I think this update is great, but only if you choose to actively engage in PvP scenarios and not try to circumvent the systems.
Sure, inventing both money and also money into a risk it all type of situation can be daunting, but that makes the transporting of goods all that more exhilarating. I'd even go as far as to say that (sometimes) they can be more fun than the bloody heists themselves, 'cause you know there's another human player on the other end just trying to screw you over and ruin your day
It can be nerve wracking dodging rockets from jets pulling off strafing runs, pulling over to shoot them down, hopping back in to make a swift getaway, all while avoiding the cop and deranged traffic at the same time
I think it's kinda a shame that everyone is so focused on making money that they'd rather tune themselves out of the broader experience, than actually to partake in the "fun". The amount of post I've seen "complaining" that they can't do CEO mission in private sessions. Like what's the point, then you're just driving back and forth without any interaction or interesting intervention from other players. The economy surrounding this game (how everything is so overpriced relative to their Shard Card values, micro transactions, having to pay to use the "fun" stuff, etc.) kinda makes the overall experience a whole lot less enjoyable. But it's obvious that R* is trying to (and has) made a killing off this system so far, so it's obviously working well for them at least.
... and don't even get me starting on blowing up other player's goods yourself. Feel like such a **** doing so, but...