also check out this thread someone has been gathering all info from dev posts about whats coming in v2, it gives you a good idea of whats to come, hopefully...
we will have to wait and see if ALL that does get implemented at launch and shortly after, hopefully not another year down the line after launch though.
4/13/12 - Yoshida Response to this thread.
In 2.0’s Character Creation, you can change female character’s bust _____
You can change the length of a Miqo’te's ___
Each race will start with its own starting gear
Letters and Deliveries will be delivered by the familiar ________
Benchmark program is being remade for 2.0
When you first play 2.0, the 2D world map is covered and you will have to actually travel to that part of the map to unlock it
New characters and primals will be added to the main scenario
3/05/12 - Mentioned a feature where gamepad users can freely set up 'shortcut keys'.
2/03/12 - Mentioned a feature to select difficulty of instanced content.
1/30/12 - Producer Letter XXIV; Mentioned adding more servers for 2.0.
Rep Post
**New** 5/15/12 - Music replay feature.
**New** 5/11/12 - Party UI details.
**New** 4/26/12 - Achievements for map exploration.
4/26/12 - Regarding city-state map changes.
4/26/12 - Party search feature replaced with content finder.
4/26/12 - Possible restrictions for instanced raids (Level caps, job/class requirement, etc.)
4/13/12 - Changes to Parsimony MP cost.
4/10/12 - Able to view server status from the game launcher or the Lodestone.
4/05/12 - Displaying food effects on the status icon.
3/29/12 - Music settings.
3/23/12 - Regarding 2.0 UI changes.
3/20/12 - More details on summoning primals.
3/15/12 - Map markers.
3/14/12 - Item "buy back" feature.
3/14/12 - Possible changes to crafting/gathering BGM.
3/12/12 - Storyline will be easier to understand in 2.0.
2/29/12 - Changes to weather effects.
2/27/12 - Crafting initiated from recipes rather than materials. (Follow up post.)
2/27/12 - New servers at 2.0/PS3 launch.
2/24/12 - Materia with same stats will stack.
2/21/12 - Spawning of additional gathering nodes.
2/21/12 - Hire new genders as retainers.
2/21/12 - Designated RP server.
2/07/12 - Changes to crafting process.
2/07/12 - High level undergarments.
2/06/12 - Public test server.
2/01/12 - 2.0 Benchmark.
2/01/12 - Regarding player housing.
2/01/12 - Artifact armor for DoL/H.
1/30/12 - Regarding Spanish client.
1/30/12 - Regarding FFXIV smart phone app.
1/30/12 - Stats for chocobo armor and chocobo battle system similar to FFXII's gambit system.
1/27/12 - In-game config settings.
1/27/12 - Hair showing with hooded gears.
1/25/12 - Face your target during emotes.
1/25/12 - Class specific macros.
1/23/12 - In-game crafting recipes.
1/20/12 - Inventory bags for retainers.
1/19/12 - Linking all 3 market wards.
1/19/12 - Tutorials.
1/19/12 - Equipped gear does not take up inventory space. Dark matter upwards compatible.
1/18/12 - Inventory bags.
1/17/12 - Changes to enemy markers and signs.
1/06/12 - Emotes while riding chocobo.
1/05/12 - Retainer UI window. (Tells you if your items sold etc.)
1/04/12 - Magitek armor mount.
12/22/11 - Head gear display options (wear your hood up or down).
12/21/11 - One time character reroll at 2.0 launch.
12/09/11 - More character creation options.
12/07/11 - Toggle Linkshell/Bazaar icons on/off.
11/18/11 - Grade 5 dark matter can repair lower level gears.
11/17/11 - NPC to dye gears basic colors. Additional colors through synthesis.
11/15/11 - Saved equipment sets.