*** Official FIFA 12 Thread ***

when i click start from the game settings, it just launchs then closes back to desktop??????

If you have an "unsupported" controller plugged in, you will need to unplug it or use the GemePad Fix workaround mentioned here: http://www.fifa-infinity.com/fifa-12-2/fifa-12-official-demo/

Assuming that is your issue, GamePad Fix will launch the FIFA 11 configuration program (included with GamePad Fix) and save your button settings in My Documents\FIFA 11 - you then copy the INI file to My Documents\FIFA 12, run the game and it recognises your controller properly.

Ignore the error if cicking on the second button in GamePad Fix - it'll say it can't find a path and give a run-time error but that's just it failing to copy the INI file from My Documents\FIFA 11 to My Documents\FIFA 12 - just do it manually as mentioned above.
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Oh cool! I was gonna get this on 360 coz it was stuttering with me. Will try that patch tonight :)

EDIT: Thats just an ini file that turns off MSAA, hardly a fix :(

EDI2: ripped from EA forum:

"Okay, even I had issues after that and it was stuttery. Despite deleting the file. It was better than before but was stuttering a bit.

But now I solved it completely this time by following last years ATI Micro Stuttering Work Around thread by Ian Jarvis.

This definitely solved the problem, now I don't have any stuttering issues whatsoever and it should solve your problem too! Runs just as great as FIFA 11 PC.

You don't need to create an rna.ini file with SCREEN_SLEEP=16 in it as that wasn't helpful when I initially made it! I still had stuttering until I added the SCREEN_SLEEP=16 inside the fifasetup.ini file in documents FIFA 12 folder...

You need to go to your Documents folder and then open FIFA 12 folder from the Documents. Now open the fifasetup.ini file with notepad.
At the bottom paste SCREEN_SLEEP=16 and the micro stuttering will be gone completely!!!

In my case it's like this.

You just have to paste SCREEN_SLEEP=16 just at the end after the WAITFORVSYNC. Now the lag/stutter is gone. If you continue to experience problems, then that's down to your hardware, not the FIFA 12 PC Demo. "

Ah thanks for this. I'll do it when I get home.

I don't know if it's just me but the weird graphical glitches appear again as they do in FIFA 11. The same fix for that must work for the demo so I'll do that when I get in.


Also, has anyone tried logging on to EA? For some reason it says that my email isn't valid. Do I have to make a new account for it? Would be good to be logged in to upload replays.
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cant get this fix working , ive done exactly what its told me todo

Including manually moving the file from My Docs\FIFA 11 to My Docs\FIFA 12, making sure the controller is plugged in (crazy, I know) and if need be, making the buttons INI file or whatever the hell it is read only?
I give up, so many fixes just to get a demo working, I love one solution:

Note that if the installer doesn’t start you must uninstall FIFA 11 from your PC

Theres an installer?!

Which realllly helps out those still playing fifa11 who want a 10min play of fifa12. Also if I run the Fifa12 Demo Autorun.....it opens up fifa11!! Seriously EA how hard is it to do a 5min test before you push this abortion out?

Lets see, most people who want to play Fifa12 on the PC, will probably have Fifa11, and will probably play that with a 360 controller of some-sort, so in order to play Fifa12 are we going to have to go buy some logitech controller and dismiss the fact we ever owned fifa11?


Edit: its now installing with 'demofix.reg'

Now boots, premature rant, still would be nice for a more polished demo. Still a real shame no-one has informed EA Sports that directX has been updated since 9.0c
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Is anyone experiencing that your players don't seem to move around into positions where chances can be created? It's a bit frustraiting as your midfield and attack just seem completeley static.
Is anyone experiencing that your players don't seem to move around into positions where chances can be created? It's a bit frustraiting as your midfield and attack just seem completeley static.

Yep drove me nuts! for this reason and the stupid threw balls lacking power going to stick with pes
Have you turned off the power assistance and changed through balls to manual? Seem much much better to me.

Fifa 11 defaults where all semi assistance....

Fifa 12 defaults are full assistance...

defo change your settings ! power on passing and through balls and crossing is much better when full assistance is off :)
Was going to download the demo and then remembered I don't have a graphics card in my computer right now. :/ Will have to wait a bit longer then.
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