***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Played GTA V at launch and never really got into the online side. Have it on PC / Xbox One , Is it too late to start the online side now? Will I get insta-owned?
Played GTA V at launch and never really got into the online side. Have it on PC / Xbox One , Is it too late to start the online side now? Will I get insta-owned?

Online is toxic, not sure if would be worth the effort these days. So many script kiddies ruining every session.
Played GTA V at launch and never really got into the online side. Have it on PC / Xbox One , Is it too late to start the online side now? Will I get insta-owned?

If you can find a few people to play with then it is worth it. However as said, running around in free roam is pretty much pointless as mod menus are everywhere and a lot of the player base is toxic. You can create an open solo lobby quite easily using resource monitor to do a lot of the grinding by yourself or with a few mates.
What makes it worth it is the Heists but doing them with randoms is pretty much impossible now.
So hackers are rife? Not heard the term mod-menu but assume it's the same? Think i'll pass then till rockstar decide this one is dead and release the next (if they ever do, feels like they're going to milk this forever)
So hackers are rife? Not heard the term mod-menu but assume it's the same? Think i'll pass then till rockstar decide this one is dead and release the next (if they ever do, feels like they're going to milk this forever)

Yeah people use mod-menus, both paid for and free to totally mess up free roam.
As for when GTA6 will release.... That is a running joke.

An enhanced GTAV is a release title for the PS5 ;) Also there is a massive DLC going to drop before Christmas, new "heist" at a different location. So yeah they are milking every last drop of that sweet sweet shark card money and I am sure there are people who will quad dip. However, looks like GTAO will be going freemium at some point...:rolleyes:
So there is new building work at the Casino and Mr Conners has text to say sorry about the ongoing work.

If that is anything like the original Casino work props, then it will be three weeks or so for the new DLC to drop.

However, there will be A LOT of very angry players if the "new location" for the "biggest ever update" takes place in the Casino.

We also have a community goal for the whole community.

Earn $100 Billion in heist money over the week to get a free Vehicle...

Linky link link

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It's happening :o 15th December...


Well that is just about as good as I had hoped it would be.... Solo will be awesome, plus a new space to mess about in. Plus a SUB!!

I am thinking this is the separate lobby idea they have been rumoured to have been trying to sort out for the past few years or so.

Very excited now. I have a 130 million or so I think I should be OK to buy a fricking SUB lol
Well that is just about as good as I had hoped it would be.... Solo will be awesome, plus a new space to mess about in. Plus a SUB!!

I am thinking this is the separate lobby idea they have been rumoured to have been trying to sort out for the past few years or so.

Very excited now. I have a 130 million or so I think I should be OK to buy a fricking SUB lol
I’m struggling to pull together 1.2m for the terrorbyte :(
Was reading through a post about this over on reddit and saw a few mentions of private sessions being blocked by rockstar... It's over a year since I've played and I used to setup a private session when I just wanted to kill some time without being killed every 5 seconds ...

Are they still a thing ? Any downsides to using them? Main benefit I see is you don't have to face the ones using mod-menus...
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