7th, with pre order beta approx 2weeks before so friday next week-ish
Ha was joking as in description it says nov "2015"
7th, with pre order beta approx 2weeks before so friday next week-ish
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SEGA have destroyed Total War series, CoH series and now FM.
Give this one a massive swerve as 14 was disgustingly ****.
As far as I know this is true. Sega act as publishers and the boss of SI, Miles Jacobsen, is still the boss and I would expect the senior staff for the FM series are the same as they were before the Sega takeover.I don't think Sega have any impact on the FM series. They own SI, but to my knowledge the top guys at FM central controlling the series are still SI ones. To my knowledge Sega just publish the game, as you would expect a publisher to do.
I do think that FM lost something when it went from 2D to 3D. There was a kind of charm perhaps that disappeared when 3D came in. I'm glad that at last we're now getting more stadium types depending on the size/location/age of the club.FM14 wasn't without it quirks, but nowhere near the point of it being unplayable. I enjoyed 14 as much as I did 13. I do think the series has lost a bit of what made it so awesome though. When the 2D top-down engine was first introduced you could identify players by their movement and what they did on the pitch, and I feel players are somehow less identifiable by style now - I feel less connected to the players during a match.