of cosmetic tat you can live without and some combat heavy tedious missions....all they had to do was make another Fallout 4 style game with this style of game engine would have sold well....!!
Yeah I rinsed this game once the Wastelanders patch hit and got to LVL1000 last year.

However the lack of story focused DLC started to pull me out and the nail in the coffin for me when The Pitt DLC dropped which turned out to be nothing but an extended Daily Ops event rather than a totally new environment to explore and quest in.

Still I loved the time I had with it and dont regret it at all, there is a lot of content for the asking price (especially as its also on Xbox Game Pass) and non of the paid stuff is a requirement at all. Its totally feasible to pickup the base vanilla game and only do the questing aspect without spending a single dime on anything. There are also sooo many hidden quests and lore as well that even after following the main story lines there's loads to side stuff to find and learn about.
I love the Fallout franchise and played the original 2 at the time - showing my age a bit. Fallout has a certain style to it, the artwork etc.

I know there was Fallout Tactics which from memory was pretty poor, but going to the more modern games. You had Fallout 3 which I found personally a bit too dark and grim bit too "realistic", Fallout NV I found the general style of that game better, and Fallout 4 which I found they got the mix absolutely perfect.

Fallout has always been a little quirky with the artwork, realism, and there are running themes, American capitalism, politics etc running through. IMO Fallout 76 went perhaps a touch too far and over the top, not much mind you, but a little, a bit..... abstract, for lack of a better term. Particularly some of the monsters you ecounter they are pretty over the top.

Which leads me on a bit, there are a wide variation of bad guys, imo a little too wide, some of the monsters you fight are just ridiculous, the previous fallout games focused more in gangs, and super mutants, enclave etc, I much prefer this then the monsters on 76. on 76 a deathclaw for example is just a deathclaw and nowhere near the top of the foodchain in terms of monsters where as typically that was the top of the threat list.

As I said in my first post a year ago, I stand by the fact that I still prefer the Fallout 4 map. However, they clearly put a lot of work into Apallacha, and no doubt some parts of the map are stunning, and there is a ton of content and assets in terms of the map. I have definitly grown to appreciate it a lot more than I initially did. However, I dont like the "biomes" the aestetics of the Ash Heap or Cranberry Bog particularly, looks like something out of No Mans Sky and I dont enjoy those areas of the map. The west Appallacha forest area and Savage Divide are very nice though.

As touched on before, the online aspect comes with a lot of compromises. For example, the survival is way dumbed down in 76, you dont need to sleep, and there is a practicality issue there being an online game. But even eating and drinking gives you buffs rather than literally killing you if you dont. Yes I know you need to make it easier as players of different abilities etc, but also no modding in this respect. Also no Jet, which is a big downer for me, something I very much enjoyed doing was running around with a character loaded up with jet and slowing down down whilst blasting enemies on full auto in slow mo.

No moddability in Fallout 76 either, much of the enjoyment I got from Fallout 4 was being able to mod the game, mainly to make it harder, its quite possible to turn it into a real survival game, and that in itself can be a really fun challenge outside of any quests.

Base building as well, although necessary was pretty horrendous, again, limitations of an online version mainly.

Inventory management as well, it's like a whole "second job" when it comes to Fallout 76, after every outing its back, check your inventory to store ammo, scrap junk, store that, sell legendary weapons, wait 20 hours for the stores to refresh, change your character over from fighting to vendor/builder, buy legendary modules, try your luck 15 times etc etc etc I cant but feel it all pads the game out a bit but its tedious, more so than any previous fallout.

But I purchased the game only around a year ago for a reasonable price, and I have enjoyed it overall, so in that respect fair enough.
I love the Fallout franchise and played the original 2 at the time - showing my age a bit. Fallout has a certain style to it, the artwork etc.

Yeah, I think I recognise most of that. I am level 178 at the moment and at the stage of somehow feeling compelled to play most evenings even if I sometimes question to myself what the point is.

I only just started doing daily ops (left them late) and that is a fun new challenge now. First night I did one it was resilient decryption in The Burrows and I came in at almost 20 minutes and multiple deaths! Second was uplink with freezing enemies in the school that I ran a few times but couldn't get below about nine minutes (these are all solo). Then last night was an easy one for my stealth rifleman build - decrpyption with swift enemies in West Tek (which I know like the back of my hand). Was able to do a few runs of sub-seven minutes and farmed loads of ammo for my fixer and gauss rifle. Had a couple of people from my casual team join halfway through the later runs and it was fun guiding them around as I'd figured out an optimal route.

Tonight I couldn't do uplink in less than nine again, but enjoying these at the minute.

Still having fun at some of the more chaotic events too (Jamboree, Rad Rumble, Eviction, Earle...).

But I am feeling the lack of longer term goals. I can't be bothered building a decent camp, not really sure I need any better gear, and I keep getting dreadful rolls anyway. The RNG is frustrating as hell, and most possible rolls form the pool are just bascially useless.

I really like how friendly and supportive everyone in game seems, though. I had bascially every higher level player drop me some useful items when I was under level 30 or so, including a stack of about 30 stimpacks just when I was almost out. I've been paying that forward, and had a level 14 player decide to tag along to a West Tek run after I'd dropped them some supplies - gave them some relish too and we ran up and down a few times. Nice to see them gain three or four levels out of it.

Would love to see some substantive new content with good questlines, but also would settle for some sort of goal to set myself beyond reaching level 200 (and then 300) and levelling my legendary perks.
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Yea still playing it myself admittedly, only got back into it a month ago, I'm about the same level you are, 165 I think.

I never finished the main quests the first time I intentionally left them, but now have, and unlocked the gold bullion etc there is a bit of grind to do in terms of that.

Went with a junkies build because I don't use power armour (personal choice based on aesthetics only) and it's more noob friendly/less management then bloodied.

I'm trying to get 1 weapon for each ammo type with junkies legendary but as you can imagine it's a lot of rolling and I do the 3 star because other the other affects if you get lucky.

I have a shotgun, handmade, minigun, lever gun, black powder rifle & gauss so far, I think.

The endgame though is the grind, with no real goal, apart from finding more stuff to grind to get that 5% here and 5% there.

EDIT: + laser rifle and 50cal machine gun, knew I missed a couple off.
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Yea still playing it myself admittedly, only got back into it a month ago, I'm about the same level you are, 165 I think.

I never finished the main quests the first time I intentionally left them, but now have, and unlocked the gold bullion etc there is a bit of grind to do in terms of that.

Went with a junkies build because I don't use power armour (personal choice based on aesthetics only) and it's more noob friendly/less management then bloodied.

I'm trying to get 1 weapon for each ammo type with junkies legendary but as you can imagine it's a lot of rolling and I do the 3 star because other the other affects if you get lucky.

I have a shotgun, handmade, minigun, lever gun, black powder rifle & gauss so far, I think.

The endgame though is the grind, with no real goal, apart from finding more stuff to grind to get that 5% here and 5% there.

EDIT: + laser rifle and 50cal machine gun, knew I missed a couple off.

I left the main quests for ages too, and finally finished them all off at about level 140 or so.

I cba with managing fusion cores for power armour, nor dealing with the fragility and rad management of bloodied either, so I'm sticking to full heatlh stealth rifleman for now. Though I have the commando perk cards saved in case I decide to swap at some point.

Currently I have a gauss that is going to be hard to improve on (instigating, +50vats hit chance, reduced vats cost - first 3* roll on a gauss rifle and the RNG was actually kind!) and a fixer that is near perfect (aristocrats, +vats crit damage, reduced vats cost - grabbed this for caps from a player vendor). The slug buster is pretty awesome too. My armour (SS chest, urban scout for the rest) has pretty good star effects for DR and stealth and also a jetpack (yay!).

So, what am I shooting for? Not really sure. Like you say, a few percent here and there - like, would covert scout armour be worth it over urban scout? Would an aristro's or AA gauss be a good alternative to my current one? Small beans indeed.

Also I may try to grab a good railway rifle to try out (though the ammo weight seems prohibitive). A heavy weapon and some good PA to hop into for ops? Don't know really.

So yeah, I'm grinding away at daily challenges, rep, faction questions, events, without being able to say exactly why. This is not helped by the games I was waiting for in April and May seeming to be in a mess at the moment so there's nothing else pulling me away. What I will say for it, though, is that it's acting as a good way to clear my mind and lose the stres of the day just going through these routines in Appalachia.
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My short term goal is to get the SS jetpack and I will have enough tomorrow for that, and buy the serum plans for the mutations. They are about 18000 caps each if you have high charisma and the barter perk when you go to buy them.

Then try and get lucky with the legendary rolls on my weapons but its soul destroyingly slow, as you can only get enough enough legendary modules a day for maybe 4-5 rolls.
Ive been playing this for the last couple of months, only just reached level 50 the other day, but i have come into some problem where lack of ammo is becoming a problem, in earlier levels i was over flowing with ammo, but now i seem to have to think about things before i go into a fight. which of course puts me off going in the events.
Ive been playing this for the last couple of months, only just reached level 50 the other day, but i have come into some problem where lack of ammo is becoming a problem, in earlier levels i was over flowing with ammo, but now i seem to have to think about things before i go into a fight. which of course puts me off going in the events.

You can make ammo at the tinkers workbench.

Just make sure you have the Super Duper perk and the Ammosmith perk when you are making ammunition, you'll create a lot more per click.

Most ammo types its then only Steel, Lead and gunpowder.

Gunpowder in commonly dropped but you can also make this using cloth and acid, which are easy to find.

A good tip for getting lots of lead is hit the lucky hole mine, there are lots of Lead deposits in there if you look carefully, and you can smelt them down (again using Super Duper perk) for quite a bit of lead.

I can usually make around 7000 5.56mm rounds from a single run of the lucky hole mine.
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I figured i might be missing some perks to help me, i will keep an eye out for them, mainly been working towards a stealth rifle build, but am interested in trying something else.
There is a legendary perk as well, but personally I found the one that clears radiation is more important and I think you'll only get 1 at level 50.

My short term goal is to get the SS jetpack and I will have enough tomorrow for that, and buy the serum plans for the mutations. They are about 18000 caps each if you have high charisma and the barter perk when you go to buy them.

Then try and get lucky with the legendary rolls on my weapons but its soul destroyingly slow, as you can only get enough enough legendary modules a day for maybe 4-5 rolls.

That's real perserverance with the caps for the serums! I bought the ones I wanted, but haven't thought about getting the plans. I never seem to have that much flux for crafting them anyway.

Ive been playing this for the last couple of months, only just reached level 50 the other day, but i have come into some problem where lack of ammo is becoming a problem, in earlier levels i was over flowing with ammo, but now i seem to have to think about things before i go into a fight. which of course puts me off going in the events.

One thing I do here is to have at least two different guns that use different ammo, and swap out depending on what the enemies I'm fighting drop at the time. So, when I am fighting super mutants, I use my handmade mostly, even though it's not as good as my fixer or gauss, because mutants tend to drop 5.56 but almost never gauss ammo or .45. For scorched or ghouls I use my fixer as I can get .45 from them.

I also chuck any unneeded ammo I've collected into my ammo converter at my camp. You can rack up quite a lot of credit over time. It's not a reliable supply, but can give your supplies a nice boost.

But, by far the best way to find yourself positively swimming in ammo (if you have a reasonably efficient kill-to-bullet ratio) is to run daily ops. All enemies in ops drop the ammo you use to kill them (4-16 from each enemy), and the boss drops loads. Plus you get a couple of hundred more as a reward for finishing. I am still fairly new to them but wish I'd started doing them much earlier.

I went from having about 150 to more than 1500 gauss ammo in two or three runs, and also from about 800 to nearly 3000 .45 in another few. It doesn't matter if you get elder time or not for this, so no need to sweat it. Doesn't matter if you die a few times, either (your armour degrades more slowly in ops anyway). You can just treat it as an ammo farm. Eight to ten minutes each run, so not too long either (faster once you get into a rhythm). The only time it won't work is if you're spending more than six or seven rounds per kill (which as a rifleman build you shouldn't be). Plus you get other rewards and complete scoreboard goals too.

(Just to note, some enemy mutations are a pain and I will avoid ops when I see any of these: cloaking on decryption ops, resilient on any ops, any ops in The Burrows)

You can make ammo at the tinkers workbench.

Just make sure you have the Super Duper perk and the Ammosmith perk when you are making ammunition, you'll create a lot more per click.

Most ammo types its then only Steel, Lead and gunpowder.

Gunpowder in commonly dropped but you can also make this using cloth and acid, which are easy to find.

A good tip for getting lots of lead is hit the lucky hole mine, there are lots of Lead deposits in there if you look carefully, and you can smelt them down (again using Super Duper perk) for quite a bit of lead.

I can usually make around 7000 5.56mm rounds from a single run of the lucky hole mine.

This is also good info. I have only made ammo I think twice due to the above working quite well, but you can certainly get a lot of return for your materials using those perks. I actually bulk up and sell my lead and steel every few days because it's too heavy in my storage, and I need to start doing the same with my gunpowder, I think.

I figured i might be missing some perks to help me, i will keep an eye out for them, mainly been working towards a stealth rifle build, but am interested in trying something else.

I went stealth rifleman largely due to the ammo efficiency. It's not very difficult to feed it with ammo once you get a routine down. One hit kills with the gauss of everything up to and including lvl 100 super mutants, and they die in three or four 5.56 bullets even from my sub-prime handmade. Rifleman builds lack the dps of commandos, but they gain a lot in ammo efficiency.

There is a legendary perk as well, but personally I found the one that clears radiation is more important and I think you'll only get 1 at level 50.

I was a bit tempted by that one for my last legendary slot, but then I also just put on my stealth suit when I am in a rad zone and I have a legendary effect on an armour piece that clears rads when not in combat, so I rarely even use radaway as it is. I currently have follow through, and then four SPECIAL stats at +3 and +2.
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That's real perserverance with the caps for the serums! I bought the ones I wanted, but haven't thought about getting the plans. I never seem to have that much flux for crafting them anyway.

You can get the flux from doing the scorched earth event or the other one (cant rmember the name) where you kill the giant thing that pops up from the ground.

Either that or follow this:

You can end up with roughly 50 of each of the materials needed to craft the flux minus the plants. To get the plants just cruize around in a nuke zone with a hazmat or better chinese stealth armour if you have it.

The plants will spoil though so get the other bits first.
You can get the flux from doing the scorched earth event or the other one (cant rmember the name) where you kill the giant thing that pops up from the ground.

Either that or follow this:

You can end up with roughly 50 of each of the materials needed to craft the flux minus the plants. To get the plants just cruize around in a nuke zone with a hazmat or better chinese stealth armour if you have it.

The plants will spoil though so get the other bits first.
Wow, that is amazing.

It is precisely that problem I have - lacking the stabilizing agents. Farming the nuked flora is easy, but I waste 90% of it because I never get enough radiation fluids or hardened mass. I've never seen that area nuked before, and in the usual areas that get hit (the mine and the bog) I can never find enough enemies.

I got I think one of each flux last time we killed the queen, so I have a small amount, but I used my stocks on the jetpack and shielded vault suit mods and now I have hardly any of them except yellowcake again.

I guess I will need to atually launch a nuke myself now rather than waiting for other players to do it! :)
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I grinded all the plans, mutations, jetpacks the whole lot a few years ago...honestly it aint worth it unless you REALLY love playing this game.

Bethesda are constantly tweaking values on mutations, damages, perks, rad effects etc etc...someone did a YT video a while back which showed little difference between having or not having the mutations active now they have levelled up all the builds :mad: it used to be some mutations & builds gave you massive advantages but not anymore thanks to Bethesda meddling with the server side stats only they can edit!
Wow, that is amazing.

It is precisely that problem I have - lacking the stabilizing agents. Farming the nuked flora is easy, but I waste 90% of it because I never get enough radiation fluids or hardened mass. I've never seen that area nuked before, and in the usual areas that get hit (the mine and the bog) I can never find enough enemies.

I got I think one of each flux last time we killed the queen, so I have a small amount, but I used my stocks on the jetpack and shielded vault suit mods and now I have hardly any of them except yellowcake again.

I guess I will need to atually launch a nuke myself now rather than waiting for other players to do it! :)

Yup I very rarely see people nuke there either, but it works believe me I did a run today.

The only thing is you need to run the nuke mission first, obviously, then farming the glowing ghouls is somewhat demanding. You'll need a good clear few hours to make it worth it.

So best to stock up on ammo and stims, and make sure your armour and gun is fully repaired before kicking it all off.

You can re run those zones as well provided your blast zone is still there, so you got 2 hours.
Yup I very rarely see people nuke there either, but it works believe me I did a run today.

The only thing is you need to run the nuke mission first, obviously, then farming the glowing ghouls is somewhat demanding. You'll need a good clear few hours to make it worth it.

So best to stock up on ammo and stims, and make sure your armour and gun is fully repaired before kicking it all off.

You can re run those zones as well provided your blast zone is still there, so you got 2 hours.

Yeah, I doubt I'll have too much trouble farming the ghouls once I figure out the nuke launching. They're usually fairly straightforward from stealth. Though I think I will take them one by one rather than herding them all up like that video does. That's a PA and heavy gun only strategy I would think...

All in all, that's a really good strategy I am eager to try out! Cheers for sharing it.

First priority, though, is now a better boss DPS weapon. That assaultron boss in the current daily op took me sooo long to bring down. I went from having an outside hope of getting elder rank when it first spawned to not even making paladin after it killed me five or six times. All my weapons, even the gauss, only chipped away the most miniscule slivers of its bloated health pool. So much tankier than any other boss I've come across. First op I have not made ammo gains in. Plus I ended up needing to repair my chest armour. Its pew-pew arms or whatever they are chewed right through me. Grrr! :(

Rolled a quad explosive handmade and trying for a decent railway rifle now, and will try that boss again when robots next come up as the op enemy.

I am going for a Prime Gauss Minigun, just need another day or two because of the 400 bullion limit. I got everything I needed for the SS armour now, its pretty good my damage resistance is up to 427.

I've read the prime Gatling Plasma is better but meh, using that now as I had 46 spare Plasma cores (yeah I know) and it's not very accurate at range.

I wish they would up the vendor limits, I could EASILY do 4 times the amount a day in caps and legendary scrip. I've got to the point now where I will only pick up 3 star legendaries, and have had to stop picking them up all together now as I already have a good 2-3 days worth banked.
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