***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

The Dev in question supposedly received a call from 'IT' asking if he's received a Slack 2FA notification. They said yes and granted the change on the instruction of 'IT'. If that person isn't sacked by Tuesday evening I'd be very surprised.

Yeah, sadly in these cases it's almost always user error these days.
And yet we’ve got clips from the leak of the game running on the PlayStation 4.
The PS5 came out November 2020, these videos were from 2019-2020 so I would assume they were being developed using current tech at the time. I will take a educated guess it was in development way before the dates on these videos.

I’m missing a step here. What about it running in the ps4?

Also I haven’t seen all the leaked footage how did you identify it was a ps4
On the UI in some videos I think it was pointed out that the dev was working on the PS4.

What makes me laugh is all the 'kids' shall I say, commenting on these leaks saying it looks crap, low res textures etc. Clearly no knowledges of how games are made. I am no developer, never coded in my life, but I sure as hell know, when testing things out, there is no need to have everything maxed out. Same with, "there're using the same cars, scenery models etc from GTA5, yeah well, there are place holders. Zero logic or common sense in some people.
The thread on the GTA forums is now closed but I did see a picture of a list of cities in the game (supposedly), it looks like most are in VC (Florida) and there is Canada, Mexico and another country iirc, each with numerous cities, town locations.
What makes me laugh is all the 'kids' shall I say, commenting on these leaks saying it looks crap, low res textures etc. Clearly no knowledges of how games are made. I am no developer, never coded in my life, but I sure as hell know, when testing things out, there is no need to have everything maxed out. Same with, "there're using the same cars, scenery models etc from GTA5, yeah well, there are place holders. Zero logic or common sense in some people.
It would be nice for devs to post videos like this talking about the development process but like you said, some people just don't understand or don't want to understand what it means for something to be in development

Videos are here if anyone wants to see them

The PS5 came out November 2020, these videos were from 2019-2020 so I would assume they were being developed using current tech at the time. I will take a educated guess it was in development way before the dates on these videos.

The most recent clips were from early 2021 all of this information is shown in the various mega threads.

To the other poster the videos are shown running on various hardware with the 3080 being the latest spec shown. I wouldn’t be judging whether things will/won’t run at this point in time. The same goes for how it looks in the current state :cry:
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Like this video, from what I can see the dev is testing out how the cover system works and how the game characters interacts with cover of different height when shooting.

I think rockstar needs to own it and just come out with some commentary for each clip. The hype would be insane. Which actually might be a bad thing; we all seen CP2077.

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It's probably to early to make a GTA6 thread but I shall post this question here.
Clearly we have plenty of evidence now to work out where it is set and what new mechanics they have been working on, even the size of the map. Co-ords have been plotted from these videos and overlaid with the GTA5 map. Looks like it will be 3 times the size.

Anyway, what sort of story and locations would you like in GTA6. It looks like a drug themed story and going by the 'official' leaked map a while back, it my contain all the cities from previous games (bar London) plus, Mexico, Columbia, and North Yukanton (or what ever its called). I really do hope it is all of those.
If they release for PS4 and XBone they're seriously limiting their scope for this game. If they have any sense they'll release on XBSS/X and PS5 first. This game will be a system seller. Then release on PS4 and Xbone after that. A PC release simultaneously with PS5 and XBSX would also be nice but that's not the Rock star way.
From R*

Missing from the release:

’Both our and Take Two’s very expensive, very litigious and now very angry legal teams are currently investigating and cyber crime law enforcement, both in the UK and abroad have also been notified. Whoever did this should be very, very afraid. You can run, but you cannot hide. WE WILL FIND YOU.’
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Be interesting to see if anyone gets reprimanded for this

Apparently someone has been named with previous arrests. A 16 year old boy from the UK that has done this to other leading games companies.

Will have to wait and see if it’s really this person.
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