Ok, so I have 60 chem, no idea what I am really doing, have a 12-0-6 record and every team I play against has a 95+ chem. What gives? Are there no noobs playing this? Everyone I play has players I could never afford in my squad.
btw, I am still having trouble getting TUT web app working. I tried add my psn name (painc1986) on the site but it says the name has been taken... yea, by me!
Wrong link Rob, you need to save your team and then share it.
Still wrong. Go to you team and click share, create a new URL then copy and paste that here![]()
Have players that play from the same league or are the same nationality. Just bought myself a Marcio Azevedo for 34k and an Ilsinho for 30k. Pricey as **** for silvers but they're cool players. To anyone who has had a Brasilver is Geovanni better than any of the 5* skill gold players in CAM/CF or just a waste of coin. Will probably get Wallyson and Jobson though.