Officially or just what we saw?
Nothing on the server page, just went back on before posting and got kicked to SP with servers not contactable... will try again
Edit: ALL good now
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Officially or just what we saw?
Nothing on the server page, just went back on before posting and got kicked to SP with servers not contactable... will try again
Edit: ALL good now
You guys ready for a Heist?
On the way!
F34R - I jumped on the division as I couldn't play GTA. Was getting all sorts of errors when trying to join heists etc
Ranked up to 13-14, bought the 800K house, bought 2 weapons (carbine and the simplest sniper), 700K left. Will need to do Fleeca later as there was no one to play with tonight.
Message me on Discord if I'm not on, sometimes I play other games or do random stuff if not enough on GTA/Heists
Sure! When no one's on it's a pretty boring world I found
add me
Sorry dude, did not see you in there.
I have just spent 2 hours trying to complete Pac standard with randoms and I am done...
Why do people think it;s cool to not wear Heavy combat gear? Also when then they get killed, they bitch and moan about how it was not their fault..... getting really arsey when pointed out to them that Leeeeeroy Jenkins the Hack set up in a super car and Bikini is not a best choice of strategy? that sitting in the front of the black van when told to get out and go in the white van was in fact a prudent request as the bad guys can shoot through windows....
Might be on later