*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

I'll pass, I have 2k and buying managers got a few for 250-300 before. Need another good CAM player to fit in my German team I've got Ozil, Ballack and Schweinsteiger. Podolski is pretty good but his passing is poor.

Any one fancy a game tonight?
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Don't forget all those disconnects Sonny. They soon add up.

Intimidated by your team of GIANT SPRINTERS no doubt


i think PSN has fixed the freeze glitch now since the whole "hacking saga", i have not had anyone use the freeze glitch since PSN was "re-structured".

i hated those guys the most, i lost thousands of coins and racked up losses.

can anyone confirm if they have been freeze glitched after PSN came back online?
also, mutliple managers in the club increaces the contract %?

lol - thats what ive been trying to explain in my last few posts. it's also the reason why i have like 50 managers. try and get them cheap though, as you can only use 1 properly, the rest are their to increase your team talks and contracts.

i never bother with physios, you dont need them when there is a gold healing card.
I just got freeze glitched when I was in a 4-0 lead in an online tourny. He kept on sending me msgs and telling me to leave.

EA or PSN need to sort this out. They should be regularly pinging both players or whatever it is they need to do to determine they are "ghosting", and if they dont get a response from 1 player, that player should then be kicked and the other player gets the win. first time they get a warning, 2nd time they get a weeks suspension, then a months, then a years.
EA or PSN need to sort this out. They should be regularly pinging both players or whatever it is they need to do to determine they are "ghosting", and if they dont get a response from 1 player, that player should then be kicked and the other player gets the win. first time they get a warning, 2nd time they get a weeks suspension, then a months, then a years.

Its EA's problem. Its on the 360 too so its not down to console. Agreed though. Or what would be better is if they got the warning and then started getting coins deducted off them. Then if they had no coins there gold players would take 300 coins of the debt and the "rare" (including the likes of ronaldo etc) would take only 600 of the debt. That way people wouldnt run the risk of having so many coins taken or even players. More times it happened the bigger the loss.

If only this was feasible :( :rolleyes:
shame i can have multiple managers in different formation,s if so vould have had quite a few RF@ coins no bids lows. I did buy and resell though. 250 to 2 grand im happy. Thanks for the manager thing sonny. Helps a lot.

I think the freeze gltich is an EA thing rather than person doingf it. I have had it happen a few times when im either winning, or loosing, ( and a few when I was losing very badly). I dont think people do it personally, I think its an ea thing.
Messi is terrible in this game. Every time I play against him in UT, all he does is fancy tricks but I've learned how to defend against these sort of players that do that.

Its almost a joke. Ronaldo is by far the toughest player I have ever played against.

btw, I feel kinda cheated by the fact that we have to restart our UT in Fifa 12. Does anything cross over? Felt like I've put in too much time and effort in my fifa 11 UT to just drop it. :( Although, starting Fifa 12 UT at the same time as everyone else is something I am looking forward to. Only got int UT last month.

and trying to trade on the web browser is useless and the in game trader is slow and clunky. The tokins ruin it. Why do EA have to be such ***** about it.
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Messi is terrible in this game. Every time I play against him in UT, all he does is fancy tricks but I've learned how to defend against these sort of players that do that.

Its almost a joke. Ronaldo is by far the toughest player I have ever played against.

btw, I feel kinda cheated by the fact that we have to restart our UT in Fifa 12. Does anything cross over? Felt like I've put in too much time and effort in my fifa 11 UT to just drop it. :( Although, starting Fifa 12 UT at the same time as everyone else is something I am looking forward to. Only got int UT last month.

and trying to trade on the web browser is useless and the in game trader is slow and clunky. The tokins ruin it. Why do EA have to be such ***** about it.

that way EA wouldnt make any money.

if i got everything transferred over, my team in Fifa 10 was worth millions, I had like an 88 rated team or something.

also you get too many different versions that way too. etoo was like an 89 in fifa 10, now he has 86 and 84 then you have all the IF's too. it would get too confusing with all the different versions from previous years.

Ultimate Team was made to make money, packs cost over £1 do they not? imagine how many packs are sold worldwide on a weekly basis, they make millions every week from it, it's their biggest money making game i would say.
Even just an IF Filter would be welcomed :)

Right, Serie A CDM, IF Cambiasso or TOTY Hernanes...

and CF, TOTY Totti or TOTY Hamsik?

Trying something else...AGAIN!
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