My short term goal is to get the SS jetpack and I will have enough tomorrow for that, and buy the serum plans for the mutations. They are about 18000 caps each if you have high charisma and the barter perk when you go to buy them.
Then try and get lucky with the legendary rolls on my weapons but its soul destroyingly slow, as you can only get enough enough legendary modules a day for maybe 4-5 rolls.
That's real perserverance with the caps for the serums! I bought the ones I wanted, but haven't thought about getting the plans. I never seem to have that much flux for crafting them anyway.
Ive been playing this for the last couple of months, only just reached level 50 the other day, but i have come into some problem where lack of ammo is becoming a problem, in earlier levels i was over flowing with ammo, but now i seem to have to think about things before i go into a fight. which of course puts me off going in the events.
One thing I do here is to have at least two different guns that use different ammo, and swap out depending on what the enemies I'm fighting drop at the time. So, when I am fighting super mutants, I use my handmade mostly, even though it's not as good as my fixer or gauss, because mutants tend to drop 5.56 but almost never gauss ammo or .45. For scorched or ghouls I use my fixer as I can get .45 from them.
I also chuck any unneeded ammo I've collected into my ammo converter at my camp. You can rack up quite a lot of credit over time. It's not a reliable supply, but can give your supplies a nice boost.
by far the best way to find yourself positively swimming in ammo (if you have a reasonably efficient kill-to-bullet ratio) is to run daily ops. All enemies in ops drop the ammo you use to kill them (4-16 from each enemy), and the boss drops loads. Plus you get a couple of hundred more as a reward for finishing. I am still fairly new to them but wish I'd started doing them much earlier.
I went from having about 150 to more than 1500 gauss ammo in two or three runs, and also from about 800 to nearly 3000 .45 in another few. It doesn't matter if you get elder time or not for this, so no need to sweat it. Doesn't matter if you die a few times, either (your armour degrades more slowly in ops anyway). You can just treat it as an ammo farm. Eight to ten minutes each run, so not too long either (faster once you get into a rhythm). The only time it won't work is if you're spending more than six or seven rounds per kill (which as a rifleman build you shouldn't be). Plus you get other rewards and complete scoreboard goals too.
(Just to note, some enemy mutations are a pain and I will avoid ops when I see any of these: cloaking on decryption ops, resilient on any ops, any ops in The Burrows)
You can make ammo at the tinkers workbench.
Just make sure you have the Super Duper perk and the Ammosmith perk when you are making ammunition, you'll create a lot more per click.
Most ammo types its then only Steel, Lead and gunpowder.
Gunpowder in commonly dropped but you can also make this using cloth and acid, which are easy to find.
A good tip for getting lots of lead is hit the lucky hole mine, there are lots of Lead deposits in there if you look carefully, and you can smelt them down (again using Super Duper perk) for quite a bit of lead.
I can usually make around 7000 5.56mm rounds from a single run of the lucky hole mine.
This is also good info. I have only made ammo I think twice due to the above working quite well, but you can certainly get a lot of return for your materials using those perks. I actually bulk up and sell my lead and steel every few days because it's too heavy in my storage, and I need to start doing the same with my gunpowder, I think.
I figured i might be missing some perks to help me, i will keep an eye out for them, mainly been working towards a stealth rifle build, but am interested in trying something else.
I went stealth rifleman largely due to the ammo efficiency. It's not very difficult to feed it with ammo once you get a routine down. One hit kills with the gauss of everything up to and including lvl 100 super mutants, and they die in three or four 5.56 bullets even from my sub-prime handmade. Rifleman builds lack the dps of commandos, but they gain a lot in ammo efficiency.
There is a legendary perk as well, but personally I found the one that clears radiation is more important and I think you'll only get 1 at level 50.
I was a bit tempted by that one for my last legendary slot, but then I also just put on my stealth suit when I am in a rad zone and I have a legendary effect on an armour piece that clears rads when not in combat, so I rarely even use radaway as it is. I currently have follow through, and then four SPECIAL stats at +3 and +2.