***Official Final Fantasy XIV Thead***

I got the email, I am still playing the game casually, pop on once every 2 days, do all my leve quests for a couple of hours, then go play some other game, I do think the game will turn out good, I certainly wouldn't pay for a sub as it is, but it's now looking like i'm going to extract about 5 free months out of my £15 box that I brought, so I'm not complaining in the slightest.
Howdy folks, and holy thread revival batman!

I had a bit of irrelevant spam from SE the other day in to my email account associated from when i beta'ed this steaming pile of poo.

In order to improve the player experience, we will be merging Worlds on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.

We have reevaluated the World merge system based on the large amount of user feedback we received in response to the World Merge and Character Transfers update of February 9. Now that the details of the new World merge system have been decided, we recommend that all players review the World Merge Summary and Notes Regarding the World Merge and World Transfer.

This World merge is intended to improve the player experience during the period up to the launch of FFXIV Version 2.0. New Worlds may be added in the future, for example after the relaunch or when player numbers increase.

Interesting part in bold. I haven't seen anything crop up on here about it (I may have missed it, my search skills are weak) so i thought i would bring this thread back life. Googleing 'Final Fantasy XIV 2.0' brings up a few media pages, but i won't bother listing them here. It appears to be an engine rewrite and the (long since disabled) introduction of subscription fees.

So, are SE flogging a dead horse, is anybody actually still playing this and does anybody know any thing more about what this 2.0 engine rewrite actually entails?
I keep meaning to pick this up now that it's been patched to buggery and back, since you can get it really cheap. Presume it comes with a free month?
Howdy folks, and holy thread revival batman!

I had a bit of irrelevant spam from SE the other day in to my email account associated from when i beta'ed this steaming pile of poo.

Interesting part in bold. I haven't seen anything crop up on here about it (I may have missed it, my search skills are weak) so i thought i would bring this thread back life. Googleing 'Final Fantasy XIV 2.0' brings up a few media pages, but i won't bother listing them here. It appears to be an engine rewrite and the (long since disabled) introduction of subscription fees.

So, are SE flogging a dead horse, is anybody actually still playing this and does anybody know any thing more about what this 2.0 engine rewrite actually entails?

There's some PDFs of a 'road-map' to basically revamp the whole game (they're hopefully around just less than a quarter of the way in, if things are still on schedule). PDFs here: http://wdl.square-enix.com/ffxiv/download/en/FFXIV_2.0_Roadmap_EN.pdf here: http://wdl.square-enix.com/ffxiv/download/en/FFXIV_2.0_Outline_EN.pdf & here: http://wdl.square-enix.com/ffxiv/download/en/FFXIV_2.0_Systems_and_Content_EN.pdf

I think the emphasis is to bring it back in line with how FFXI was, but still trying to make it 'unique' and different to FFXI. Whether they will accomplish this is yet to be seen.

I am unfortunately one of the suckers who sunk £50 into a collector's edition and became very quickly disappointed with the horror that ensued at launch. It's meant to be a lot better now, especially with the job patch amongst many other features.

I think Subs have been invoked now as well, to note.

2013 until they think its sorted :rolleyes:

I bought the game, I tried to enjoy, I tried to defend it but the last straw for my was unplayable lag. Was tempted to go back when it was free but SE customer service was shocking, so I bought a new copy for a fiver.... then the patcher never worked and couldn't install it.

Horrific product and I am shocked they are still even looking at it.
I also bought the collector's edition :( Very disappointed with the release version of the game, it's astonishing how little they've learned about the MMO genre. I could write a whole article on what was wrong with it, but suffice to say that the graphics engine - while pretty - was horribly inefficient just like FFXI's, and every conceivable thing that can lag, does. Also, lol no auction house. That right there is a big neon sign saying "we don't have a clue."

My strongest memory of the game was that there was a limit to the number of quests you could do per day, and after those were done you were reduced to killing rats and squirrels. Yeah, you read that right. I'm not even exaggerating, they were called Wharf rats iirc and they were literally just rats running around a field. The squirrels weren't called that but they were furry, rat-sized, had fluffly tails and lived in a forest before a random pest controller (sorry, "adventurer") came along and fought them.

On the plus side, that steel mug (oh the irony of that word) you get with the collector's edition keeps tea hot for quite some time.

I'll give the new materials a read. Hoping for a pleasant surprise but not holding my breath.
So, are SE flogging a dead horse, is anybody actually still playing this and does anybody know any thing more about what this 2.0 engine rewrite actually entails?

I'm still playing FFXIV and still having fun. There is another patch tomorrow fro those who are interested, introducing 2 new dungeons and the 'job' system as well as other improvements.

As for 2.0, there is some information on the lodestone. Basically SE realized there was some serious problems with the original game so it is being redeveloped. One of the most serious problems (as I understand it) was the server architecture, which sucked. Most of what is actually going into 2.0 hasn't been reveled, but a number of the changes in the last few patches have been moving some elements of the game closer to how they will be in 2.0.
Oh, one thing that is undoubtedly positive: The soundtrack. Nobuo really did a good job with this one. The music, rather like FFXI's, has a very unique character to it. Though tbh I didn't get past the virst few levels so it could suck later on... probably not though :D

EDIT: OK, the more I read the more positive I feel about the future direction of this game. Most if not all of my gripes are mentioned, even the graphics engine.

In a nutshell it's fair to say that the game is being almost entirely re-made, culminating with the release of version 2.0 in early 2013. I shudder to think what this is costing SE :o

I really liked the style of FFXI despite its flaws and was hoping that FFXIV would be a modern, improved realization. It's definitely earned a second look from me, though I think I'll wait for my new PC to arrive first. This one is starting to feel the strain when playing the likes of SWTOR and BF3 :/
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Picked this up cheap last year, and quickly discovered that I wasn't a massive fan!
Stopped playing when it was free (around September maybe) but am interested in the work they have put in so far!
Looking forward to 2.0, but is it worth giving it another go now? I am bored of WoW and Rift at the moment and looking for a new one to play.

*Resurrects Thread*

Well, I have been playing FF14 this morning as they have some "Welcome Back" campaign, and you can play for free for 10 days. So I started from the beginning.
Was still massively disappointed with it...until...I tried playing with my Xbox controller!

And I must say that I am now really enjoying it! Everything seems to be set up for the controller, keyboard and mouse makes the game really frustrating and unorganised!

Anyone else playing in their free trial bit? Can't say I notice anything different from the small amount I played before, but the controller does make it actually playable!
*Resurrects Thread*

Well, I have been playing FF14 this morning as they have some "Welcome Back" campaign, and you can play for free for 10 days. So I started from the beginning.
Was still massively disappointed with it...until...I tried playing with my Xbox controller!

And I must say that I am now really enjoying it! Everything seems to be set up for the controller, keyboard and mouse makes the game really frustrating and unorganised!

Anyone else playing in their free trial bit? Can't say I notice anything different from the small amount I played before, but the controller does make it actually playable!

Yeah i remember during the beta i found using keyboard to be extremly clunky due to the way the game was set up. Switched to xbox 360 controller which made it much much easier.

Battle system never grabbed me though. Loved the graphics, shame about the rest.
I bought a controller not long after my gaming pc, simply because a lot of games seem to be designed to be used with one.

Battle system is fine I've found, bit different to mashing number keys non stop on other mmorpg's I've played.
Think FF14 will keep me going for a little bit, then I am considering Diablo 3, depending on peoples opinions when it comes out.

I like the open class system, but dislike changing weapons all the time to craft.
I picked this up for a fiver a short while back, easily the most badly designed mmo I've ever played. When the hair slider in character creation requires you to click 'apply' each time you move the slider to actually see the different hair types, you know you're in trouble :p
Yeah game is still shambolic. I subbed for 3 months recently to gain legacy membership because I still hold hopes for version 2.0.

As a huge fan of FFXI, I can only hope XIV becomes the sequel it was intended to be. They just need to get back to basics and stop trying to reinvent a genre that simply can't be reinvented. Stick with their relatively unique XI formula but in an updated fashion and it'd make many people happy.

If they cater to their own crowd (the people that are still keeping FFXI alive) then they'll have success.
I can't say I played XI, although it is tempting to give it a go.
Think I may actually sub for XIV to get legacy bonus too, as it could be quite epic come 2.0!

They seem to have sat down and had all these ideas of a massive crafting system, open world, new questing system but as you mentioned egg, they forgot the basic parts that link them all together...interface, combat, player interaction etc.

But its keeping me entertained for now, and its free, so im happy!
I can't say I played XI, although it is tempting to give it a go.
Think I may actually sub for XIV to get legacy bonus too, as it could be quite epic come 2.0!

They seem to have sat down and had all these ideas of a massive crafting system, open world, new questing system but as you mentioned egg, they forgot the basic parts that link them all together...interface, combat, player interaction etc.

But its keeping me entertained for now, and its free, so im happy!

Is it free for new players for the 10 days? or just returning players?

I beta tested this and it was such a huge, huge mess. Im very interested in seeing how it is now, and trying it with a controller, but im not gonna buy the game just to try it :)
Is it free for new players for the 10 days? or just returning players?

I beta tested this and it was such a huge, huge mess. Im very interested in seeing how it is now, and trying it with a controller, but im not gonna buy the game just to try it :)

Returning I believe! Got the email, but not interested at all...
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