I'm not saying the stock cooler is the best cooler in the world, I'm just saying that in terms of actual performance difference, it doesn't make £50 worth of difference... yes they look nicer and yes arguably the windforce can OC higher and the KFA to a lesser degree unless you get really lucky and/or you ramp the fans up to annoyingly high levels
but, if you are going to SLI anyway, then the extra 1-5% performance for an extra 15-20% cost is not, IN MY OPINION, worth it, just like for some people they want the absolute best they will argue themselves all the way up to a full custom 680 purely for epeen value when a pair of reference 670's is nearly the same price but clearly much faster, even I got caught up in the hysteria and ordered a HOF edition 680 and then realised that it's just silly to pay all that extra money for very little real gain in performance
or if you've already argued yourself up to £370 for a 670 then why not just get a 680 that will again OC to above any 670 top OC
resorting to insults just because someone doesn't happen to agree with you is just very childish really
if I was really worried about temps I would just get a pair of GPU waterblocks for £15-20 a pop and call it a job done
the full length PCB and 6+8pin power connectors (except in a couple of rare freak occasions) doesn't seem to be making a massive difference, just like the aftermarket coolers and extra pins don't seem to be making much more than 50-100mhz difference on the 680's either (e.g. a very small % FPS gain for a very large % additional cost)