***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Folks, sorry if this has been asked a million times.
I play GTA5 single player back in the day and finished it.
Then I started the online aspect but never got into it.
Now I want to get into it :)

So what should I do first thing I hit Los Santos online? What are the typical go to things I do to do?

Also I keep getting messages to buy a penthouse suite, how the hell do I do this and what do I get from it?
Folks, sorry if this has been asked a million times.
I play GTA5 single player back in the day and finished it.
Then I started the online aspect but never got into it.
Now I want to get into it :)

So what should I do first thing I hit Los Santos online? What are the typical go to things I do to do?

Also I keep getting messages to buy a penthouse suite, how the hell do I do this and what do I get from it?

I've not long started, tbh its a bit overwhelming. Will you be starting from scratch? I'm level 36 now I think.

I started by watching a few guides on youtube which were helpful.

The penthouse suite is at the casino I wouldn't bother with that just yet. I'd first buy an apartment with a 10 car garage somewhere you like. I went for the centre of the map so it's easier to get to most places. Alta Street I think next to the tram stop.
I would do import/export missions until you have enough for a bunker. Running shipments if you can afk stock resupplying will net you a few million a week if you play often.
Hmm I think I have an apartment because each time I start the game I respawn in a garage under the apartment, I guess I must have one then?

What are the import/export missions Ayahuasca?
And whats the bunker for?

I currently have around 1.5m cash... what can I do with this to get the ball rolling?
Money makes money etc.
Hmm I think I have an apartment because each time I start the game I respawn in a garage under the apartment, I guess I must have one then?

What are the import/export missions Ayahuasca?
And whats the bunker for?

I currently have around 1.5m cash... what can I do with this to get the ball rolling?
Money makes money etc.

first advice i'd give is try and wait to buy most things when they're on offer, every Thursday around 10am the game has a weekly update where some propertys and business's can be discounted by upto 50%
(with that said though, you do need to get some type of business up and running pretty soon)

the past week the major discount was on Yachts which are of no use to you atm as even with the discount they start at around $4 million :o
so wait until tomorrow (Thursday) and see whats on offer

you can find details of what's discounted in the weekly updates here.. https://www.ign.com/wikis/gta-5/GTA_Online_Weekly_Updates
or you can search 'GTA weekly update' on youtube, which is probably best as youtubers fall over themselfs trying to be the first one to post the weekly discounts,
also some activitys will pay double or tripple cash and RP, this also changes every Thursday with the weekly update, so check that so you know where to spend your time grinding for money.

the 3 main business's you want to try and get first are a Bunker, a Vehicle Warehouse (vehicle cargo), and an crate Warehouse (special cargo)
(You will need to buy a CEO office before you can buy a vehicle or crate warehouse though)
get them in locations around the middle/top of the city, stay away from locations at the top of the map,
i'd start with a bunker, either the farmhouse or chumash location and buy the staff and equipment upgrades as soon as you can, no need for security upgrade to start with,
and set it to use your supplies to gain 'stock', setting it to 'reserch' is a waste of time to begin with,
the bunker is a passive business, you set your staff to make guns with the supplies you either buy or steal, then you sell them once they're done.

Also don't waste money by buying cars or clothes! and make sure you spin the lucky wheel in the Casino every day as that can earn you free cars/clothes/money and RP
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@Cavallino weekly update has just gone live.. CEO offices are on 40% discount, so if you don't already own one grab the Maze Bank West for $1,000,000 $600k
this will allow you to buy warehouse's to source vehicles and crates cargo, don't bother buying any upgrades for it yet though as they are mainly cosmetic

also VIP missions are double money, so do "Head Hunter" as much as you can, that's the easiest one and you'l get $41k each time,
it's best to do it in a solo public lobby, instructions on doing that here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tlhhb-R0fU
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Online will be back to poop soon as Kiddion's mod menu is due to go live after the summer update. It's bad enough at the minute with paid menu users :(
Online will be back to poop soon as Kiddion's mod menu is due to go live after the summer update. It's bad enough at the minute with paid menu users :(

i spend most of my time in a solo public lobby due to modders/griefers and do a lot of "afk'ing" between sell missions,
but the day will come soon that i'l get bored of that as i own everything worth having and have around $55m in the bank.. there's no real point grinding just for the sake of it :p
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