***Official Final Fantasy XIV Thead***

Compared with most MMOs released in the past few years, it has had a relatively painless launch for most. Still needs polish, but has plenty of potential.

No player housing at the moment, but there has been several indications of something being implemented in the future. And you can get materials through gathering, mob grinding, or levequests.

Many thanks, i will get this tomorrow, since it is now rather cheap to buy :)

edit* is it still worth getting the collectors edition, will i be missing out on anything is i purchase the standard?
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I'm also interested in giving FFXIV a shot. I got a beta invite over the summer but had problems installing and updating the client so gave up and eventually forgot about it. I then started playing WoW again, which I have been playing for the past few months. Problem is, I'm bored of WoW, again. I know now isn't the most exciting time as there is a new expansion that everyone is waiting for, but even then, the new expansion is just more of the same which is fun for a while but gets boring eventually.

I'm looking for something new and a bit different and I'm looking into FFXIV again. I tried to play FFXI back in 2007 but I think I was too late to the party to properly get into the game, so it's probably worth giving FFXIV a go while it's only been out a few weeks.

Coming from WoW, I know it's gonna be pretty difficult, but is it worth giving the game a go would you say? Also, are there any OcUK linkshells? As I know of no one that plays FFXIV and apparently it's a group heavy game like FFXI.
How bad is this game? is it really that bad? I know pretty much all MMO's have bad launches, i was just wondering what this is like.

Is there any options for player housing at all? and do you have to 'grind' for materials like in LOTRO? If so i will buy this tomorrow

How bad is the game depends on your own position. At release and ever since there has been no problems getting onto the server. I could create a character on launch day and ply her and I have not had any problems logging in at any time since.

As for the quality of the game, some would have you believe it is another Big Rigs game. The game is perfectly playable and there is lots to do, you just have to search it out. I have been playing 4 hours or more every day since release and I am still cursing as I don't have time to do everything.

Currently there is no housing and although the smart money is on there being some at some point SE have not said anything either way.

I am not sure what you mean by 'grinding' for materials. Yes there are Miners, Botanists and Fishers in the game doing as the name implies. You go to a gathering node, process the gathering node and get your mats. I have not played LotR, but gathering is similar to the other MMO's I have played.
With the Disciple of the Hand classes (Miner, Botanist, Fisher) you start with an ability that tells you how far away the node is and in what direction and when you level up a rank or 2, you get an ability that if you are more than 200 away, you get a speed boost for what I think is around 30 seconds (1 minute cooldown). Makes it easier to get from node to node.

Fishing is the only one different that you don't get a message saying "this node can be harvested from 5 more times" or something along those lines. With fishing, once you find a pace you can fish from, you can stay there as long as you want (at least I've not seen one collapse yet). Another thing different with fishing is that you can use bait, some better for sea fishing, some better for river fishing which will increase your chance to "get a bite" from the fish.

I'm on the server Melmond btw (GMT Timezone)

Is it really bad, compared to the reasonable success FF11 had?

It's not too bad considering that it's only recently released. Most MMO's have problems at the start. What some people don't realise is that when FFXI came out here, it had already been out in Japan for around 4 years, so was technically around the same stage WoW would be in terms of development for them when we saw it as being new
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Many thanks, i will get this tomorrow, since it is now rather cheap to buy :)

edit* is it still worth getting the collectors edition, will i be missing out on anything is i purchase the standard?

You most likely got this now but i wouldn't bother with the collectors edition, i have the collectors edition :confused:

My daughter got on really well and was playing no problem but my son and myself, we were totally lost on it (Istory), my son has been playing wow for years, i'm not keen on wow so was really looking forward to this, i will from time to time give it another go.
Everyone getting ANOTHER 30days free, and they've released patch schedules for the next 4-5 months, doesn't look too shabby, although no mention of endgame content yet which is a slight worry
This game is a total joke. After playing **** like this it is no wonder PC gaming has gone down the tube.

Bought the product key £10 cheaper than buying the retail product. Directed to the FF XIV site to create an account and download the client. 2 hours of faffing about later and I still cannot download the client.

Source the client else where and wait 12 hours for it to download. 10 mins of installing and 137k files later it's ready to play... or so I thought. 45 mins of patching later the game finally boots up.

Go to log in with the account created earlier "account does not exist" WTF?. OK, make a new account and enter product code. Log back in, "you do not have any available character options" oh for gods sake. Log in to account just to be greeted with "an unknown error has occurred, please contact support".

Dig through their site for the support e-mail address and fire off an e-mail. Reply tells me to try again just to be met with "The service is unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time". :rolleyes:

2 days later I decide to try again when I have some spare time. Manage to log in and select character options but have to register a bloody Click and Buy account. A few minutes later and it is all set up with my character slot available. Log back in to the game and spend 20 mins creating a character since there's so many bloody options.

Start playing only to die because there's no god damn manual anywhere, never mind you live and learn. After getting dropped off at the town, I run up to the dock only to be told by a stupid NPC "all passengers must be inspected before entering the city", oh great, more waiting.

Came back today (a week after getting the code for the game) to see there is now a little Interactions notice when approaching the gate which asks me "do I want to open the gate?". Well Duh! so I click Yes and TADA! Nothing!.

Several failed attempts later and a few requests for help from other players in the area, I'm still ****ing stuck!. What useless idiots decided to infuriate their customers as soon as they buy the sodding product. What is the point of a 30 day free trial? to see if you have the will to continue on with an absolutely ****ing useless product and pay extra for the privilege of being able to do NOTHING?!

Oh and to top it off. I got to cancel my account so I don't get billed for this POS game ater the 30 day worthless trial and oh what do we have here? "The service is unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time" :mad:
Yeah because SOE is representative of the entire PC gaming franchise. No wonder PC gaming has gone down the tube... no, it's fine.
@Senture: You're complaining because you chose to use a slightly dodgy way of obtaining the game, and have never played an MMO before? FORTY FIVE minutes of patching?!?!? TALKING to NPCs?!

I accept that XIV is far from classic FF standard but none of the things you mentioned contribute to that in any way.

Oh, and if you create a character before the 19th, SE are giving an additional 30 days free (ontop of the complimentary month, and the other free month they gave on the 25th~ october) by way of an apology for the current state of the user interface and other issues. Those who bought the game at launch don't have to pay a subscription fee until christmas.
Oh, and if you create a character before the 19th, SE are giving an additional 30 days free (ontop of the complimentary month, and the other free month they gave on the 25th~ october) by way of an apology for the current state of the user interface and other issues. Those who bought the game at launch don't have to pay a subscription fee until christmas.

I'm almost tempted to pick it up today because of that. I saw that they did it last month but hadn't expected them to do another month.

I'll see though, for all i'm at a loss for good MMO's i've my reservations about this one after it's launch.
If you do decide to play, make sure you either make friends quickly, or have friends waiting on a server. I'm enjoying it only because several friends from FFXI have migrated over. We jump on Skype between 6-11pm every evening, grind out our quests and have a chat. Due to the scalable difficulty of questing, group play enhances the experience tenfold and yet, so far, the game never forces you to party (Rank 20-30).

Some interviews with the devs over the past week:



Meh maybe ill give it a miss then. Everyone i've played MMO's with over the years are either still playing ones i'm bored of or are in the same boat as me with just idling waiting for something decent. None of them are interested in the new FF though so that's that outta the window.
@Senture: You're complaining because you chose to use a slightly dodgy way of obtaining the game, and have never played an MMO before? FORTY FIVE minutes of patching?!?!? TALKING to NPCs?!

Yes I agree the way I bought the game was not the normal way, but since the client is on the FF XIV site but hidden somewhere far out of site I was very let down by this.

My post earlier was in a fit of rage over being unable to even begin my adventures to decide if I want to continue past the free trial. Indeed I have played a few MMOs before. Lineage II (1st Throne - Gracia), Legend of Mir 2 and 3 (along with developing my own server a number of years ago) Woool, WoW and Cabal.

When I posted "talking to NPCs", I didn't mean that as direct as it sounds. I should have chosen my words better but I was too infuriated by the non usage of "The six P's" to give an accurate description. What I ment was Interacting with NPCs. Normally you can double click on an NPC to bring up an interaction box to begin quests, buy items and so on. All the dip stick does is say "all passengers must be inspected before entering the city".
would you say this sums up this game ?

* Absolutely miserable interface
* Does a poor job of communicating important information
* Limited questing means you're always looking for something fun to do
* Everything about the economy stinks
* Every aspect of the game is filled with dumb obstacles.
would you say this sums up this game ?

1. Absolutely miserable interface
2. Does a poor job of communicating important information
3. Limited questing means you're always looking for something fun to do
4. Everything about the economy stinks
5. Every aspect of the game is filled with dumb obstacles.

For the most part, however

1) The Kb/M interface is being replaced entirely in the December/Early 2011 updates.

2) Read the manual? Never encountered this problem.

3) Agreed, unless you want to sit down spamming synthesis all day (not my cup of tea)

4) The market system stinks, not the economy. Pricing is [generally speaking] right in-line with what you'd expect, looking at gil rewards from quests. I'm wondering how long it will take SE to bow to pressure and just give us back the AH, rather than trying to improve this utterly worthless market ward system.

5) I assume you mean gear repairing, Anima, quest limits, etc. They're all being balanced in the coming updates. For example Anima cost is being drastically lowered, and undershirts will no longer receive damage.

But then look at the positives:

* Beautiful graphics
* Best OST in an FF since X (wb Nobuo)
* Large gameplay environment with near-seamless transitioning between areas
* Multi-class system eradicates the need for alts
* Involving crafting system

I can understand the disappointment of receiving an unfinished product, but I feel review scores would be more like 7-9/10, had the game gone on sale in the new year. Hopefully sites revise their scores once the patching is done.
I thought i would give this game a go and bought it today.

After watching the opening cinematics and going to some random campsite, I dunno what i am doing. no one is at all helpful.

Is there anyone who is on the Melmond server who would be kind enough to help me, or someone who would be kind to help me even though they may be on a different server?

My character name is Sniff Boo, level 2 Alchemist.
Subscriptions have been suspended indefinitely (ie it's free until they fix the game) and they've booted half the team involved in the game and replaced them.


Got the email this morning. I really wanted to like this game and I gave it a good go but it's just terrible. Haven't played in weeks and had already made the decision I would never pay the subscription.

I wonder what the drop off rate has been for this game? If the subscription came in this month I reckon it would be at least 90%. Even now with it being free I'm not going to touch it again for a few months, wait and see if any good reviews come in after the improvements.

My money is on the PS3 version being canned.
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