***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

First impressions: game looks insane with upscaling and grass no longer tanks frames which is a massive win

The difference is very noticeable and that's without using the latest DLSS model on my end.

Everything maxed except the post processing stuff at 3440x1440 with DLAA and I'm averaging 100-120fps, looks like this version may be hard capped at 120.
Mine won't even launch into story mode, it just crashes back to desktop. :(

Never mind got it working now, just ran file integrity check and seems to have fixed it.
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Crazy how much of a difference RT makes to games visuals, loving the RT GI especially :cool:

Unfortunately looks like the game is hard capped to 120 fps so won't be getting the most from the 240hz on aw32, however, I may try smooth motion to see if this overcomes that....

Shame they didn't add native HDR support with this, suppose got RTX HDR which will do just as good of a job anyway!

Yet another game where DLSS looks leagues ahead of the supposedly good/best AA i.e. MSAA :cry: :cry: :cry: Was always my painpoint with gta 5, jaggy galore no matter what aa you used, FXAA helped but then the whole image became blurry.

i didn't know you got a 5080FE. There's still only been 1 drop right??

Not sure how many drops there has been. I got mine easily enough on launch day (at least was no harder than getting a 3080 fe in my experience).
At the start im getting between set fps of 74 i think but can drop to about 60s, but hardly noticable. Thats at the start stuff up till the 2 cars bit and the garage. With 1440p and rt on high on a 6700xt.
No built in HDR. Doesn't even have AutoHDR which legacy version did. Devs are on crack these days, pathetic.

Can't even get RTX HDR to work. WTF?
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Nah Preset K on the newest, its in the bottom left corner but can barely see because of the forced chromatic aberration by the game

How did you get it working? I've manually added the latest DLSS dll but when the game loads it removes it and puts v3.7.10.0 back in! I'm using the Rockstar Games launcher version by the way. I'm guessing it's that.

Nvidia app not working with it either.
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I'm forcing via the drivers by overriding in NVIDIA inspector which means not having to mess with any game files

Yeah, tried that as well, not working. Still showing preset E bottom left (using the regedit tweak)

Just thought as this is a 'new' game essentially do you need to add a new game exe to Nvidia Inspector?
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Thats weird. I forced Preset K via the global profile so wouldn't think you need to add a profile for the game.

I did however add a profile for the game to enable 2x Sparse Grid Transparency Supersampling because I'm a bit of a graphics whore so who knows?
Game looks gorgeous and is surprisingly well optimised. 4k 120fps dlss balanced max settings and ray tracing is 60-70% usage on a 4090. This is all real frames too, as there's no framegen option. It doesnt need it. So even 3060 or 4060 users playing at 1080/1440p can enjoy everything too. Good job rockstar
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@breathe3asy Ahh, if you do it globally then aye that will do it. I just made a new Nvidia Inspector profile for the game and forced the presets and added RTX HDR flags as well. What a pain in the arse.

If anyone's interested this is the profile code....

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ProfileName>Grand Theft Auto V ENHANCED</ProfileName>
<SettingNameInfo />
<SettingNameInfo>Enable TrueHDR Feature</SettingNameInfo>
<SettingNameInfo>Override DLSS-SR presets</SettingNameInfo>
<SettingNameInfo>Enable DLSS-SR override</SettingNameInfo>

Also, I completely agree with this guy. I had to uninstall Rockstar Launcher and reinstall it on the drive I wanted the game to be on, otherwise it crashed and errored....

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Nah Preset K on the newest, its in the bottom left corner but can barely see because of the forced chromatic aberration by the game
Ive found it quite hard on my 3080 so impressed you're getting such good fps! I might go back to this after ghost of tsushima
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