Why did you get rid of it?
I went back to a commercial gym for a few years. I’m now in a home gym again and wanted something more compact so I have a bulldog gear squat rack.
Why did you get rid of it?
Posted a few months ago about my desire to get some equipment for home use (first floor flat).
I've been training for the last three+ months properly and am starting to see some decent gains but I'm starting to get close to using up my 20KG of total weight with my dumbbells (what can I say, I'm a weakling).
I've got a bench already, how easy would it be to get a barbell and some kind of rack, how big are these things?
1" barbell and basic rack can be nice and compact. 2" olympic bar is not normally referred to as compact. There is kit for all requirements nowadays.
In other news, my smelly stable mats have now been washed thoroughly with "Green Gloop". I will know once they dry out whether the smell has gone or not. If it has, they're filling out the rest of the garage floor. If it hasn't, they're getting sold on!
Any recommendations?
Any recommendations?
It's tough, there's always a tradeoff. With a fixed set there's the space and cost consideration, and with any Flexbell replica there's the durability doubts. Plus both have quite large jumps in weight.
I've been looking at the Bowflex 1090 replicas which are around £300-400 a pair, which I like because of the small weight graduations (around 2kg per dumbbell up to 40kg) but they are absolutely MASSIVE. No idea how much that would bother me
In other news, my smelly stable mats have now been washed thoroughly with "Green Gloop". I will know once they dry out whether the smell has gone or not. If it has, they're filling out the rest of the garage floor. If it hasn't, they're getting sold on!
Was your mats brand new or had they been literally used by a horse before, hence the smell?
First batch were bought from someone who bought new and only used for gym. They were fine after a quick clean.
Second batch were bought from someone who bought from a stables. By the looks, these have been used for a good while in stables.
That’s Ok then as I was looking at getting some horse box mats, but I’ll be buying them brand new.
Bought a pair of origin dumbbells last year 26kg each.
I need more weight.
Started doing some DB incline bench and shoulder press recently. The titty pump just feels so good on incline DB compared to incline BB.
The quality of the origin set was top notch, they were the pro set and now they only do 44kg+. I need something around the 30 mark.
Went for the 32kg Flexbell replicas, I'm happy with them so far
They feel more solid and beefy than I expected and the stand is rock solid. The black bits at the end of the silver rails being plastic is not ideal, but all the plastic feels very sturdy
Now you have had these a little while how are you finding them?
I’m tempted to get a pair myself, just wondering on the durability of these if you drop them.
Finally got my leg press, managed to squeeze it in to the garage.....