Any way to get this enhanced edition to show up in the nVidia app or will nVidia need to update it?
Well downloaded and installed via epic. But can't flippin play it. When I launch it in Epic it then opens Rockstar Games Launcher and I get an error saying that my roclstar account doesnt own GTA Enhanced
Of course i own it, have raised a ticket with Rockstar, let's see if they can fix it. Raging.
Have you raised a ticket with epic or roclstar?I get the same error, so frustrating
Have you raised a ticket with epic or roclstar?
I did raise one on the rockstar games website. Under game activation. I'll update once I've heard back.I Would if I could work out how. Not used epic for a few years and the Rockstar launcher is an abomination.
I did raise one on the rockstar games website. Under game activation. I'll update once I've heard back.
where am i looking?4K DLAA is a sustained 100fps with max RT and everything. Cannot manually change the DLL as it's Rockstar Launcher and can't manually add it for NVApp override as it doesn't detect support for manual override. BUT! you can use my previously mentioned DLSS override method via profile inspector to inject the latest DLSS dll into any game, and that works nicely here, see bottom left:
This also means you get Preset K.
Update ships with DLSS 3.7 otherwise.
Still looks amazing though.
NOTE: DLSS Quality or below has a GI bug which causes light leakabe in areas where there should be AO, only DLAA fixes it from initial testing inside office areas. More testing needed.
Example, DLSS quality:
Notice the GPU power draw, over 200 Watts less power going from DLAA to DLSS Quality lol. A game restart might fix the light leakage after enabling DLSS Q, will try that now.
where am i looking?
This is the way......IMGsli of DLAA vs DLSS Quality. there is zero reason to use native res in this, DLSS just looks the same and offers more fps, lower power draw, less heat, silent GPU...
I'll fire it up shortly and try.Working now