***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Looks like Rockstar have activated Halloween weather....


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Did you go for any visual mods in the end? I went through a lot of effort to get Visual V working in gta online but was so worth


Yes mate.
I followed a guide on YouTube to install Visual V.I'm so glad I did it was quite complicated. Did you use a guide?

Do you play much online on the game ? :)
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Yes mate.
I followed a guide on YouTube to install Visual V.I'm so glad I did it was quite complicated. Did you use a guide?

Do you play much online on the game ? :)

I did yeah, I copy the files over manually rather than use the oiv installer but thats just personal pref.

& tbh I only ever play online, single player is good and all but find the variety online to be much better. I just make sure to roll around in Imani vehicles to avoid being swatted by an oppressor lol
Never did really play the single player of GTA V.

I'm wondering, Should i play GTA V on PS5 (With the £10 enhanced upgrade) on a 4K Tele @ 6Ohz Refresh


Play it on PC (Rig in sig) at 1440p on 120hz Monitor.
I'm not saying you can't get them working there's plenty of guides for that, but I've always been under the impression that rockstars detection being pretty good would get you banned.
They removed most of the anti-cheat in a patch update a week ago.
I guess they are waiting to put something else in when the next update drops. TBH online is such a **** show that nobody will notice TBH.
Even closed sessions are not safe. I was streaming on twitch and got pulled out of the sessions and my game crashed............ in an invite-only session.
Never did really play the single player of GTA V.

I'm wondering, Should i play GTA V on PS5 (With the £10 enhanced upgrade) on a 4K Tele @ 6Ohz Refresh


Play it on PC (Rig in sig) at 1440p on 120hz Monitor.
Defo PC, you're nowhere near graphics on consoles
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