Official Home Gym Building Thread

Great point, missed that in the small print. Thinking the Mirafit M3 is the best option that's available(unless you know any better). Is it worth getting the extension, as I'd only be using it for weight storage?
I had in mind that I would like a cable crossover machine and a lat pulldown machine, not sure what is on the market, whether you can get two in one, a rack attachment is the way to go, or a wall fixed. What do you all use for cables/lat pulldowns?
If you're on facebook go join 'Home Gym U.K Community'. Lots of chat about gear on there, heads up of stock appearing, few owners/MDs of gym companies too such as musclesquad and primal strength (Steve Rinaldi), mirafit reps and others.

Someone posted a month back about a new ATX item that matches your crossover and lat pulldown:

Prices have gone up again for a number of places since the new year, especially cable machines I've been keeping an eye on.

I really like looks very similar to the Rogue CT-1 but doesn't have a footplate.
Thanks Rufus for the tip, may rush to get it while its in stock.

Cheers Matt, the ATX crossover is interesting, haven't seen a dual pulley system off a single weight stack before, definitely everything I'm looking for. Requested for the FB groups. Really nice single pulley, but I'd make the money saving compromise of getting a plate loaded £200-300 rack pulldown/low row add on, maybe use the savings to get a better FID bench or barbell. My only issue with the add ons is that for lat pulldowns they don't usually come with a leg brace.

Prices are crazy, and the real pain is that quality second hand equipment is selling for almost new prices, difficult to find a bargain anywhere. Was hoping to buy Ironmaster adjustable dumbells, but even a pair with a broken handle and rusted are selling for 85% of retail price (not in stock atm though).
If you're on facebook go join 'Home Gym U.K Community'. Lots of chat about gear on there, heads up of stock appearing, few owners/MDs of gym companies too such as musclesquad and primal strength (Steve Rinaldi), mirafit reps and others.

Someone posted a month back about a new ATX item that matches your crossover and lat pulldown:

Prices have gone up again for a number of places since the new year, especially cable machines I've been keeping an eye on.

I really like looks very similar to the Rogue CT-1 but doesn't have a footplate.

That corner system is interesting, would you need to properly attach it to the floor?
That corner system is interesting, would you need to properly attach it to the floor?
I'm not sure, perhaps the weight stack is far enough back to prevent it coming over? I did wonder the same thing about their single column one I linked earlier as the Rogue tower says to bolt down but ATX appears to be free standing.
If I had the space I'd pre-order the ATX crossover station. Looks good.
I'd like to get a proper look at the pulley system - I can't work out how the crossover can be 1:1 while still allowing vertical adjustment.
This is something I've thought about adding to my rack, although a fixed height for the handles and the cable attaching to the low row of my stack. Getting attachments/brackets for the pulleys made would be an issue for a clean result.
If I had the space I'd pre-order the ATX crossover station. Looks good.
I'd like to get a proper look at the pulley system - I can't work out how the crossover can be 1:1 while still allowing vertical adjustment.
This is something I've thought about adding to my rack, although a fixed height for the handles and the cable attaching to the low row of my stack. Getting attachments/brackets for the pulleys made would be an issue for a clean result.

Have you seen the new Mirafit M3 attachments for adding pulleys to a rack? From memory I think you have the M2 or M200 so it probably wouldn't fit directly but you might be able to modify a plate to make it fit easier than building brackets from scratch? This one here:

They also now have this cable station which I really like the look of, may snag it if it comes in stock:
Cables are great. There isn’t a huge amount of additional movements you get with a crossover vs a single cable tower. The only thing I have trouble with is lat pull downs as I have no way to anchor myself in. I’m hoping the bulldog gear bench leg hook may give me some way to keep myself seated.
Have you seen the new Mirafit M3 attachments for adding pulleys to a rack? From memory I think you have the M2 or M200 so it probably wouldn't fit directly but you might be able to modify a plate to make it fit easier than building brackets from scratch? This one here:

They also now have this cable station which I really like the look of, may snag it if it comes in stock:
I've got a weight stack lat pulldown/low row attached to my rack so was looking at doing a slightly more polished version of the setup in this thread.
Add a couple of fixed pulleys to tidy up the cable path. Have high and low fixed handle positions with extensions between them for versatility.
Everything has arrived except the squat rack that seems to be in the delivery depot. Need a few days rest anyway (haven't missed any days since last July, so I think I've earned it) , so will disassemble my current setup in preparation. Excited!
This is what mine looks like at the moment... Well right now it's under about 6" of snow but this is yesterday :)

Bit of a random post - but I saw that origin fitness has dropped the price on a couple of their not crazy heavy rubber dumbbells (37.5's and 40's) that I guess they are trying to get rid of - see origin-rd2-rubber-dumbbell on their website.

Price is now more reasonable at ~£2/kg than elsewhere online (£165 for a pair of 40's delivered). Last week the same ones were more like £3/kg (not that I have been obsessively checking or anything).

Suitable jealousy at people on this thread who dont live in small flats! My dining table had to make way for the home gym (thankfully that was my girlfriends idea :D )
Yeah so I got excited by their cheap urathane ones about a fortnight ago; and bought a pair of 46's for a similar price.

Problem being I'm a good few months from being able to bench them :rolleyes::D
Good for rows and skull crushers though.

Been searching since for a pair to go between my mirafit 32.5s and the 46's that weren't extortionate
Sorry to bring it back to the corner station, I'm new to this and trying to wrap my head around the stack ratios. It says a weight stack of 100kg, but single pulleys have 2:1 ratio, does that mean the max weight on a single pulley is 50kg? From my gym notes I have a higher weight down for a few single pulley exercises (pulldowns etc.) but I'm now not sure if they have different ratios..? Do you reckon a weight pin would be needed?
Yes if using one of the crossover pulleys alone it would only be 50kg max.
It's kind of confusing the way they say it but I assume it's the way the pulleys are routed so each side is actually 2:1 but only raises the weight half height so when using both together you actually lift 100kgs, 50kg each side.
If you need heavier use the lat pulldown.
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